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Created May 3, 2012 02:06
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Company owner export from legacy
# Select all company owner users from legacy database
Member.Username as username,Member.Password as password,
Person.Salutation as salutation, Person.Firstname as first_name,Person.Surname as last_name,,Person.Mobile as mobile_number,
Company.CompanyID as legacy_company_id, Company.CompanyName as name,
Address.vcStreetNo as street_no, Address.vcStreetName as street_name, Address.vcStreettype as street_type, Address.vcSuburb as suburb, Address.intPostCode as postcode, Address.vcAddress1 as address1
from person
join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
join Company on Company.MemberID=Member.MemberID
left outer join Address on Address.intAddressID=Person.AddressID
# Select all company owners who do not have a username
select Member.Username,Member.Password,
Person.Salutation, Person.Firstname,Person.Surname,,Person.Mobile,
Company.CompanyID, Company.CompanyName
from Member
join Company on Company.MemberID=Member.MemberID
join Person on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
where Username is null
# Select all company owner users from legacy database without an email address
select Member.Username,Member.Password,
Person.Salutation, Person.Firstname,Person.Surname,,Person.Mobile,
Company.CompanyID, Company.CompanyName
from Member
join Company on Company.MemberID=Member.MemberID
join Person on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
where Email is null or Email=''
# Select all users who are a landlord
Member.Username as username,Member.Password as password,
Person.Salutation as salutation, Person.Firstname as first_name,Person.Surname as last_name,,Person.Mobile as mobile_number,
Address.vcStreetNo as street_no, Address.vcStreetName as street_name, Address.vcStreettype as street_type, Address.vcSuburb as suburb, Address.intPostCode as postcode, Address.vcAddress1 as address1
from person
join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
left outer join Address on Address.intAddressID=Person.AddressID
where Member.GroupID=2
# Select all users who are not a company owner (i.e. landlords and renters)
Person.Firstname as first_name,Person.Surname as last_name
from person
join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
where ((select count(*) from company where Company.memberid = Person.MemberID) = 0 and
(Member.GroupID not in (3,4,99) and not Person.Email like 'davidb%rent%'))
order by email
# Select all user who share an email between a landlord and a company owener account.
# First, we collect all email addresses for company owners and put them in a temp table #abc.
# Then, select all email address that are not associated with a company owner but
# do appear in temp table #abc
INSERT INTO #abc (email)
select from person
join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
join Company on Company.MemberID=Member.MemberID
join Address on Address.intAddressID=Person.AddressID
where Member.GroupID=3
Person.Firstname as first_name,Person.Surname as last_name
from person
join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID
where ((select count(*) from company where Company.memberid = Person.MemberID) = 0 and
(select COUNT(*) from #abc where = Person.Email) > 0
and Member.GroupID not in ( 1,6))
order by email
drop table #abc
# Company users export class
module ActiveListings
class ConnectionException < Exception
class ExportCompanyOwners
@db_host = ''
@db_user = ''
@db_pwd = ''
@db_conn = nil
def initialize
@db_conn =, @db_user, @db_pwd)
if @db_conn.isOpen
puts "Connected!"
@tbl =, '')
puts "Connection to legacy database failed"
# Set the connection parameters as per the environment
def set_connection_parameters
if Rails.env == 'production'
@db_host = ""
@db_user = "rentLive";
@db_pwd = "Consult23";
@db_host = ""
@db_user = "rent_staging";
@db_pwd = "GreenFish123";
# Return the company users
def get_company_users
sql = "select Member.Username as username,Member.Password as password, Person.Salutation as salutation, Person.Firstname as first_name,Person.Surname as last_name,,Person.Mobile as mobile_number, Company.CompanyID as legacy_company_id, Company.CompanyName as name, Address.vcStreetNo as street_no, Address.vcStreetName as street_name, Address.vcStreettype as street_type, Address.vcSuburb as suburb, Address.intPostCode as postcode, Address.vcAddress1 as address1 from person join Member on Person.MemberID=Member.MemberID join Company on Company.MemberID=Member.MemberID left outer join Address on Address.intAddressID=Person.AddressID"
res = @tbl.query(sql)
puts "Found #{res.count} rows"
return res
# Rake task to export company users to CSV file /data/shared/log/export_company_users.csv
task :export_company_owners, [:rails_env] => [:environment] do |t, args|
rails_env = args[:rails_env]
def get_user(c, id, fn, ln)
un = c.get_username(id, fn, ln)
puts ("Username for [#{id}][#{fn}][#{ln}]: #{un}")
rails_env = 'development' if rails_env.nil?
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = rails_env
puts ("Exporting company owners, environment = #{rails_env}")
puts ("----------------------------------------------------")
c =
res = c.get_company_users
file_name = '/data/shared/log/export_company_users.csv'
fd =, 'w')
if fd
s = ''
s << res[0].keys.to_s.sub(/[\[]/, '').sub(/[\]]/,'') << "\n"
res.each do |row|
#row.values.each {|v| print v; print ','}
s = ''
s << row.values.to_s.sub(/[\[]/, '').sub(/[\]]/,'') << "\n"
puts "Finished"
puts "Cannot open file #{file_name}"
namespace :db_management do
require 'csv'
desc 'Import company user from csv file'
task :import_company_owners, [:rails_env] => [:environment] do |t, args|
rails_env = args[:rails_env]
def create_or_update_user(row, company)
user = User.find_or_initialize_by_email(row["email"])
# if
# user.attributes = row
# else
row.each do |k, v|
user.send("#{k}=", v) unless k == "username" || !user.respond_to?(k) || user.send(k).present?
return nil unless user.valid? = company
return user
rails_env = 'development' if rails_env.nil?
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = rails_env
puts ("Importing company owners, environment = #{rails_env}")
puts ("----------------------------------------------------")
c =
res = c.get_company_users
res.each do |row|
cid = row["legacy_company_id"]
company = Company.find_by_legacy_company_id(cid)
if company.blank?
puts ("Error: Company with legacy id #{cid} not found")
puts ("Company found: #{}") if company.present?
u = create_or_update_user(row, company)
#u.send(k + "=", v) if k != 'legacy_company_id' && k != 'username' && k != 'password' && k != 'company_name'}
if u.nil?
puts "User #{row["email"]} not found and could not be created"
puts "Updated user #{}"
p u
function imageFolder()
return '\/Images\/images_agents1\/';
function getSqlForProperty($pid)
return sprintf ("
PropertyCat.Category as listing_type,
cast (case when prop.uif1=1 then 'street' else (case when prop.uif1=2 then 'full' else 'suburb' end) end as varchar(10)) as address_display_type,
pc.Category as property_type,
CONVERT(varchar,prop.sdtExpiryDate,126) as [expiry_date],
CONVERT(varchar,prop.dteDateEntered,126) as created_at,
prop.txtComments as description,
prop.txtAdvertByline as byline,
dbo.PropertyStatus.vcStatusDesc as status_type,
CONVERT(varchar,prop.AvailableDate,126) as date_available,
prop.MinTerm as desired_term,
(case prop.uvcf2
when 'M' then (prop.RelPrice) * 12 / 52
when 'D' then (prop.RelPrice) * 7
else prop.RelPrice end) as weekly_rent,
(case prop.uvcf2
when 'M' then (prop.priceRangeFrom) * 12 / 52
when 'D' then (prop.priceRangeFrom) * 7
else prop.priceRangeFrom end) as weekly_rent_minimum,
(case prop.uvcf2
when 'M' then (prop.priceRangeTo) * 12 / 52
when 'D' then (prop.priceRangeTo) * 7
else prop.priceRangeTo end) as weekly_rent_maximum,
prop.Bond as bond,
prop.intPropertyID as legacy_property_id,
prop.FeedReference as feed_ref,
prop.poa as rent_display_override,
prop.sleeps as holiday_sleeps,
prop.uvcf2 as rent_frequency,
Address.vcStreetNo as street_number,
Address.vcStreetNoTo as street_number_to,
Address.vcStreetName as street_name,
Address.vcStreetType as street_type,
Address.vcSuburb as suburb,
Address.chrState as state,
Address.intPostCode as postcode,
ISNULL(Address.vcSuiteNo, Address.vcFloorNo) as unit_number,
prop.sntSize as bedrooms,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (17,1108) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as bathrooms,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (49,1110) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as ensuites,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (86,1555) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as parking_type,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (75,1554,917) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as car_spaces,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (56,1113) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as furnished,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (704,705,706) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as share_preference_gender,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (707,708,709,710,711,725,731) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as share_preference_age,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (716,717,718) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as share_preference_lifestyle,
(select top(1) fv.vcFeatureValue from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
left outer join featurevalues as fv on fv.IntValueId=pf.IntValueId
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (712,713,714,715) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as share_flatmates,
(select pf.txtDetails from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID=1499
) as share_main_language,
(select pf.txtDetails from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID=1430
) as total_land_area,
(select pf.txtDetails from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID=1633
) as energy_efficiency_rating,
(select top(1) pf.txtDetails from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (5,1303) order by pf.IntFeatureID
) as property_age,
(select top(1) cast(case when bitValue=1 then 'true' else 'false' end as varchar(10)) from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (1423,1334,1335,1336,1426)) as pets_allowed,
(select top(1) cast(case when bitValue=1 then 'true' else 'false' end as varchar(10)) from PropertyFeatureRel as pf
where pf.IntPropertyID=%d and pf.IntFeatureID in (1593,1594,1595)) as no_pets_allowed
from property prop
join Address on Address.intAddressId=prop.intAddressId
join PropertyCat on PropertyCat.PropertyCatID=prop.intPropertyCatID
join PropertyStatus on PropertyStatus.intStatusId=prop.intStatusID
join dbo.PropertySubCatRel pr on prop.intPropertyID=pr.intPropertyId
join PropertyCat pc on pr.intPropertyCatID=pc.PropertyCatID
where prop.intPropertyID=%d",
$pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid);
function getSqlForPhotos($pid)
return sprintf ("
vcDescription as caption,
vcFilePathName as original_url,
vcThumbnailPath as thumbnail_url,
vcDisplaySortOrder as [order],
bitMainImage as [default],
CONVERT(varchar,modifiedDate,126) as updated_at
from PropertyImages
where intPropertyID=%d", $pid);
function getSqlForFeatures($pid)
return sprintf ("select
pf.vcFeature as name,
(select vcFeature from PropertyFeature as pf1 where pf.IntParentFeatureID=pf1.IntFeatureID) as [group]
from PropertyFeatureRel
left outer join PropertyFeature pf on pf.IntFeatureID=PropertyFeatureRel.IntFeatureID
left outer join FeatureValues on FeatureValues.IntValueId=PropertyFeatureRel.IntValueId
left outer join FeatureValues_Desc on FeatureValues_Desc.IntValueDescID=FeatureValues.IntValueDescId
where PropertyFeatureRel.IntPropertyID=%d and bitValue > 0", $pid);
function getSqlForLaundryFeature($pid)
return sprintf ("select
pf.vcFeature as [group],
FeatureValues.vcFeatureValue AS name
from PropertyFeatureRel
left outer join PropertyFeature pf on pf.IntFeatureID=PropertyFeatureRel.IntFeatureID
left outer join FeatureValues on FeatureValues.IntValueId=PropertyFeatureRel.IntValueId
left outer join FeatureValues_Desc on FeatureValues_Desc.IntValueDescID=FeatureValues.IntValueDescId
where PropertyFeatureRel.IntPropertyID=%d and PropertyFeatureRel.intValueId in (214,676) order by PropertyFeatureRel.IntFeatureID", $pid);
function getSqlForContact($pid)
$s = imageFolder();
return sprintf ("select
CASE WHEN pc.Surname IS NULL then person.FirstName ELSE pc.FirstName END as first_name,
CASE WHEN pc.Surname IS NULL then person.Surname ELSE pc.SurName END as last_name,
pc.personId as legacy_contact_id,
person.BusPhone as phone_number, person.Mobile as mobile_number, person.Fax as fax,
person.Email as email_address,
person.Mobile as mobile_number,
person.IsMainPropManager as is_main_property_manager,
CAST(CASE WHEN member.ContactImageId IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE '/Images/images_agents1/' + CAST(member.ContactImageId AS varchar(250)) END AS varchar(500)) AS photo
from dbo.Property as prop
INNER JOIN Person ON Person.PersonID = prop.intContactID
LEFT OUTER join PersonContact as pc on pc.PersonID=Person.PersonContactID
where prop.intPropertyID=%d", $pid);
function getSqlForLandlord($pid)
return sprintf ("select
person.FirstName as first_name,
person.Surname as last_name,
person.Email as email_address,
person.BusPhone as phone_number,
person.Mobile as mobile_number,
person.TradingName as trading_name,
contact.personId as legacy_landlord_id,
addr.vcStreetNo as street_address,
addr.vcStreetName as street_address_1,
addr.vcSuburb as suburb,
addr.intPostCode as postcode,
addr.chrState as state
from dbo.Property as prop
join dbo.Person as person on person.MemberID=prop.intOwnerID
inner join dbo.PersonContact as contact on contact.PersonId=person.PersonContactID
left outer join dbo.Address as addr on addr.intAddressID=person.AddressID
where prop.intPropertyID=%d
and not exists (select MemberID from company where company.MemberID=prop.intOwnerID)",
function getSqlForCompany($pid)
$s = imageFolder();
return sprintf ("select
main.FirstName as first_name,
main.Surname as last_name,
main.Email as email_address,
main.Mobile as mobile_number,
comp.CompanyName as name,
comp.LicenseNo as trading_name,
comp.Telephone_No as phone_number,
comp.FeedReferenceID as feed_ref,
comp.CompanyID as legacy_company_id,
addr.vcAddress1 as street_address,
addr.vcAddress2 as street_address_1,
addr.vcSuburb as suburb,
addr.intPostCode as postcode,
addr.chrState as state,
'/Images/images_agents1/' + banners.Path as banner
from dbo.Property as prop
join dbo.Person as person on person.MemberID=prop.intOwnerID
left outer join dbo.PersonContact as contact on contact.PersonId=person.PersonID
join CompanyContact as cc on cc.PersonID=person.Personid
left outer join dbo.Company as comp on cc.CompanyID=comp.CompanyID
join Person as main on comp.MemberID=main.MemberID
left outer join dbo.LogosAndImages as banners on banners.OwnerID=comp.CompanyID and banners.ImageType=101
left outer join dbo.Address as addr on addr.intAddressID=person.AddressID
where prop.intPropertyID=%d", $pid);
function getSqlForInspectionTimes($pid)
return sprintf ("
null as day_of_week,
CONVERT(varchar, Convert(datetime, strInspectDate) + Convert(datetime,replace (strStartTime,'.',':')),126) as start_time,
CONVERT(varchar, Convert(datetime, strInspectDate) + Convert(datetime,replace (strEndTime,'.',':')),126) as end_time
from Inspections
where PropertyID=%d
'monday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitMondays=1
'tuesday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitTuesdays=1
'wednesday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitWednesdays=1
'thursday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitThursdays=1
'friday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitFridays=1
'saturday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitSaturdays=1
'sunday' as day_of_week,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntFromMins) + vcFromAMPM) as datetime) as start_time,
cast (('1-1-1970 ' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToHrs) + ':' + CONVERT(varchar,sntToMins) + vcToAMPM) as datetime) as end_time
from InspectionDetails
where intPropertyID=%d and bitSundays=1",
$pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid, $pid);
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