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Last active May 23, 2018 11:47
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  • Save sirusdas/435cc61378a0e1b97cfd0fed8c0d27cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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How to upload files to github using Git for Windows.

How to upload files to github using Git for Windows.

  1. Download Git for windows Google it
  2. Create a GitHub account on
  3. Once it is all setup and you have your GH account created create a repository.
  4. If you are using Processing like I will be choose it in your Git ignore. For example if you are using Unity you would search for Unity.
  5. For you license choose MIT. Then create!

Now it's time to open up processing and start working on commiting to Git!

  1. Now that you have your sketch open save it somewhere.

  2. Now for the tricky part. Commiting to Git!

  3. Right click on your sketch folder and once you have downloaded and installed git for windows it should say, Git Bash here. Click and you'll get this

  4. Now you have to set it up with git. Type

  git init

in the git bash shell. 10. After you've done that type

  git remote add origin "YOUR URL" (ctrl + v won't work, try ctrl + shift + v)

NOTE: You can remoate origin with the name you want eg: bitbucket which can be used for multiple instance! 11. then type

  git pull origin master

and press enter. 12. Then type

  git add

and press enter. 13. Now type

  git commit -m "Message you want shown on your github"
  1. Now for a tricky part type
  git push --set-upstream origin master
  1. and finally type
  git push

and press enter

And now everything we did should be on github!

MORE Now whenever you wanna make a change to your sketch and upload it you have to do the following. Make the change. then open your git bash the same way we did at the start and type

  git add


  git commit -m "Update message you want"

and finally

  git push

For Linux, you guys are already dope! Install GIT from terminal usign apt-get and same use the same code.

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