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Last active December 5, 2019 09:24
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Moore machines as lenses
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens -- from `lens`
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
moore :: MonadState s m => Lens s s b a -> Traversal as bs a b -> as -> m bs
moore l trav = trav (\a -> l <<.= a)
runMoore :: Lens s s b a -> s -> [a] -> [b]
runMoore l s fa = evalState (moore l traverse fa) s
mooreLensFromFunction :: (a -> b) -> Lens b b b a
mooreLensFromFunction f = lens id (\_ a -> f a)
serialWiring :: Lens (b, c) (a, b) c a
serialWiring = lens get put
get :: (b, c) -> c
get (b, c) = c
put :: (b, c) -> a -> (a, b)
put (b, c) a = (a, b)
serial :: Lens s t b c -> Lens s' t' a b -> Lens (s, s') (t, t') a c
serial l r = alongside l r . serialWiring
plus :: Lens Integer Integer Integer (Integer, Integer)
plus = mooreLensFromFunction (uncurry (+))
innerBox :: Lens (Integer, Integer) (Integer, Integer) (Integer, Integer) ((Integer, Integer), Integer)
innerBox = alongside plus id
fibWiring :: Lens (Integer, Integer) ((Integer, Integer), Integer) Integer ()
fibWiring = lens (\(plusOut, idOut) -> plusOut) (\(plusOut, idOut) fibIn -> ((plusOut, idOut), plusOut))
fibLens :: Lens (Integer, Integer) (Integer, Integer) Integer ()
fibLens = innerBox . fibWiring
fib :: [Integer]
fib = runMoore fibLens (1, 1) (repeat ())
data NotState = S | T
notLens :: Lens NotState NotState Bool Bool
notLens = lens get put
get :: NotState -> Bool
get S = False
get T = True
put :: NotState -> Bool -> NotState
put S True = S
put S False = T
put T True = S
put T False = T
data DetectState = R | U | V | W
detect011Lens :: Lens DetectState DetectState Bool Bool
detect011Lens = lens get put
get :: DetectState -> Bool
get W = True
get _ = False
put :: DetectState -> Bool -> DetectState
put R False = U
put R True = R
put U False = U
put U True = V
put V False = U
put V True = W
put W True = R
put W False = U
detect100Lens :: Lens (NotState, DetectState) (NotState, DetectState) Bool Bool
detect100Lens = notLens `serial` detect011Lens
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