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Last active September 13, 2019 14:16
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#include "OpenSivSerial.hpp"
struct Arm
double l1 = 150.0;
double l2 = 100.0;
Vec2 pos = Vec2(200.0, 200.0);
Vec2 delta = Vec2(10.0, 0.0);
void draw(double a1, double a2)
auto p1 = pos;
auto p2 = p1.movedBy(Cos(a1) * l1, -Sin(a1) * l1);
auto p3 = p2.movedBy(10.0, 0.0);
auto p4 = p3.movedBy(Cos(a2) * l2, Sin(a2) * l2);
auto p5 = p4.movedBy(0.0, 30.0);
Line(p1, p2).draw(4.0, ColorF(Palette::Green, 0.5));
RectF(-10, -10, 50, 30).movedBy(p2).draw(ColorF(Palette::Blue, 0.2));
Line(p3, p4).draw(4.0, ColorF(Palette::Red, 0.5));
RectF(-30, -10, 30, 10).movedBy(p5).draw(ColorF(Palette::Blue, 0.2));
Vec2 armPos(double a1, double a2)
auto p1 = pos;
auto p2 = p1.movedBy(Cos(a1) * l1, -Sin(a1) * l1);
auto p3 = p2.movedBy(10.0, 0.0);
auto p4 = p3.movedBy(Cos(a2) * l2, Sin(a2) * l2);
auto p5 = p4.movedBy(0.0, 30.0);
return p5;
void Main()
Serial serial;
serial.setup(3, 115200);
auto t = Transformer2D(Mat3x2::Scale(1.5), true);
Arm arm;
while (System::Update())
double s = 0.0;
double aveAng1 = 0.0;
double aveAng2 = 0.0;
for (double a = 0.0; a < 90.0; a += 3.0)
for (double b = 0.0; b < 180.0; b += 3.0)
Line(arm.armPos(ToRadians(a), ToRadians(b)), arm.armPos(ToRadians(a), ToRadians(b + 3.0))).draw(0.5, ColorF(Palette::Yellow, 0.5));
Line(arm.armPos(ToRadians(a), ToRadians(b)), arm.armPos(ToRadians(a + 3.0), ToRadians(b))).draw(0.5, ColorF(Palette::Yellow, 0.5));
for (double a = 0.0; a < 90.0; a += 3.0)
for (double b = 0.0; b < 180.0; b += 3.0)
auto p = arm.armPos(ToRadians(a), ToRadians(b));
auto f = 1.0 - Min(Cursor::PosF().distanceFrom(p) * 0.03, 1.0);
s += f;
aveAng1 += f * ToRadians(a);
aveAng2 += f * ToRadians(b);
Circle(p, 2.0).draw(ColorF(Math::Lerp(Palette::Yellow, Palette::Red, f), 0.5));
for (double a = 0.0; a < 90.0; a += 3.0)
for (double b = 0.0; b < 180.0; b += 3.0)
arm.ang1 = ToRadians(a);
arm.ang2 = ToRadians(b);
Circle(arm.armPos(), 1).draw(Palette::Red);
Rect(90, 180).draw(ColorF(0.5, 0.5));
std::string str2 = Unicode::Narrow(U"move " + ToString(double(KeyUp.pressed() ? 0.1 : (KeyDown.pressed() ? -0.1 : 0.0))) + U" " + ToString(double(KeyRight.pressed() ? 0.1 : (KeyLeft.pressed() ? -0.1 : 0.0))) + U" 0!");
std::string str("LT!");
if (KeyEnter.down()) serial.write(str.c_str(), str.size());
if (KeySpace.down())
for (int i = 0; i < str2.size(); ++i)
//for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
static double a1 = 1.0;
static double a2 = 1.0;
if (s)
a1 = Math::Lerp(a1, aveAng1 / s, 0.2);
a2 = Math::Lerp(a2, aveAng2 / s, 0.2);
Circle(arm.armPos(a1, a2), 3).draw(Palette::Red);
arm.draw(a1, a2);
Print << a1 << U" " << a2;
String m;
auto srv = U"a " + ToString((int(ToDegrees(a2)) + 60) * 10) + U" " + ToString((int(ToDegrees(a1)) + 150) * 10) + U" " + ToString(KeyUp.pressed() ? 1500 : 800) + U" " + ToString(KeyUp.pressed() ? 1500 : 2200) + U"!";
Print << srv;
Print << m;
static int g = 0;
if (++g == 10)
g = 0;
if (g == 5)
double th = 0;
if (KeyNum1.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 0;
else if (KeyNum2.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 1;
else if (KeyNum3.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 2;
else if (KeyNum6.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 3;
else if (KeyNum9.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 4;
else if (KeyNum8.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 5;
else if (KeyNum7.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 6;
else if (KeyNum4.pressed()) th = Math::QuarterPi * 7;
else th = -1;
if (th >= 0) m = U"move " + ToString(Cos(th) * 0.1) + U" " + ToString(Sin(th) * 0.1) + U" 0!";
else m = U"move 0 0 0!";
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