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Last active July 21, 2017 22:45
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.version 49 0
.class public super com/intel/crypto/NotInitializedException
.super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/util/NotInitializedException
.super com/intel/util/UtilException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/util/UtilException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/util/UtilException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/util/IllegalParameterException
.super com/intel/util/UtilException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/util/UtilException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/util/UtilException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/util/UtilException
.super com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class super com/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl
.super com/intel/crypto/CertificateStore
.field protected m_certStoreHandle I
.field protected m_isEmpty Z
.field protected m_isValid Z
.method protected <init> : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CertificateStore <init> ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: iconst_m1
L6: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_certStoreHandle I
L9: aload_0
L10: iconst_0
L11: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isValid Z
L14: aload_0
L15: iconst_1
L16: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isEmpty Z
L19: aload_0
L20: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCertStoreCreate ()I
L23: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_certStoreHandle I
L26: aload_0
L27: iconst_1
L28: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isValid Z
L31: aload_0
L32: iconst_1
L33: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isEmpty Z
L36: return
.end code
.end method
.method public addCertificate : ([BSS)V
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: iload_3
L16: ifeq L26
L19: iload_3
L20: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CertificateStore getMaxCertificateLength ()S
L23: if_icmple L34
L26: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L29: dup
L30: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L33: athrow
L34: aload_0
L35: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_certStoreHandle I
L38: aload_1
L39: iload_2
L40: iload_3
L41: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCertStoreAddCertificate (I[BSS)V
L44: aload_0
L45: iconst_0
L46: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isEmpty Z
L49: return
.end code
.end method
.method public destroy : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: aload_0
L16: iconst_0
L17: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isValid Z
L20: aload_0
L21: iconst_1
L22: putfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isEmpty Z
L25: aload_0
L26: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_certStoreHandle I
L29: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCertStoreDestroy (I)V
L32: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected isEmpty : ()Z
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_isEmpty Z
L4: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException
.super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication
.super java/lang/Object
.field protected m_client Lcom/intel/nfc/CardClient;
.field protected m_timeout I
.field final this$0 Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager;
.field protected m_id B
.method protected <init> : (Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: putfield Field CLFManager$CardApplication this$0 Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager;
L5: aload_0
L6: invokespecial Method java/lang/Object <init> ()V
L9: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected create : (BLcom/intel/nfc/CardClient;BI)V
.code stack 6 locals 5
L0: getstatic Field CLFManager m_instance Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl;
L3: aload_0
L4: iload_1
L5: aload_2
L6: iload_3
L7: iload 4
L9: invokevirtual Method com/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl cardApplicationCreate (Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication;BLcom/intel/nfc/CardClient;BI)V
L12: return
.end code
.end method
.method public detect : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: getstatic Field CLFManager m_instance Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl;
L3: aload_0
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl cardApplicationDetect (Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication;)V
L7: return
.end code
.end method
.method public release : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: getstatic Field CLFManager m_instance Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl;
L3: aload_0
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl cardApplicationRelease (Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication;)V
L7: return
.end code
.end method
.method public send : ([BII)V
.code stack 5 locals 4
L0: getstatic Field CLFManager m_instance Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl;
L3: aload_0
L4: aload_1
L5: iload_2
L6: iload_3
L7: invokevirtual Method com/intel/nfc/CLFManagerImpl cardApplicationSend (Lcom/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication;[BII)V
L10: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/crypto/OperationFailedException
.super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
.super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super abstract com/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime
.super java/lang/Object
.field protected m_year S
.field protected m_day B
.field protected m_hour B
.field protected m_minute B
.field protected m_month B
.field protected m_second B
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method java/lang/Object <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public abstract day : ()B
.end method
.method public abstract equals : (Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;)Z
.end method
.method public abstract hour : ()B
.end method
.method public abstract isAfter : (Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;)Z
.end method
.method public abstract isBefore : (Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;)Z
.end method
.method public abstract minute : ()B
.end method
.method public abstract month : ()B
.end method
.method public abstract second : ()B
.end method
.method public abstract year : ()S
.end method
.end class
.class public super abstract com/intel/crypto/SslSession$Crl
.super java/lang/Object
.field protected static final MAX_CHAIN_CERTIFICATES I
.field private static final MAX_CRL_LENGTH I
.method protected <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method java/lang/Object <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public abstract appendChunk : ([BSS)V
.end method
.method public abstract destroy : ()V
.end method
.method public abstract findSerialNumber : ([B)Z
.end method
.method public abstract getTimeRange : ()Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$TimeRange;
.end method
.method public abstract verify : ()Z
.end method
.method public static getMaxCrlLength : ()I
.code stack 1 locals 0
L0: ldc 1458176
L2: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class super abstract com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl
.super com/intel/crypto/SslSession$Crl
.field protected m_appendedLength I
.field protected m_crlHandle I
.field protected m_crlLength I
.field protected m_handle I
.field protected m_nextUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
.field protected m_thisUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
.field protected m_chainIndex B
.field protected m_isValid Z
.field protected m_isVerified Z
.method protected <init> : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/SslSession$Crl <init> ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: iconst_m1
L6: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L9: aload_0
L10: aconst_null
L11: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_thisUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L14: aload_0
L15: aconst_null
L16: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_nextUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L19: aload_0
L20: iconst_0
L21: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isValid Z
L24: aload_0
L25: iconst_0
L26: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isVerified Z
L29: aload_0
L30: iconst_0
L31: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlLength I
L34: aload_0
L35: iconst_m1
L36: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_chainIndex B
L39: aload_0
L40: iconst_m1
L41: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_handle I
L44: aload_0
L45: iconst_0
L46: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_appendedLength I
L49: return
.end code
.end method
.method public appendChunk : ([BSS)V
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl checkValid ()V
L4: iload_3
L5: ifeq L29
L8: iload_3
L9: aload_0
L10: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlLength I
L13: if_icmpgt L29
L16: aload_0
L17: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_appendedLength I
L20: iload_3
L21: iadd
L22: aload_0
L23: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlLength I
L26: if_icmple L37
L29: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L32: dup
L33: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L36: athrow
L37: aload_0
L38: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L41: aload_1
L42: iload_2
L43: iload_3
L44: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCrlAppendChunk (I[BSS)V
L47: aload_0
L48: dup
L49: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_appendedLength I
L52: iload_3
L53: iadd
L54: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_appendedLength I
L57: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected checkValid : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: return
.end code
.end method
.method public destroy : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: iconst_0
L6: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isValid Z
L9: aload_0
L10: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_handle I
L13: aload_0
L14: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L17: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCrlDestroy (II)V
L20: return
.end code
.end method
.method public findSerialNumber : ([B)Z
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isVerified Z
L8: ifne L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_1
L20: ifnonnull L31
L23: new java/lang/NullPointerException
L26: dup
L27: invokespecial Method java/lang/NullPointerException <init> ()V
L30: athrow
L31: aload_1
L32: arraylength
L33: bipush 20
L35: if_icmple L46
L38: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L41: dup
L42: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L45: athrow
L46: aload_0
L47: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L50: aload_1
L51: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCrlFindSerialNumber (I[B)Z
L54: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getTimeRange : ()Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$TimeRange;
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isVerified Z
L8: ifne L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_thisUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L23: aload_0
L24: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_nextUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L27: invokestatic Method com/intel/util/Calendar createTimeRange (Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;)Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$TimeRange;
L30: areturn
.end code
.end method
.method protected init : (IBI)V
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: iload_2
L1: iflt L20
L4: iload_2
L5: iconst_5
L6: if_icmpge L20
L9: iload_3
L10: ifle L20
L13: iload_3
L14: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/SslSession$Crl getMaxCrlLength ()I
L17: if_icmple L28
L20: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L23: dup
L24: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L27: athrow
L28: aload_0
L29: iload_1
L30: iload_3
L31: iload_2
L32: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCrlCreate (IIB)I
L35: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L38: aload_0
L39: iload_1
L40: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_handle I
L43: aload_0
L44: iload_3
L45: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlLength I
L48: aload_0
L49: iload_2
L50: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_chainIndex B
L53: aload_0
L54: iconst_1
L55: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isValid Z
L58: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected isValid : ()Z
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public verify : ()Z
.code stack 6 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_appendedLength I
L8: aload_0
L9: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlLength I
L12: if_icmpeq L23
L15: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L18: dup
L19: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L22: athrow
L23: sipush 2000
L26: iconst_1
L27: iconst_1
L28: iconst_0
L29: iconst_0
L30: iconst_0
L31: invokestatic Method com/intel/util/Calendar createDateTime (SBBBBB)Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L34: astore_1
L35: sipush 2000
L38: iconst_1
L39: iconst_1
L40: iconst_0
L41: iconst_0
L42: iconst_0
L43: invokestatic Method com/intel/util/Calendar createDateTime (SBBBBB)Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L46: astore_2
L47: aload_0
L48: getfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_crlHandle I
L51: aload_1
L52: aload_2
L53: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCrlVerify (ILcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;)Z
L56: istore_3
L57: iload_3
L58: ifeq L76
L61: aload_0
L62: aload_1
L63: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_thisUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L66: aload_0
L67: aload_2
L68: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_nextUpdate Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$DateTime;
L71: aload_0
L72: iconst_1
L73: putfield Field CrlBaseImpl m_isVerified Z
L76: iload_3
L77: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class super com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl
.super com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl
.field protected m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
.method protected <init> : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl <init> ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: aconst_null
L6: putfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L9: return
.end code
.end method
.method public appendChunk : ([BSS)V
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isClosed ()Z
L7: ifeq L18
L10: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L13: dup
L14: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L17: athrow
L18: aload_0
L19: aload_1
L20: iload_2
L21: iload_3
L22: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl appendChunk ([BSS)V
L25: return
.end code
.end method
.method public findSerialNumber : ([B)Z
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isClosed ()Z
L7: ifeq L18
L10: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L13: dup
L14: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L17: athrow
L18: aload_0
L19: aload_1
L20: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl findSerialNumber ([B)Z
L23: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getTimeRange : ()Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$TimeRange;
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isClosed ()Z
L7: ifeq L18
L10: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L13: dup
L14: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L17: athrow
L18: aload_0
L19: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl getTimeRange ()Lcom/intel/util/Calendar$TimeRange;
L22: areturn
.end code
.end method
.method protected init : (Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;BI)V
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L5: iload_2
L6: iload_3
L7: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl init (IBI)V
L10: aload_0
L11: aload_1
L12: putfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L15: return
.end code
.end method
.method public verify : ()Z
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionCrlImpl m_session Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;
L4: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isClosed ()Z
L7: ifeq L18
L10: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L13: dup
L14: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L17: athrow
L18: aload_0
L19: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CrlBaseImpl verify ()Z
L22: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException
.super java/lang/RuntimeException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method java/lang/RuntimeException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method java/lang/RuntimeException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.super com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/langutil/IntelRuntimeException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class public super com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
.super com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
.method public <init> : ()V
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L4: return
.end code
.end method
.method public <init> : (Ljava/lang/String;)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: aload_1
L2: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
L5: return
.end code
.end method
.end class
.class super com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl
.super com/intel/crypto/SslSession
.field protected m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
.field protected m_calendarInfo [B
.field protected m_certStore Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
.field protected m_cipherSuites [S
.field protected m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
.field protected m_fqdn Ljava/lang/String;
.field protected m_keySizes I
.field protected m_sessionHandle I
.field private m_generatedAlertType S
.field protected m_minProtocolVersion S
.field protected m_handshakeStarted Z
.field protected m_isCompleteAlertMessageGenerated Z
.field protected m_isEstablished Z
.field protected m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
.field protected m_isValid Z
.field protected m_operationFailed Z
.field private static final KEY_SIZES_ALLOWED I
.field private static final TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA_BIT I
.field private static final TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA_BIT I
.field private static final TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA_BIT I
.field private static final MAX_CIPHER_SUITE_LENGTH S
.field private static final MAX_FQDN_LENGTH S
.method protected <init> : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/SslSession <init> ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: iconst_m1
L6: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L9: aload_0
L10: iconst_0
L11: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isValid Z
L14: aload_0
L15: iconst_0
L16: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L19: aload_0
L20: iconst_0
L21: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isEstablished Z
L24: aload_0
L25: iconst_0
L26: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L29: aload_0
L30: iconst_0
L31: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L34: aload_0
L35: iconst_0
L36: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isCompleteAlertMessageGenerated Z
L39: aload_0
L40: aconst_null
L41: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_certStore Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
L44: aload_0
L45: aconst_null
L46: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_fqdn Ljava/lang/String;
L49: aload_0
L50: aconst_null
L51: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_calendarInfo [B
L54: aload_0
L55: aconst_null
L56: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L59: aload_0
L60: iconst_0
L61: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_minProtocolVersion S
L64: aload_0
L65: iconst_0
L66: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_keySizes I
L69: aload_0
L70: aconst_null
L71: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L74: aload_0
L75: iconst_m1
L76: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_generatedAlertType S
L79: aload_0
L80: aconst_null
L81: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
L84: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected checkValid : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: return
.end code
.end method
.method public createCrl : (BI)Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSession$Crl;
.code stack 4 locals 4
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isEstablished ()Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: new com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl
L18: dup
L19: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl <init> ()V
L22: astore_3
L23: aload_3
L24: aload_0
L25: iload_1
L26: iload_2
L27: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl init (Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;BI)V
L30: aload_0
L31: aload_3
L32: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
L35: aload_3
L36: areturn
.end code
.end method
.method public decrypt : ([BSS[BSS)S
.code stack 8 locals 8
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isEstablished ()Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: aload_1
L16: ifnonnull L23
L19: iload_3
L20: ifne L44
L23: aload_1
L24: ifnonnull L31
L27: iload_2
L28: ifne L44
L31: iload 6
L33: ifeq L44
L36: iload_3
L37: aload_0
L38: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl getMaxBufferLength ()S
L41: if_icmple L52
L44: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L47: dup
L48: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L51: athrow
.catch com/intel/crypto/OperationFailedException from L52 to L87 using L88
L52: aload_0
L53: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L56: aload_1
L57: iload_2
L58: iload_3
L59: aload 4
L61: iload 5
L63: iload 6
L65: aload_0
L66: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L69: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionDecrypt (I[BSS[BSSLcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;)S
L72: istore 7
L74: iload 7
L76: iconst_m1
L77: if_icmpne L85
L80: aload_0
L81: iconst_1
L82: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L85: iload 7
L87: ireturn
L88: astore 7
L90: aload_0
L91: iconst_1
L92: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L95: aload 7
L97: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public destroy : ()V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: iconst_0
L6: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isValid Z
.catch com/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication from L9 to L33 using L43
L9: aload_0
L10: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
L13: ifnull L33
L16: aload_0
L17: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
L20: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl isValid ()Z
L23: ifeq L33
L26: aload_0
L27: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_crl Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl;
L30: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCrlImpl destroy ()V
L33: aload_0
L34: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L37: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionDestroy (I)V
L40: goto L53
.catch com/intel/nfc/CLFManager$CardApplication from L43 to L44 using L43
L43: astore_1
L44: aload_0
L45: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L48: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionDestroy (I)V
L51: aload_1
L52: athrow
L53: return
.end code
.end method
.method public encrypt : ([BSS[BSS)S
.code stack 8 locals 8
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isEstablished ()Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: aload_1
L16: ifnonnull L23
L19: iload_3
L20: ifne L44
L23: aload_1
L24: ifnonnull L31
L27: iload_2
L28: ifne L44
L31: iload 6
L33: ifeq L44
L36: iload_3
L37: aload_0
L38: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl getMaxBufferLength ()S
L41: if_icmple L52
L44: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L47: dup
L48: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L51: athrow
.catch com/intel/crypto/OperationFailedException from L52 to L76 using L77
L52: aload_0
L53: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L56: aload_1
L57: iload_2
L58: iload_3
L59: aload 4
L61: iload 5
L63: iload 6
L65: aload_0
L66: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L69: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionEncrypt (I[BSS[BSSLcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;)S
L72: istore 7
L74: iload 7
L76: ireturn
L77: astore 7
L79: aload_0
L80: iconst_1
L81: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L84: aload 7
L86: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public generateAlertMessage : (S[BSS)S
.code stack 6 locals 6
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L8: ifeq L33
L11: aload_0
L12: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L15: ifeq L26
L18: iload_1
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_generatedAlertType S
L23: if_icmpne L33
L26: aload_0
L27: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isCompleteAlertMessageGenerated Z
L30: ifeq L41
L33: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L36: dup
L37: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L40: athrow
L41: iload 4
L43: ifeq L50
L46: iload_1
L47: ifge L58
L50: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L53: dup
L54: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L57: athrow
L58: aload_0
L59: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L62: iload_1
L63: aload_2
L64: iload_3
L65: iload 4
L67: aload_0
L68: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L71: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionGenerateAlertMessage (IS[BSSLcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;)S
L74: istore 5
L76: aload_0
L77: iconst_1
L78: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L81: aload_0
L82: iload_1
L83: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_generatedAlertType S
L86: aload_0
L87: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L90: getfield Field SslSessionImpl$BufferState hasMoreOutput Z
L93: ifne L101
L96: aload_0
L97: iconst_1
L98: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isCompleteAlertMessageGenerated Z
L101: iload 5
L103: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getChainInfo : ()[Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSession$CertificateInfo;
.code stack 8 locals 5
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl isEstablished ()Z
L4: ifne L15
L7: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L10: dup
L11: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L14: athrow
L15: iconst_5
L16: newarray int
L18: astore_1
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L23: aload_1
L24: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslCertChainGetLength (I[I)I
L27: istore_2
L28: iload_2
L29: anewarray Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSession$CertificateInfo;
L32: astore_3
L33: iconst_0
L34: istore 4
L36: iload 4
L38: iload_2
L39: if_icmpge L67
L42: aload_3
L43: iload 4
L45: new com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCertificateInfoImpl
L48: dup
L49: aload_0
L50: iload 4
L52: i2b
L53: aload_1
L54: iload 4
L56: iaload
L57: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionCertificateInfoImpl <init> (Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;BI)V
L60: aastore
L61: iinc 4 1
L64: goto L36
L67: aload_3
L68: areturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getCipherSuite : ()[S
.code stack 5 locals 2
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L8: ifeq L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L23: arraylength
L24: newarray short
L26: astore_1
L27: aload_0
L28: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L31: iconst_0
L32: aload_1
L33: iconst_0
L34: aload_0
L35: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L38: arraylength
L39: invokestatic Method com/intel/langutil/ArrayUtils copyShortArray ([SI[SII)V
L42: aload_1
L43: areturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getFailure : ()I
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L8: ifeq L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L23: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionGetFailure (I)I
L26: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public getKeySizes : ()I
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: new com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException
L3: dup
L4: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException <init> ()V
L7: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public getMinProtocolVersion : ()S
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: new com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException
L3: dup
L4: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException <init> ()V
L7: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public hasMoreOutput : ()Z
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L8: getfield Field SslSessionImpl$BufferState hasMoreOutput Z
L11: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method protected init : (Lcom/intel/util/Calendar;[BSLjava/lang/String;Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStore;)V
.code stack 5 locals 7
L0: aload_1
L1: ifnull L18
L4: aload_2
L5: ifnull L18
L8: aload 4
L10: ifnull L18
L13: aload 5
L15: ifnonnull L26
L18: new java/lang/NullPointerException
L21: dup
L22: invokespecial Method java/lang/NullPointerException <init> ()V
L25: athrow
.catch com/intel/util/IllegalParameterException from L26 to L33 using L36
.catch com/intel/util/UtilException from L26 to L33 using L46
L26: aload_1
L27: aload_2
L28: iload_3
L29: invokevirtual Method com/intel/util/Calendar getTime ([BI)I
L32: pop
L33: goto L56
L36: astore 6
L38: new com/intel/crypto/NotInitializedException
L41: dup
L42: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotInitializedException <init> ()V
L45: athrow
L46: astore 6
L48: new com/intel/crypto/CryptoException
L51: dup
L52: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoException <init> ()V
L55: athrow
L56: aload_0
L57: bipush 8
L59: newarray byte
L61: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_calendarInfo [B
L64: aload_2
L65: iload_3
L66: aload_0
L67: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_calendarInfo [B
L70: iconst_0
L71: bipush 8
L73: invokestatic Method com/intel/langutil/ArrayUtils copyByteArray ([BI[BII)V
L76: aload 4
L78: invokevirtual Method java/lang/String length ()I
L81: ifeq L105
L84: aload 4
L86: ldc ''
L88: invokevirtual Method java/lang/String compareTo (Ljava/lang/String;)I
L91: ifeq L105
L94: aload 4
L96: invokevirtual Method java/lang/String length ()I
L99: sipush 255
L102: if_icmple L113
L105: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L108: dup
L109: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L112: athrow
L113: aload_0
L114: aload 4
L116: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_fqdn Ljava/lang/String;
L119: aload_0
L120: iconst_3
L121: newarray short
L123: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L126: aload_0
L127: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L130: iconst_0
L131: bipush 47
L133: sastore
L134: aload_0
L135: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L138: iconst_1
L139: iconst_5
L140: sastore
L141: aload_0
L142: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L145: iconst_2
L146: bipush 53
L148: sastore
L149: aload_0
L150: bipush 7
L152: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_keySizes I
L155: aload_0
L156: iconst_0
L157: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_minProtocolVersion S
L160: aload_0
L161: aload 5
L163: checkcast Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
L166: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_certStore Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
L169: aload_0
L170: new com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState
L173: dup
L174: aload_0
L175: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState <init> (Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl;)V
L178: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L181: aload_0
L182: iconst_m1
L183: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_generatedAlertType S
L186: aload_0
L187: aload_0
L188: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_certStore Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
L191: getfield Field CertificateStoreImpl m_certStoreHandle I
L194: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionCreate (I)I
L197: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L200: aload_0
L201: iconst_0
L202: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L205: aload_0
L206: iconst_0
L207: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L210: aload_0
L211: iconst_0
L212: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L215: aload_0
L216: iconst_0
L217: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isCompleteAlertMessageGenerated Z
L220: aload_0
L221: iconst_1
L222: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isValid Z
L225: return
.end code
.end method
.method protected isClosed : ()Z
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L4: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public isEstablished : ()Z
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L8: ifeq L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isEstablished Z
L23: ifeq L37
L26: aload_0
L27: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L30: ifne L37
L33: iconst_1
L34: goto L38
L37: iconst_0
L38: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public isServerAlert : ()Z
.code stack 2 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L8: ifne L19
L11: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L14: dup
L15: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L18: athrow
L19: aload_0
L20: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L23: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionIsServerAlert (I)Z
L26: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method protected isValid : ()Z
.code stack 1 locals 1
L0: aload_0
L1: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isValid Z
L4: ireturn
.end code
.end method
.method public performHandshake : ([BSS[BSS)S
.code stack 8 locals 8
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: aload_0
L5: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isEstablished Z
L8: ifne L25
L11: aload_0
L12: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L15: ifne L25
L18: aload_0
L19: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L22: ifeq L33
L25: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L28: dup
L29: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L32: athrow
L33: aload_0
L34: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_certStore Lcom/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl;
L37: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/CertificateStoreImpl isEmpty ()Z
L40: ifeq L51
L43: new com/intel/crypto/NotInitializedException
L46: dup
L47: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotInitializedException <init> ()V
L50: athrow
L51: aload_1
L52: ifnonnull L59
L55: iload_3
L56: ifne L80
L59: aload_1
L60: ifnonnull L67
L63: iload_2
L64: ifne L80
L67: iload 6
L69: ifeq L80
L72: iload_3
L73: aload_0
L74: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl getMaxBufferLength ()S
L77: if_icmple L88
L80: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L83: dup
L84: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L87: athrow
.catch com/intel/crypto/OperationFailedException from L88 to L172 using L173
L88: aload_0
L89: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L92: ifne L132
L95: aload_0
L96: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L99: aload_0
L100: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_calendarInfo [B
L103: aload_0
L104: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_fqdn Ljava/lang/String;
L107: invokevirtual Method java/lang/String getBytes ()[B
L110: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionSetParams (I[B[B)V
L113: aload_0
L114: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L117: aload_0
L118: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L121: aload_0
L122: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_minProtocolVersion S
L125: aload_0
L126: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_keySizes I
L129: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionSetSecurityParams (I[SSI)V
L132: aload_0
L133: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L136: aload_1
L137: iload_2
L138: iload_3
L139: aload 4
L141: iload 5
L143: iload 6
L145: aload_0
L146: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_bufferState Lcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;
L149: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionPerformHandshake (I[BSS[BSSLcom/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl$BufferState;)S
L152: istore 7
L154: aload_0
L155: iconst_1
L156: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L159: aload_0
L160: aload_0
L161: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_sessionHandle I
L164: invokestatic Method com/intel/crypto/CryptoNative sslSessionIsEstablished (I)Z
L167: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isEstablished Z
L170: iload 7
L172: ireturn
L173: astore 7
L175: aload_0
L176: iconst_1
L177: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_operationFailed Z
L180: aload 7
L182: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public setCipherSuite : ([SSS)V
.code stack 5 locals 6
L0: aload_0
L1: invokevirtual Method com/intel/crypto/SslSessionImpl checkValid ()V
L4: iconst_0
L5: istore 4
L7: aload_0
L8: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_handshakeStarted Z
L11: ifne L21
L14: aload_0
L15: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_isGenrateAlertMessageStarted Z
L18: ifeq L29
L21: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException
L24: dup
L25: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalUseException <init> ()V
L28: athrow
L29: iload_2
L30: iflt L52
L33: iload_3
L34: iflt L52
L37: iload_2
L38: iload_3
L39: iadd
L40: aload_1
L41: arraylength
L42: if_icmpgt L52
L45: iload_2
L46: iload_3
L47: iadd
L48: iload_2
L49: if_icmpge L60
L52: new java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
L55: dup
L56: invokespecial Method java/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException <init> ()V
L59: athrow
L60: iload_3
L61: ifeq L69
L64: iload_3
L65: iconst_3
L66: if_icmple L77
L69: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L72: dup
L73: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L76: athrow
L77: iconst_0
L78: istore 5
L80: iload 5
L82: iload_3
L83: if_icmpge L214
L86: aload_1
L87: iload_2
L88: iload 5
L90: iadd
L91: saload
L92: lookupswitch
5 : L176
47 : L128
53 : L152
default : L200
L128: iload 4
L130: iconst_1
L131: iand
L132: ifeq L143
L135: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L138: dup
L139: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L142: athrow
L143: iload 4
L145: iconst_1
L146: ior
L147: istore 4
L149: goto L208
L152: iload 4
L154: iconst_4
L155: iand
L156: ifeq L167
L159: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L162: dup
L163: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L166: athrow
L167: iload 4
L169: iconst_4
L170: ior
L171: istore 4
L173: goto L208
L176: iload 4
L178: iconst_2
L179: iand
L180: ifeq L191
L183: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L186: dup
L187: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L190: athrow
L191: iload 4
L193: iconst_2
L194: ior
L195: istore 4
L197: goto L208
L200: new com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException
L203: dup
L204: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/IllegalParameterException <init> ()V
L207: athrow
L208: iinc 5 1
L211: goto L80
L214: aload_0
L215: iload_3
L216: newarray short
L218: putfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L221: aload_1
L222: iload_2
L223: aload_0
L224: getfield Field SslSessionImpl m_cipherSuites [S
L227: iconst_0
L228: iload_3
L229: invokestatic Method com/intel/langutil/ArrayUtils copyShortArray ([SI[SII)V
L232: return
.end code
.end method
.method public setKeySizes : (I)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: new com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException
L3: dup
L4: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException <init> ()V
L7: athrow
.end code
.end method
.method public setMinProtocolVersion : (S)V
.code stack 2 locals 2
L0: new com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException
L3: dup
L4: invokespecial Method com/intel/crypto/NotSupportedException <init> ()V
L7: athrow
.end code
.end method
.end class
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