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Adrian van Dongen sirhopcount

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sirhopcount / flake.nix
Created October 25, 2023 18:25 — forked from voidus/flake.nix
Build a cloudinit image in nixos
description = "A nixos cloudinit base image without nixos-infect";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
system = "x86_64-linux";
sirhopcount /
Created February 2, 2023 08:05 — forked from jtyr/
How to use kickstart in VirtualBox

How to use kickstart in VirtualBox

This short howto describes how to install VMs via kickstart in VirtualBox. It's using PXE functionality built into the NAT network mode of the VirtualBox. The following instructions apply to CentOS installation but it should work for any RedHat-based distro.

Prepare directory structure

sirhopcount /
Created January 19, 2023 13:04 — forked from jacobweinstock/
Tinkerbell machine provisioning demo

Walk through demo

Demo of installing Ubuntu 22.04 on an HP EliteDesk.

Install the Tinkerbell stack

  1. Satisfy Stack installation prerequisites.
    • k3d cluster create --network host --no-lb --k3s-arg "--disable=traefik,servicelb" --k3s-arg "--kube-apiserver-arg=feature-gates=MixedProtocolLBService=true" --host-pid-mode
    • Command pulled from the sandbox repo.
  2. Clone the Tinkerbell chart repo.

Custom data pack structures in 1.18.2

This guide will showcase how to create a data pack that adds a custom structure to the world. There is also a data pack download of this complete example.

Always leave the world and rejoin to apply the new changes!

⚠️ This guide has moved ⚠️

Updates for both 1.18.2 and 1.19 can be found at


sirhopcount /
Created July 28, 2022 10:54 — forked from GentlemanRevvnar/
Simple guide for using jigsaws in custom structures in 1.18.2

Custom data pack structures with jigsaws in 1.18.2

(Last updated: 1.18.2)

This is technically a shameless rip/edit of misode's guide that shows the traditional use of newly implemented custom structure system. I myself want to tackle the jigsaw aspect a bit, hence i'm making my own guice based on his. I will show how to create a data pack that adds custom structures to the world that also utilize jigsaw blocks. So treat this as a basic jigsaw guide in world generation. There is also a data pack download of this first example.

Always leave the world and rejoin to apply the new changes! Because traditional /reload or /datapack disable & enable do not refresh changes in worldgen files!

EXAMPLE 1 - Creating a structure that uses jigsaws

Let's make a simple house with a basement and a road that will lead away from the h

# Source:
# How To Create, Provision, And Operate Kubernetes With Cluster API #
# #
# Referenced videos:
# - Should We Replace Docker Desktop With Rancher Desktop?:
# File:
# Created: 2019/10/17
# Creator: ilap
# This script downloads and configures the required files
# for monitoring a Shelley node by using grafana/prometheus.
sirhopcount /
Created January 7, 2019 11:27 — forked from bsara/
Setup SSH Authentication for Git Bash on Windows

Setup SSH Authentication for Git Bash on Windows


  1. Create a folder at the root of your user home folder (Example: C:/Users/uname/) called .ssh.
  2. Create the following files if they do not already exist (paths begin from the root of your user home folder):
  • .ssh/config
sirhopcount / aws_hosts_completion
Created December 6, 2018 13:43 — forked from lecoueyl/aws_hosts_completion
AWS ec2 instances hostname ssh completion
# Autocomplete a ssh command with AWS instances hostname
# Put this file in /etc/bash_completion.d/ (Ubuntu)
# File containing ec2 instances hostname
sirhopcount / aws_hosts_completion
Created December 4, 2018 16:21
AWS ec2 instances hostname ssh completion
# Autocomplete a ssh command with AWS instances hostname
# Put this file in /etc/bash_completion.d/ (Ubuntu)
# File containing ec2 instances hostname