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silverbackdan / OrSearchFilter.php
Last active July 12, 2023 09:30
The API Platform filter will allow you to pass a query `or[field1,field2]=value` to search multiple fields for a search value. It works by using the standard API Platform SearchFilter as a basis, and wrapping all of your OR queried inside a single AND query so you can combine with other where bys
namespace App\Filter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Filter\SearchFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Doctrine\Orm\Util\QueryNameGeneratorInterface;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use App\Entity\Term;
dahlsailrunner /
Last active February 21, 2025 19:30
SSL with Docker images using nginx as reverse proxy

Docker with SSL and an nginx reverse proxy

Running your ASP.NET Core (or other) application in Docker using SSL should not be an overwhelming task. These steps should do the trick.

Run the following steps from a Linux terminal (I used WSL or WSL2 on Windows from the Windows Terminal).

1. Create a conf file with information about the cert you'll be creating

It should look something like the content below; call it my-site.conf or something like that.

h2rd / sed cheatsheet
Created November 27, 2019 17:04 — forked from un33k/sed cheatsheet
magic of sed -- find and replace "text" in a string or a file
# double space a file
sed G
# double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
# should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
sed '/^$/d;G'
technetium /
Created April 14, 2016 07:47
Propagating awareness via ManyToOne associations

Propagating awareness via ManyToOne associations


Michaël Perrin has written an article about using annotation and filters improve security.

With a more complex model, for example an order that contains products, you want also to filter on the associations of the filtered entity.

bmccormack / movingAvg.c
Created March 31, 2015 01:05
Moving average example in C
#include <stdio.h>
int movingAvg(int *ptrArrNumbers, long *ptrSum, int pos, int len, int nextNum)
//Subtract the oldest number from the prev sum, add the new number
*ptrSum = *ptrSum - ptrArrNumbers[pos] + nextNum;
//Assign the nextNum to the position in the array
ptrArrNumbers[pos] = nextNum;
//return the average
return *ptrSum / len;