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Created October 26, 2011 04:46
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foreman log
10:45:21 web.1 | Started POST "/api/trip" for at 2011-10-26 10:45:21 +0600
10:45:21 web.1 | Processing by Api::TripsController#create as HTML
10:45:21 web.1 | Parameters: {"from_address"=>"Address unknown", "from_latlng"=>{"lat"=>30.0, "lng"=>30.0}, "trip"=>{"from_address"=>"Address unknown", "from_latlng"=>{"lat"=>30.0, "lng"=>30.0}, "controller"=>"api/trips", "action"=>"create"}}
10:45:21 web.1 | WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
10:45:21 web.1 | * Accept-Language: en_US
10:45:21 web.1 | * Locale set to 'en'
10:45:21 web.1 | * Require login
10:45:21 web.1 | adIFmAV39MMQixbLVj0Z
10:45:21 web.1 | MONGODB taxi_development['system.namespaces'].find({})
10:45:21 web.1 | MONGODB taxi_development['users'].find({:access_token=>"adIFmAV39MMQixbLVj0Z"}).limit(-1).sort([[:_id, :asc]])
10:45:21 web.1 | MONGODB taxi_development['system.namespaces'].find({})
10:45:21 web.1 | MONGODB taxi_development['trips'].find({:passenger_id=>BSON::ObjectId('4ea64f6631f1e40f6e000001'), :rating_by_passenger=>nil, :status=>{"$nin"=>["cancelled_by_driver", "cancelled_by_passenger"]}}).limit(-1).sort([[:_id, :asc]])
10:45:21 web.1 | Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 74ms (Views: 1.2ms)
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