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Last active March 16, 2021 08:57
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WordPress MultiSite and Genesis: Display a Network-Wide Menu Raw
* This code adds a network-wide menu in Genesis Header Right.
* It can be altered to be in any location your heart desires.
* For this code to work, your main site and all sub-sites need to meet the following conditions:
* 1) Register a menu with the same name on all themes used in network
* 2) Create a menu via the Appearance menu on main site and sub-sites and assign it to the same location
* 3) Leave the menu created in condition 2 blank on all sub-sites
* STEP 1
* Place this code in your themes' functions.php file
// Unregister header-right widget area because we're going to replace it with our own
unregister_sidebar( 'header-right' );
* STEP 2
* Place this code in your themes' functions.php file or a network-activated plugin.
* It could also be in an mu-plugin only if all themes on the network are Genesis
// Create desired theme menus
add_theme_support( 'genesis-menus', array(
// adds a header menu, but you can name it what you want
// this is the one I'm using as the network-wide menu
// as long as this has the same name on all the themes, it satisfies condition 1
'header' => __( 'Header Navigation Menu', 'tcd' ),
// the default Genesis menus
'primary' => __( 'Primary Navigation Menu', 'tcd' ),
'secondary' => __( 'Secondary Navigation Menu', 'tcd' ),
) );
// Only use this if your new menu isn't named 'header' (Genesis already does this for 'header')
// This adds the default genesis attributes to your menu (itemscope and itemtype)
// See genesis/lib/functions/markup.php, ~ line 420
add_filter( 'genesis_attr_nav-footer', 'genesis_attributes_nav' );
// Place the header menu in the header-right widget area
add_action( 'genesis_header_right', 'tcd_add_header_menu' );
function tcd_add_header_menu() {
// do nothing if menu not supported
if ( !genesis_nav_menu_supported( 'header' ) )
// assign an extra class if using superfish
$class = 'menu genesis-nav-menu menu-header';
if ( genesis_superfish_enabled() ) {
$class .= ' js-superfish';
// define the genesis_nav_menu parameters, including where to display it
$args = array( 'theme_location' => 'header', 'menu_class' => $class );
// display main site's header menu on sub-sites
if ( !is_main_site() ) {
// switch to main site
// display header menu from main site
genesis_nav_menu( $args );
// go back to displaying sub-site content
// display main site header menu
genesis_nav_menu( $args );
// Remove the header menu option from sub-sites if not a super admin
add_action( 'admin_init', 'tcd_nav_menu_init' );
function tcd_nav_menu_init() {
if ( !is_main_site() && !is_super_admin() )
unregister_nav_menu( 'header' );
* This code gives your new menu Accessibility data, place it in the same file as you do the code in STEP 2
* Modified from:
// Modify the array Genesis provides by adding ID and Aria-label
// Genesis already adds itemscope & itemtype for menus called primary, secondary, header
// For more info, see the genesis/lib/functions/markup.php file, ~ line 407
add_filter( 'genesis_attr_nav-header', 'tcd_modify_header_nav_attributes' );
function tcd_modify_header_nav_attributes( $attributes ) {
// need this so skip link has a place to go
$attributes['id'] = 'genesis-nav-header';
// labels the navigation for screen readers
$attributes['aria-label'] = __( 'Header Navigation', 'tcd' );
return $attributes;
// Add support for accessibility functions
add_theme_support( 'genesis-accessibility', array( '404-page', 'drop-down-menu', 'headings', 'rems', 'search-form', 'skip-links' ) );
// Modify the skip links to include the header navigation
add_filter( 'genesis_skip_links_output', 'tcd_modify_skip_links' );
function tcd_modify_skip_links( $links ) {
// Assign old array to a new one and indicate where new data will be in the array
$add_links = $links;
array_splice( $add_links, 0 ); // change the 0 to 1 for 2nd position, etc.
// check to see if the theme supports and has a header menu
if ( genesis_nav_menu_supported( 'header' ) && has_nav_menu( 'header' ) ) {
// add the skip link ID and descriptive text to the array
$add_links['genesis-nav-header'] = __( 'Skip to header navigation', 'tcd' );
// check to see if the theme supports and has a primary menu
// only need to use this if array_splice position set to 0
if ( genesis_nav_menu_supported( 'primary' ) && has_nav_menu( 'primary' ) ) {
// the skip link ID and descriptive text to the array
$add_links['genesis-nav-primary'] = __( 'Skip to primary navigation', 'genesis' );
// return the modified skip link array
return array_merge( $add_links, $links );
* Adds the new menu to the responsive menu
* Place in same location as the code from STEP 2
* Note: this uses the responsive menu script from the Genesis Sample Theme 2.3.0
* This function is enqueued into your scripts (see Genesis Sample Theme)
// Define responsive menu settings.
function tcd_responsive_menu_settings() {
$settings = array(
'mainMenu' => __( 'Menu', 'tcd' ),
'menuIconClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-menu',
'subMenu' => __( 'Submenu', 'tcd' ),
'subMenuIconsClass' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2',
'menuClasses' => array(
'combine' => array(
// responsive menu visual order
// skip links will only go to first one, since all menus merge into one
'others' => array(),
return $settings;
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