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Last active January 14, 2025 14:27
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Universal properties with plain Control.Category
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Control.Category
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(..))
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import Prelude hiding (id, (.), Functor)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.Fix
import Data.Kind
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Kan.Lan
import Data.Functor.Kan.Ran
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Void
type family Obj (c :: k -> k -> Type) (a :: k) :: Constraint
type instance Obj (->) a = ()
class (Category (Dom f), Category (Cod f)) => Functor f where
type Dom f :: k1 -> k1 -> Type
type Cod f :: k2 -> k2 -> Type
map :: Dom f a b -> Cod f (f a) (f b)
class Functor r => InitUniv r a where
type L r a :: k
initUnivArr :: d ~ Cod r => d a (r (L r a))
initUnivProp :: (c ~ Dom r, d ~ Cod r, Obj c b) => d a (r b) -> c (L r a) b
class Functor l => TermUniv l b where
type R l b :: k
termUnivArr :: c ~ Cod l => c (l (R l b)) b
termUnivProp :: (d ~ Dom l, c ~ Cod l, Obj d a) => c (l a) b -> d a (R l b)
data Unit a b where
Unit :: Unit a b
type instance Obj Unit a = ()
instance Category Unit where
id = Unit
Unit . Unit = Unit
data Empty (c :: k -> k -> Type) (a :: k) = Empty
instance Category c => Functor (Empty c) where
type Dom (Empty c) = c
type Cod (Empty c) = Unit
map _ = Unit
instance InitUniv (Empty (->)) a where
type L (Empty (->)) a = Void
initUnivArr = Unit
initUnivProp Unit = absurd
instance TermUniv (Empty (->)) a where
type R (Empty (->)) a = ()
termUnivArr = Unit
termUnivProp Unit _ = ()
type family Fst ab
type instance Fst (a, b) = a
type family Snd ab
type instance Snd (a, b) = b
data (c :**: d) a b where
(:**:) :: c (Fst a) (Fst b) -> d (Snd a) (Snd b) -> (c :**: d) a b
type instance Obj (c :**: d) a = (Obj c (Fst a), Obj d (Snd a))
instance (Category c, Category d) => Category (c :**: d) where
id = id :**: id
(l1 :**: l2) . (r1 :**: r2) = (l1 . r1) :**: (l2 . r2)
type instance Fst (Diag a) = a
type instance Snd (Diag a) = a
newtype Diag a = Diag { getDiag :: a }
instance Functor Diag where
type Dom Diag = (->)
type Cod Diag = (->) :**: (->)
map f = f :**: f
instance InitUniv Diag a where
type L Diag a = Either (Fst a) (Snd a)
initUnivArr = Left :**: Right
initUnivProp (l :**: r) = either l r
instance TermUniv Diag a where
type R Diag a = (Fst a, Snd a)
termUnivArr = fst :**: snd
termUnivProp (l :**: r) b = (l b, r b)
-- | Category of natural transformation with objects being an instance of class `c`.
newtype SubNat c f g = Nat { getNat :: forall a. f a -> g a }
type Nat = SubNat P.Functor
type instance Obj (SubNat c) f = c f
instance Category (SubNat c) where
id = Nat id
Nat m . Nat n = Nat (m . n)
instance Functor Const where
type Dom Const = (->)
type Cod Const = Nat
map f = Nat $ Const . f . getConst
newtype Forall f = Forall (forall a. f a)
instance TermUniv Const f where
type R Const f = Forall f
termUnivArr = Nat $ \(Const (Forall fa)) -> fa
termUnivProp (Nat n) a = Forall $ n (Const a)
data Exists f = forall a. Exists (f a)
instance InitUniv Const f where
type L Const f = Exists f
initUnivArr = Nat $ \fa -> Const (Exists fa)
initUnivProp (Nat n) (Exists fa) = getConst (n fa)
type Precompose :: (k1 -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> k1 -> Type
newtype Precompose f g a = Precompose { getPrecompose :: g (f a) }
instance Functor (Precompose f) where
type Dom (Precompose f) = Nat
type Cod (Precompose f) = Nat
map (Nat n) = Nat $ Precompose . n . getPrecompose
instance InitUniv (Precompose g) h where
type L (Precompose g) h = Lan g h
initUnivArr = Nat $ Precompose . glan
initUnivProp (Nat n) = Nat $ toLan (getPrecompose . n)
instance TermUniv (Precompose g) h where
type R (Precompose g) h = Ran g h
termUnivArr = Nat $ gran . getPrecompose
termUnivProp (Nat n) = Nat $ toRan (n . Precompose)
newtype SubHask c a b = Mor { getMor :: a -> b }
type instance Obj (SubHask c) a = c a
instance Category (SubHask c) where
id = Mor id
Mor f . Mor g = Mor (f . g)
newtype Forget (c :: Type -> Constraint) (a :: Type) = Forget { getForget :: a }
instance Functor (Forget c) where
type Dom (Forget c) = SubHask c
type Cod (Forget c) = (->)
map (Mor f) = Forget . f . getForget
instance InitUniv (Forget Monoid) a where
type L (Forget Monoid) a = [a]
initUnivArr = Forget . pure
initUnivProp f = Mor $ foldMap (getForget . f)
newtype FForget (c :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint) (m :: Type -> Type) a = FForget { getFForget :: m a }
instance Functor (FForget c) where
type Dom (FForget c) = SubNat c
type Cod (FForget c) = Nat
map (Nat n) = Nat $ FForget . n . getFForget
instance P.Functor f => InitUniv (FForget Monad) f where
type L (FForget Monad) f = Free f
initUnivArr = Nat $ FForget . liftF
initUnivProp (Nat n) = Nat $ foldFree (getFForget . n)
-- The version from `free` requires `f` to be a `Comonad`, defeating the point!
lower :: P.Functor f => Cofree f b -> f b
lower (_ :< as) = fmap extract as
-- Missing from `free`.
unfoldCofree :: Comonad w => (forall x. w x -> f x) -> w a -> Cofree f a
unfoldCofree n w = extract w :< n (extend (unfoldCofree n) w)
instance P.Functor f => TermUniv (FForget Comonad) f where
type R (FForget Comonad) f = Cofree f
termUnivArr = Nat $ lower . getFForget
termUnivProp (Nat n) = Nat $ unfoldCofree (n . FForget)
instance P.Functor f => Functor (Co f) where
type Dom (Co f) = (->)
type Cod (Co f) = (->)
map = P.fmap
instance Representable f => InitUniv (Co f) () where
type L (Co f) () = Rep f
initUnivArr () = tabulate id
initUnivProp f = index (f ())
class FAlg f a where
alg :: f a -> a
instance FAlg f (Fix f) where
alg = Fix
instance P.Functor f => InitUniv (Empty (SubHask (FAlg f))) a where
type L (Empty (SubHask (FAlg f))) a = Fix f
initUnivArr = Unit
initUnivProp Unit = Mor $ foldFix alg
class FCoalg f a where
coalg :: a -> f a
instance FCoalg f (Fix f) where
coalg = unFix
instance P.Functor f => TermUniv (Empty (SubHask (FCoalg f))) a where
type R (Empty (SubHask (FCoalg f))) a = Fix f
termUnivArr = Unit
termUnivProp Unit = Mor $ unfoldFix coalg
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