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Created September 25, 2017 07:59
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import * as React from 'react';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import configureStoreMock from 'redux-mock-store';
import { configureStore } from '../redux/store';
import { client } from '../../client/client';
import { createMakeRequest } from './network_helper';
import { requestMiddleware } from './request_helper';
const mockContext = {
makeRequest: createMakeRequest(client, '', 'http', ''),
const middlewares = [
(thunk as any).withExtraArgument(mockContext),
const mockStore = configureStoreMock(middlewares);
/** Render Component */
const renderComponent = <P, S>(Component: React.ComponentClass<P> | React.SFC<P>,
props?: P, state?: S, context?: any, contextType?: any) => {
function addContext() {
class ComponentWithContext extends React.Component<{}, void> {
public static childContextTypes: React.ValidationMap<void> = contextType;
public getChildContext() {
return context;
public render() {
return <Component {...(props as any)} />;
return <ComponentWithContext />;
return mount(
<Provider store={configureStore(mockContext, null)}>
{(context && contextType) ? addContext() : <Component {...(props as any)} />}
export { mockStore, renderComponent };
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