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Nature - humanities and social sciences communications (author-date).csl
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<title>Nature - humanities and social sciences communications (author-date)</title>
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<summary>Style for Nature humanities and social sciences communications journal - or close enough</summary>
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sophschal commented Feb 11, 2025

Hi Simon!
I am super excited to find this - it will save me from manually updating the references in my manuscript about to be submitted to nature humanit soc sci commun. I have just one question - that is the format that is returned:

Agate N, Kennison R, Konkiel S et al. (2020) The transformative power of values-enacted scholarship. Humanit Soc Sci Commun. 7(1):1–12.

Is there any chance you know how to suppress the period after et al in the bibliography, but not in the in-text citation?

Thanks! Cheers,

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@sophschal I know the style guide indicates it should be et al without the period, but if you look at the paper they link for the data statement the references do actually include the period ( From quick look at zotero forums I'm not sure it's possible to remove the period. I'd just leave it in, the journal might ask you to change it (tedious but you can do it manually), or edit in copyediting, but I suspect they'll leave it.

There is some discussion that may give a way to remove them:

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Thank you, @sjgknight - it's funny, they do not seem to be very consistent, some articles I looked at do not have have the period, some do, as you just showed me. But you are right, these few periods are easy to remove manually.
Thanks in any case!

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