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Last active October 16, 2017 18:32
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Function iteration and balanced trees
-- f(x) = x + f(g(x)) ↔ f(x) = Σ n:ℕ, gⁿ(x)
inductive F (g : Type → Type) : Type → Type 1
| F0 : Π {α}, α → F α
| F1 : Π {α}, F (g α) → F α
-- g(x) = x + x g(x) ↔ g(x) = x/(1-x) ↔ gⁿ(x) = x/(1-nx)
inductive G α : Type
| G0 : α → G
| G1 : α → G → G
def iter {α} (g : α → α) : ℕ → α → α
| := id
| (nat.succ n) := iter n ∘ g
def diter {β : Type → Type 1} {γ : Type → Type} (g : Π {α}, β (γ α) → β α) : Π (n : ℕ) {α}, β (iter γ n α) → β α
| α := id
| (nat.succ n) α := g ∘ diter n
-- s(x) = Σ n:ℕ, gⁿ(x)
def S g α := Σ n : ℕ, iter g n α
-- f(x) = s(x)
def from_s {g α} (x : S g α) : F g α :=
diter (@F.F1 g) x.1 (F.F0 g x.2)
def to_s {g α} (x : F g α) : S g α :=
F.rec (λ α a, ⟨0, a⟩) (λ α a ih, ⟨nat.succ ih.1, ih.2⟩) x
attribute [simp] function.comp
def to_s_from_s {g α} (x : S g α) : to_s (from_s x) = x :=
simp [to_s, from_s],
induction x with n x,
induction n with m ih generalizing α,
{ dsimp [diter], refl },
{ dsimp [diter], rw ih x }
def from_s_to_s {g α} (x : F g α) : from_s (to_s x) = x :=
simp [to_s, from_s],
induction x with β x β x ih,
{ dsimp [diter], refl },
{ dsimp [diter], rw ih }
structure {u v} iso (α : Type u) (β : Type v) :=
(f : α → β) (g : β → α) (gf : Π x, g (f x) = x) (fg : Π x, f (g x) = x)
def sf_iso {g α} : iso (S g α) (F g α) :=
⟨from_s, to_s, to_s_from_s, from_s_to_s⟩
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