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Created July 8, 2020 14:41
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ASCII art server timing bar graph from response object
Parse and display Server-Timing header info
import shutil
def timing_string_to_dict(server_timing_string):
Given a Server Timing value as a string, parse it into a dict of the format
nice_name: value
For example
'a=1, "alpha"; b=2'
will parse as
{"alpha": 1, "b": 2}
def parse_item(item):
item = [x.strip() for x in item.split(";")]
assert len(item) <= 2, "Too many semicolons in timing item, cannot parse"
nice_name = None
if len(item) == 2:
nice_name = item[1].strip('"')
item = item[0]
item = item.split("=")
assert len(item) == 2, "Wrong number of '=' delimited values"
if not nice_name:
nice_name = item[0]
return (nice_name, float(item[1]))
items = [x.strip() for x in server_timing_string.split(",")]
return {key: value for (key, value) in [parse_item(x) for x in items]}
def render_dict_onscreen(timing_dict):
term_width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns
use_width = term_width - 4
items = sorted(list(timing_dict.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])
items = [("{}={}".format(*item), item[1]) for item in items]
last = items[-1]
factor = last[1]
desc_width = (max(len(x[0]) for x in items) if items else 0) + 1
print("+" + "-" * (term_width - 2) + "+")
for desc, size in items:
desc = desc.ljust(desc_width, ".")
bar_width = max(int((use_width - desc_width) * size / factor), 1)
msg = (desc + "#" * bar_width).ljust(use_width, " ")
print("| {} |".format(msg))
print("+" + "-" * (term_width - 2) + "+")
def render_timing_from_response(response):
timing_str = response._data.headers.get("Server-Timing")
if timing_str:
| Query Parsing Time=0.14.......# |
| query_exec_build_query=0.34...# |
| query_exec_render_result=5.58.## |
| raw_query_exec=15.89..........###### |
| query_exec_invoke=17.83.......###### |
| Query Execution Time=23.99....######### |
| overall=128.38................################################################# |
| groupauth=178.64..............#################################################################### |
| auth=249.05...................############################################################################################### |
| total=382.72..................################################################################################################################################################### |
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