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Created June 12, 2024 13:38
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Flawless Squares
// Flawless Squares
// $ cc -fopenmp -O2 -o squares squares.c
// Ref:
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 100000)
for (long long root = 1; root < 3037000500; root++) {
for (int splits = 1;; splits++) {
long long log[32];
int reject = 0;
int len = 0;
long long sum = 0;
long long accum = 0;
long long scale = 1;
long long target = root*root;
long long digits = target;
for (int i = 0; digits; i++, digits/=10) {
long long digit = digits%10;
accum += digit * scale;
scale *= 10ull; // overflows in some reject cases
if ((1<<i) & splits) {
reject |= !digit; // no leading zeros
sum += accum;
log[len++] = accum;
accum = 0;
scale = 1;
sum += accum;
log[len] = accum;
len += !!accum;
if (target>1 && sum==target) {
break; // no splits occurred
if (!reject && sum==root) {
#pragma omp critical
printf("%19lld = %10lld^2 = (", target, sum);
for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i < len-1) {
fputs(" + ", stdout);
printf("%lld", log[i]);
fputs(")^2\n", stdout);
#if 0
// Table-based computation for [1, 10^12] derived from above.
static int num_flawless(long long min, long long max)
static const int roots[] = {
1, 9, 36, 45, 55, 82, 91, 235, 297,
369, 379, 414, 657, 675, 703, 756, 792, 909,
918, 945, 964, 1296, 1702, 1782, 2223, 2728, 3366,
3646, 3682, 4132, 4906, 4950, 5050, 6832, 7191, 7272,
7389, 7533, 7543, 7587, 7777, 7956, 8416, 8443, 8767,
8856, 8938, 9208, 9315, 9325, 9586, 9621, 9640, 9765,
9909, 9918, 9945, 9955, 9964, 10512, 12222, 12727, 17271,
17344, 22222, 22231, 25354, 27414, 33669, 34327, 35442, 36558,
36855, 41149, 41814, 42643, 45657, 46279, 48835, 49563, 49906,
51454, 53415, 57393, 57547, 59284, 62146, 64341, 65242, 67132,
68428, 69058, 69157, 69669, 72612, 74647, 75331, 76851, 77121,
77778, 79516, 81118, 82045, 82656, 85941, 87571, 88768, 88812,
88813, 89632, 91756, 93402, 94141, 94581, 97137, 99055, 99226,
99244, 99343, 99559, 99631, 99703, 99765, 105112, 105382, 117343,
122221, 131959, 142857, 148149, 163567, 167832, 172827, 181819, 187110,
203274, 208495, 215829, 249832, 283924, 304930, 310339, 318682, 319176,
329967, 333666, 336699, 338760, 339453, 344143, 349785, 351352, 352693,
354393, 356329, 356643, 357796, 364420, 364932, 369261, 369792, 370017,
370134, 383581, 389665, 390313, 419860, 428419, 434331, 440874, 441217,
452133, 452241, 461539, 463284, 466830, 471537, 473967, 482608, 499321,
499500, 500500, 512811, 514926, 524638, 532917, 533170, 534150, 536284,
538461, 549459, 551025, 561781, 571464, 584308, 584452, 596619, 600633,
609687, 627372, 639739, 642078, 643357, 643672, 647029, 648648, 649782,
668332, 670033, 673651, 675037, 681318, 684099, 689778, 695071, 697834,
719280, 736687, 739863, 758475, 758863, 784297, 790372, 791505, 791757,
792684, 795484, 810819, 811305, 812890, 818181, 825886, 826074, 831672,
831718, 834166, 836172, 847629, 850546, 851851, 852165, 852517, 853542,
853867, 857143, 857151, 865242, 872146, 877501, 880749, 887824, 888363,
889642, 890046, 906427, 906796, 907740, 908235, 910719, 920494, 921528,
921969, 935785, 945649, 948411, 952335, 961039, 968256, 969669, 977769,
991144, 991233, 991584, 992467, 992611, 993168, 994482, 996634, 998218,
998298, 998704, 999036, 999055, 999082, 999091, 999208, 999244, 999297,
999325, 999343, 999586, 999621, 999631
int nroots = sizeof(roots) / sizeof(*roots);
int mini = 0;
int maxi = nroots-1;
// NOTE: these could be binary searches
for (; mini<nroots-1; mini++) {
long long r = roots[mini];
if (r*r >= min) break;
for (; maxi>0; maxi--) {
long long r = roots[maxi];
if (r*r <= max) break;
return maxi - mini + 1;
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