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Last active September 25, 2019 00:40
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sealed trait Decidable[+Proof]
final case class Yes[Proof](proof: Proof) extends Decidable[Proof]
final case object No extends Decidable[Nothing]
sealed trait List[+A] {
def nonEmpty: Decidable[this.type <:< ::[A]]
def ::[AA >: A](value: AA): ::[AA] = new ::[AA](value, this)
final case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
def nonEmpty: Decidable[this.type <:< ::[Nothing]] = No
final case class ::[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A] {
def nonEmpty: Decidable[this.type <:< ::[A]] = Yes(implicitly)
// Ideally this should be implemented as syntactic sugar in the compiler.
// You can just match on the Decidable instance yourself but it won't be
// as pretty.
case class ifʹ[P, A](dec: Decidable[P])(f: P => A) {
def elseʹ(e: => A): A = dec match {
case Yes(prf) => f(prf)
case No => e
def test[A](l: List[A]): Unit = {
ifʹ (l.nonEmpty) { implicit proof =>
// Now that we have a proof that `l` is non-empty in the scope, we
// can call `l.head` safely as many times as we want.
} elseʹ {
// l.head WON'T compile here, you need a proof object to call it
test(1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil) // 1
test(Nil) // empty!
// It would be ideal if the compiler could rewrite:
// ```scala
// if (expr: Decidable[P]) { A } else { B }
// ```
// into
// ```scala
// expr match {
// case Yes($p1) =>
// implicit val $p2 = $p1
// { A }
// case No =>
// { B }
// }
// ```
// P.S. This little guy ʹ is called MODIFIER LETTER PRIME and
// it is allowed in Java/Scala identifiers since it's technically
// a letter.
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