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Save sjschultze/0077238e90b13a23e678 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
# by Kelan Champagne
# A script to generate a personal podcast feed, hosted on Dropbox
# Inspired by
# Simply put this, and some .mp3 or .m4a files in a sub-dir under your Dropbox
# Public folder, update the config values below, and run the script. To get
# the public_url_base value, you can right click on a file in that folder
# in Finder, then go to Dropbox > Copy Public Link, and then remove the
# filename.
# Notes:
# * You'll need to re-run it after adding new files to the dir, or you can
# set up Folder Actions as suggested by the above hint (sample AppleScript
# in comments at the bottom of this file).
# * This script uses `mdls` to get the title and summary of the podcast
# from the Spotlight metadata, which requires it to be run on a Mac. But,
# the rest of the script should be cross-platform compatible.
require 'date'
# Config values
podcast_title = "My personal podcast"
podcast_description = "My personal podcast description"
public_url_base = "<put the public url to your dropbox folder here>"
# Generated values
date_format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
podcast_pub_date =
# Build the items
items_content = ""
Dir.entries('.').each do |file|
next if file =~ /^\./ # ignore invisible files
next unless file =~ /\.(mp3|m4a)$/ # only use audio files
puts "adding file: #{file}"
item_size_in_bytes = File.size(file).to_s
item_pub_date = File.mtime(file).strftime(date_format)
item_title = `mdls --name kMDItemFSName "#{file}"`.sub(/^.*? = "/, '').sub(/"$/, '').chomp
item_subtitle = `mdls --name kMDItemAuthors "#{file}"`.sub(/^.*? = \(\n\s*/, '').sub(/\n\s*\)$/, '').sub(/.*null\)/, '').chomp
item_summary = `mdls --name kMDItemDisplayName "#{file}"`.sub(/^.*? = "/, '').sub(/"$/, '').sub(/.*null\)/, '').chomp
item_url = "#{public_url_base}/#{file}"
item_content = <<-HTML
<enclosure url="#{item_url}" length="#{item_size_in_bytes}" type="audio/mpeg" />
items_content << item_content
# Build the whole file
content = <<-HTML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
# write it out
output_file ="podcast.rss", 'w')
# = Sample AppleScript to auto-run this script. =
# This AppleScript also touches the new file so that it's modification
# date (and thus the pubDate in the podcast) are the date/time that you
# put it in the folder.
# To install:
# - Open AppleScript Editor and copy-paste the below code (minus #'s)
# - Save the script to "/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts"
# - Control-click the podcast folder, "Services > Folder Actions Setup"
# and choose your script
#on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
# set the_folder to POSIX path of this_folder
# set the_folder_quoted to (the quoted form of the_folder as string)
# repeat with this_item in added_items
# set the_item to POSIX path of this_item
# set the_item_quoted to (the quoted form of the_item as string)
# do shell script "touch " & the_item_quoted
# end repeat
# tell application "Finder"
# display dialog "cd " & the_folder_quoted & ";./generate_personal_podcast.rb"
# do shell script "cd " & the_folder_quoted & ";./generate_personal_podcast.rb"
# end tell
# end adding folder items to
Copy link

zorae commented Dec 30, 2014

I made a version that uses ffprobe for retrieving correct metadata from media files, instead of the mostly empty Spotlight tags:

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