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Last active February 4, 2025 15:32
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Indexed Optics as in section 2 of
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module IndexedOptic where
import Data.Kind (Type)
type f ~> g = forall i. f i -> g i
-- The indexed optic
data Ex (act :: (i -> j -> Type) -> (j -> Type) -> i -> Type) (s :: i -> Type) (t :: i -> Type) (a :: j -> Type) (b :: j -> Type) where
Ex :: (s ~> act m a) -> (act m b ~> t) -> Ex act s t a b
-- Example actions
data Tup m a i where
Tup :: m i j -> a j -> Tup m a i
data Sum m i a where
Sum :: Either (m i j) (a j) -> Sum m a i
type ExLens s t a b = Ex Tup s t a b
type ExLens' s a = ExLens s s a a
type ExPrism s t a b = Ex Sum s t a b
type ExPrism' s a = ExPrism s s a a
-- Dependent lenses as natural transformation between polynomial functors
data Poly (s :: i -> Type) (t :: i -> Type) y where
P :: s i -> (t i -> y) -> Poly s t y
type DLens s t a b = Poly s t ~> Poly a b
type DLens' s a = DLens s s a a
-- Conversion between dependent lenses and indexed optics
data M b t i j where
M :: (b j -> t i) -> M b t i j
d2e :: DLens s t a b -> ExLens s t a b
d2e l = Ex (\s -> case l (P s id) of P a bt -> Tup (M bt) a) (\(Tup (M bt) b) -> bt b)
e2d :: ExLens s t a b -> DLens s t a b
e2d (Ex sa bt) (P s ty) = case sa s of Tup m a -> P a (\b -> ty (bt (Tup m b)))
-- tests
data EitherI l r i where
L :: l -> EitherI l r 'False
R :: r -> EitherI l r 'True
edl :: DLens' (EitherI (s, l) r) (EitherI l r)
edl (P (L (s, l)) f) = P (L l) (\(L l') -> f (L (s, l')))
edl (P (R r) f) = P (R r) (\(R r') -> f (R r'))
data Same m i j where
Same :: m i -> Same m i i
eex :: ExLens' (EitherI (s, l) r) (EitherI l r)
eex = Ex f g
f :: EitherI (s, l) r ~> Tup (Same (EitherI s ())) (EitherI l r)
f (L (s, l)) = Tup (Same (L s)) (L l)
f (R r) = Tup (Same (R ())) (R r)
g :: Tup (Same (EitherI s ())) (EitherI l r) ~> EitherI (s, l) r
g (Tup (Same (L s)) (L l)) = L (s, l)
g (Tup (Same (R ())) (R r)) = R r
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