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Last active April 29, 2018 18:16
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Vim plugins commands


Description: A tree file structure for easy access in VIM.

Git Link:

Commands: 1. Switch NERDTree on and off: + " or NERDTreeToggle 2. Open file in a new tab: t NOTE: Press ? for all the available commands


Description: Displays a simplified structure of nested codes for easy understanding of class and models.

Git Link:

Commands: 1. Switch on or off: TagbarToggle


Description: Easy file access, Vim's regexp as search pattern, root finder, multiple file at once, create new files and directories

GIT Link:

Commands: Other Links:


Description: It is a terminal emulator which uses a Vim buffer to display the program output.

GIT Link:

Commands: :ConqueTerm bash :ConqueTermSplit mysql -h localhost -u joe -p sock_collection :ConqueTermTab Powershell.exe :ConqueTermVSplit C:\Python27\python.exe

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Description: Used to (change, delete) any parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more in a sentence eg: "hi" to 'hi'

GIT Link:

Commands: cs"' inside "hi" to change to 'hi' ds" to remove quotes from "hi" yssb or yss) to wrap entire line with (). eg: Hello World will be converted to (Hello World) ysiw (iw is a text object). eg: ysiw( on Hello World when cursor is on Hello will output as (Hello) World


Description: Makes your Vim and what you type beautiful.

GIT Link:

Commands: Add to your .vimrc file - colorscheme nameofcolorscheme

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#garbas/vim-snipmate , MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils , tomtom/tlib_vim , honza/vim-snippets

Description: They all combined together work to help and build easy snippets.

GIT Link:

Commands: Should work just by pressing 'tab' or can be mapped with imap. Use :h SnipMate-mappings for any help

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Description: Used to comment lines, paragraps etc

GIT Link:

Commands: Comment a line: gcc Comment a section in Visual: gc Comment a paragraph: gcap


Description: Used to check syntax of your code

GIT Link:

Commands: Disable Syntax check passive :SyntasticToggleMode Check a file using :SyntasticCheck Ignore few errors add below line in .vimrc let g:syntastic_python_checkers=['flake8 --ignore=E225,E501,E302,E261,E262,E701,E241,E126,E127,E128,W801','python3']


Description: Used to format the Javascript Code.


Syntax analyser, Linter much more for Python, JS etc

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