git commit
- Commit under HEAD and make HEAD point to the new commit
git branch <branchname>
- Point to HEAD
git branch <branchname> <commit>
- Point to
If <branchname>
already points somewhere, use -f to force moving the pointer
git checkout <branchname>
- Attach HEAD to
When HEAD is attached to , they move together. In this case we call <branchname>
the active branch.
git checkout -b <branchname>
- Point to HEAD and attach HEAD to <branchname>
git merge <branchname>
- Merge into HEAD.
If necessary, a new commit will be created under HEAD, otherwise a fast forward will occur and no new commit will be created.
git rebase <branchname>
- Copy and merge all active branch commits under <branchname>
git rebase <ref> <branchname>
- Copy and merge all <branchname>
commits under <ref>
Rebase merges and serializes the history from two parallel branches, copying the commits of one right after the other
Relative references can be used in git commands to reference commits without having to look up their hashes.
- References the parent (1st ancestor) of
- References the N-th ancestor of
git checkout <ref>
- Detach HEAD, make it point to .
When HEAD is detached all branch-related commands apply to HEAD rather than the active branch
git reset <ref>
- Point HEAD to and delete all commits under it.
Reset rewrites history, so it may be impossible to push the branch to a central repo afterwords.
git revert <ref>
- Generate a commit that brings the active branch to the same state as <ref>
Revert does not rewrite history
git cherry-pick <refs>
-- Copy and merge all referenced commits under HEAD, in the order they are referenced
Like rebase but with selected commits rather than a whole branch.
git rebase -i <branchname>
-- Rebase active branch under , interactively cherry-picking individual commits
git commit --amend
-- Modify HEAD in-place
git tag <tagname> <ref>
-- Permanently tag a commit for future reference
git clone <remote>
- Copy a remote repo locally and make the workspace match the latest commit to master
git fetch <remote>
- Synchronize remote branches from repo, i.e. bring in new commits, without affecting private commits or the workspace
git pull
- Fetch, then merge remote branches under HEAD
git pull --rebase
- Fetch, then rebase active branch under remote branch
git checkout -b <branchname> <remotebranchname>
git branch -u <remotebranchname>
Set local branch to follow remote branch