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Last active January 25, 2020 08:18
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Generate Tailwind CSS Color Variables / Config
/* Run this in the console on */
toRRGGBBAASuffix = (num) => (num).toString(16).padEnd(4, 0).substr(2,2)
opacities = [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8];
additionalColors = [
['black', '#000000'],
['white', '#ffffff'],
lines = '';
obj = {};
function populateLinesAndObj(colorName, colorVal) {
const varName = `--color-${colorName}`;
lines += `${varName}: ${colorVal};` + '\n';
obj[colorName] = `var(${varName})`;
opacities.forEach(opac => {
const opacityNum = opac === 0 ? '0' : String(Math.round(opac * 100));
const rrggbbaaVal = `${colorVal}${toRRGGBBAASuffix(opac)}`;
const colorWithOpacName = `${colorName}-${opacityNum}`;
const varWithOpacName = `${varName}-${opacityNum}`;
lines += `${varName}-${opacityNum}: ${rrggbbaaVal};` + '\n';
obj[colorWithOpacName] = `var(${varWithOpacName})`;
additionalColors.forEach(color => {
document.querySelectorAll('div[class="flex flex-wrap -mx-2 mt-0"]')[0].querySelectorAll('div[class="w-1/2 px-2 md:w-full relative mt-4"]').forEach(box => {
const color = box.querySelector('h3').innerText.toLowerCase();
box.querySelectorAll('div[class="ml-2 text-gray-800 text-xs leading-none pl-1"]').forEach(colorBox => {
const colorNum = colorBox.querySelector('[class="font-semibold"]').innerText;
const hexVal = colorBox.querySelector('[class="mt-1 font-normal opacity-75"]').innerText.toLowerCase();
populateLinesAndObj(`${color}-${colorNum}`, hexVal);
console.log('↓ Use this in your CSS/SCSS file ↓');
console.log('↓ Use this in your tailwind.config.js file ↓');
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