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Sam Kozin skozin

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guillaumef /
Last active April 11, 2023 03:19
Python - AES 256 crypt/decrypt compatible with 'openssl enc' format
"""OpenSSL enc compatible script by Python.
""" Based on:
Added: base64
Need: python3-crypto
# Encrypt
python3 ./ -in <filein> -e -salt -aes-256-cbc
andywer /
Last active December 23, 2020 17:22
Reactive Conf 2017 ⚡️ Talk Proposal - Memory Leak Hunt 2017 Style

This is a proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf. Please 🌟 this gist to push the proposal!

Memory Leak Testing in 2017

Hi, I am Andy, creator of leakage - the node-powered memory leak testing library.

Instead of manual debugging it provides a structured approach to fix or even prevent memory leaks.

libitte / gist:cbde168d26bc5faf9bf9fef648091b42
Last active October 23, 2024 17:09
FIX warning: ignoring broken ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD

warning: ignoring broken ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD

➜   ✗ g symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/develop
➜   ✗ g fetch --prune
➜   ✗ g gc

* Base contract that all upgradeable contracts should use.
* Contracts implementing this interface are all called using delegatecall from
* a dispatcher. As a result, the _sizes and _dest variables are shared with the
* dispatcher contract, which allows the called contract to update these at will.
* _sizes is a map of function signatures to return value sizes. Due to EVM
* limitations, these need to be populated by the target contract, so the
* dispatcher knows how many bytes of data to return from called functions.
nicklockwood / gist:21495c2015fd2dda56cf
Last active August 13, 2020 13:57
Thoughts on Swift 2 Errors

Thoughts on Swift 2 Errors

When Swift was first announced, I was gratified to see that one of the (few) philosophies that it shared with Objective-C was that exceptions should not be used for control flow, only for highlighting fatal programming errors at development time.

So it came as a surprise to me when Swift 2 brought (What appeared to be) traditional exception handling to the language.

Similarly surprised were the functional Swift programmers, who had put their faith in the Haskell-style approach to error handling, where every function returns an enum (or monad, if you like) containing either a valid result or an error. This seemed like a natural fit for Swift, so why did Apple instead opt for a solution originally designed for clumsy imperative languages?

I'm going to cover three things in this post:

lolzballs /
Created March 22, 2015 00:21
Hello World Enterprise Edition
public class HelloWorld{
private static HelloWorld instance;
public static void main(String[] args){
jesusprubio / gist:8f092af4ca252e252eab
Last active April 12, 2023 15:02
Proposal: A Node.js penetration test framework

Proposal: Node.js penetration test framework

Hi guys! Since I started to write Bluebox-ng I've been tracking the different security projects I found written in Node.js. Now we've published the first stable version we think it's the right moment to speak among us (and, of course, everyone interested in it :).


  • I think we're rewriting the same stuff in our respective projects again and again. For example, almost any tool supports IPv6 because the functions we need are still not present in the Node core and the libraries I found (IMHO) were not enough.
  • There're different projects implementing exactly the same thing, ie: port scanners.
  • We're working in a too new environment, so we need to make it together.
corny /
Last active February 8, 2025 11:54
Update script for to set your IPv4 address and IPv6 prefix
#!/bin/sh -e
[ -e $file ] && old=`cat $file`
if [ -z "$hostname" -o -z "$token" ]; then
echo "Usage: token=<your-authentication-token> [netmask=64] $0 [device]"
exit 1

Screencapture and animated gifs

I say "animated gif" but in reality I think it's irresponsible to be serving "real" GIF files to people now. You should be serving gfy's, gifv's, webm, mp4s, whatever. They're a fraction of the filesize making it easier for you to deliver high fidelity, full color animation very quickly, especially on bad mobile connections. (But I suppose if you're just doing this for small audiences (like bug reporting), then LICEcap is a good solution).

Capturing (Easy)

  1. Launch quicktime player
  2. do Screen recording

screen shot 2014-10-22 at 11 16 23 am