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Created September 8, 2011 09:30
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AnyEvent HTTP Proxy
# This is HTTP proxy built atop AnyEvent::HTTPD and AnyEvent::HTTP modules.
# I used it to solve some problem but after testing realised that it doesn't solve it entirely.
# So I removed special logic and leave almost plain proxy. With referer forging however :)
# Test thoroughly before use!
use strict;
use warnings;
use AnyEvent::HTTPD;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use File::Pid;
#use Data::Dumper;
my $pid;
my $httpd;
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
warn 'Stopping';
$httpd->stop if ($httpd);
my $pidfile = '/var/run/';
sub pid_write {
my $pid = File::Pid->new({
'file' => $pidfile,
'pid' => $$,
if ( -f -s $pidfile ) {
if ( my $num = $pid->running ) {
die "Already running: $num\n";
$pid->write or die "Couldn't write pid $pidfile";
return $pid;
sub pid_remove {
my $pid = shift;
return unless ($pid);
return $pid->remove;
my $timeout = 30;
$httpd = AnyEvent::HTTPD->new(
host => '', port => 9090,
request_timeout => 5,
'/proxy.pac' => sub {
my ($httpd, $req) = @_;
# proxy autoconfig file; see
# by default set to proxy all requests
$req->respond({ content => ['application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig', <<EOF
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(url, "*")) {
return "PROXY; DIRECT";
return "DIRECT";
] });
'' => sub {
my ($httpd, $req) = @_;
my $url = $req->url;
warn "DEBUG: proxying $url";
my ($buffer, $headers);
my ($data_cb, $respond_set);
my $cookie_jar = {};
my $req_url = $url->as_string;
# you can substitute referers for example
my $req_headers = { %{$req->headers}, 'referer' => $url->scheme . '://' . $url->host };
#warn "DEBUG: request to [" . $req_url . "] with headers:\n" . Dumper($req_headers);
GET => $req_url,
timeout => $timeout,
recurse => 0,
headers => $req_headers,
cookie_jar => $cookie_jar,
persistent => 0,
on_header => sub {
$headers = shift;
#warn "DEBUG: received headers:\n" . Dumper($headers);
# If you want to send respond to browser after just headers, do this
if (0 && $headers->{'location'}) {
#warn "DEBUG: redirecting with headers:\n" . Dumper($headers);
$req->respond([$headers->{'status'} || 302, 'found', $headers, 'Redirecting...']);
return 0;
return 1;
on_body => sub {
unless ($respond_set) {
#warn "DEBUG: streaming response with headers:\n" . Dumper($headers);
200, 'ok', $headers,
sub {
$data_cb = shift;
$respond_set = 1;
my ($res, $h) = @_;
$buffer .= $res;
if ($data_cb) {
$buffer = '';
return 1;
sub {
$data_cb->($buffer) if ($data_cb);
$pid = pid_write();
warn 'started';
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