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Created November 22, 2023 21:33
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// what is AVM?
const sleep = (n) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, n));
async function getAboveTheFold(propertyId) {
const r = await fetch(`${propertyId}&accessLevel=1`);
const t = await r.text();
const data = JSON.parse(t.replace('{}&&', ''));
const payload = data.payload;
const addressSectionInfo = payload.addressSectionInfo;
const interestingData = {};
// Big number they display up front
interestingData.predictedValue = addressSectionInfo.avmInfo.predictedValue;
// Address / ID info
interestingData.streetAddress = addressSectionInfo.streetAddress;
interestingData.url = addressSectionInfo.url;
// "Last Sold Price"
interestingData.latestPriceInfo = addressSectionInfo.latestPriceInfo;
return interestingData;
async function getBelowTheFold(propertyId) {
const r = await fetch(`${propertyId}&accessLevel=1`);
const t = await r.text();
const data = JSON.parse(t.replace('{}&&', ''));
const payload = data.payload;
const amenitiesInfo = payload.amenitiesInfo;
// This has interesting stuff about heating / cooling, maybe solar?
const amenityGroups = [].concat( => z.amenityGroups));
interestingAmenityGroups = amenityGroups.filter((g) => g.groupTitle.includes('Heating') || g.groupTitle.includes('Cooling'));
return { amenities: interestingAmenityGroups };
async function getDetails(propertyId) {
const aboveR = getAboveTheFold(propertyId);
const belowR = getBelowTheFold(propertyId);
const [above, below] = await Promise.all([aboveR, belowR]);
return { ...above, ...below };
async function seeAboutRateLimit(n) {
// go descending order through N listings, making two requests each and sleeping a reasonable second between each.
const pi = 5303414 - 1000;
const listingsData = || [];
// Can get data out later by copying this variable = listingsData;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const listingData = await getDetails(pi - i);
await sleep(100);
return listingsData;
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