The following are a mish-mash of VIM, Sublime Text (in Vintage mode with Vintageous package) and Emmet commands.
The key to using VIM is to stay in COMMAND MODE as much as possible. Think of VIM as a language (although subject-verb-object order may differ from your spoken language). Commands can be combined. Learn by doing, not by memorizing.
Remember, there is always a built-in VIM tutor on OSX just type vimtutor in the terminal.
Note: ⌘||Ctrl (aka Super key) means use Command key for OS X or Control key for Windows. Italicized indcates placeholders.
In this document:
- Favs of the Moment
- Finding
- Go To
- Jumping Around
- Bookmarks
- Insert Mode
- Cut/Copy/Paste
- Selecting
- Undo/Redo
- Recording Macros
- Key Chords
- Emmet
Key | Description |
ea | append at end of word |
m [a-z0-9] | (book)mark current cursor position with register (any key [a-z0-9]) |
' [a-z0-9] | Return to marked position [a-z0-9] (first non-blank character in line) |
Ctrl + ⌘ + g | Find All instances |
` [a-z0-9] | jump to line and column of mark |
'' | toggle line position before jump (two apostrophes) |
`` | toggle cursor position before jump (two back ticks) |
Ctrl + w (OS X) Ctrl+Shift + G (Win) |
Wrap with abbreviation (use w/ `ul>li* |
. | repeat last action |
[cdVy]n[jk] | change, delete, visual or yank n number of lines down or up in addition to current line (w/ Vintageous package) |
Shift + Vngg | select current line up to line number n |
⌘||Ctrl + kc | scroll cursor to centre |
[cdvy]aw | Change, delete (& copy), visual or yank all word with trailing space |
[cdvy]iw | Change, delete (& copy), visual or yank inner word |
Shift + * | Find next word matching cursor (from anywhere within word) |
Shift + ^ | Within line, jump to first non-white space character (tip: left shift) |
d Shift + _ | Delete line without taking linefeed/newline |
⌘||Ctrl+Shift + K | Clear entire line (doesn't keep in clipboard) |
Shift + D | Delete to end of line (unlike dd which deletes full line) |
d Shift + $ | Delete to end of line (same as above) |
Shift + % | Jump to open/close brace (), {}, or [] (or matching html tag if in word) |
gg = Shift + G | (go to top and) format entire file |
gg > Shift + G | (go to top and) indent entire file |
:reg + Enter | show registry history |
Shift + ~ | Toggle case of selection or cursor |
q [a-z] | Starts recording macro (in normal mode) to the specified register (a-z) - displays recording... in the status line - Type any normal mode commands, or enter insert mode and type text |
q | Stops recording (in normal mode) |
Shift + @ [a-z] | Playback your keystrokes: - press @ followed by the letter previously chosen - [optional] Typing @@ repeats the last playback. |
Key | Description |
fx | find x and land on it (current line only) |
Shift + Fx | Jump back on x (opposite of above, current line only) |
tx | 'til x but land before it (current line only) |
Shift + Tx | Jump back 'til x (opposite of above, current line only) |
/ | enter find |
* | set find all word & find next |
n | find next |
Shift + N | find previous |
⌘||Ctrl + i | incremental find (not quite same as ⌘ + d) |
Ctrl + ⌘ + g | Find All instances |
Key | Description |
Shift + G | Go page bottom |
gg | Goto top (think goto 1 line) |
ngg | Goto line n |
n Shift + G | Go line n (alternate |
Key | Description |
w | jump to next (non-space) word (tip: regex) |
e | jump to end of current word |
b | jump back to previous word |
Shift + W | jump to next word (delimited by whitespace, be it tab, space or newline) |
Shift + E | jump to end of current word (delimited by whitespace, be it tab, space or newline) |
Shift + B | jump to beginning of previous word (delimited by whitespace, be it tab, space or newline) |
Shift + ^ | jump to first non-blank character on line (tip: left shift) |
Shift + _ | jump to first non-blank character of the line (same as above) |
Shift + $ | jump to last non-white space character on line (tip: right shift) |
g Shift + _ | jump to last non-blank character of the line (same as above) |
Shift + * | jump to next word matching cursor (case insensitive) |
Shift + # | jump to previous word matching cursor |
Shift + } | Go next paragraph empty space |
Shift + { | Go previous paragraph empty space |
Shift + H | move to high (header) part of screen |
Shift + M | move to middle of screen |
Shift + L | move to lower part of screen |
zz | scroll current line to middle of page |
⌘||Ctrl + f | scroll page forward doesn't work in Sublime |
⌘||Ctrl + b | scroll page back doesn't work in Sublime |
Shift + % | Jump to open/close (), {}, or [] |
o | While in Visual, toggles cursor position start/end |
Key | Description |
m [a-z0-9] | (book)mark current cursor position with register (any key [a-z0-9]) |
' [a-z0-9] | Return to marked position [a-z0-9] (first non-blank character in line) |
` [a-z0-9] | jump to line and column of mark |
[cdy] ' [a-z0-9] | change, delete or yank from current line to line of mark |
[cdy] ` [a-z0-9] | change, delete or yank from current cursor position to position of mark |
'' | toggle last marks |
⌘||Ctrl+F2 | Toggle Bookmark (with indicator) |
F2 | Jump to Next bookmark |
Shift+F2 | Jump to Previous bookmark |
Shift+⌘||Ctrl+F2 | Clear all bookmarks |
Key | Description |
s | delete character under cursor |
i | Insert infront cursor |
a | Append after cursor |
Shift + I | Insert infront of line (tip: left shift indicates direction) |
Shift + A | Append after line end (tip: right shift indicates direction) |
o | Open newline below |
Shift + O | Open newline above (tip: shift ⇧) |
c | Change/cut (i.e. cw = deletes word) |
caw | Change/cut all word |
cc | Change/cut entire line |
ci" | Change inner quote content (can be anywhere before for quotes, but has to be within for parenthses) |
cit | Change inner tag |
Key | Description |
d | delete (cuts) |
dd | delete (cuts) entire line |
d Shift + _ | delete line without taking linefeed/newline |
num dd | deletes num lines |
dit | delete inner tag content |
y | yank (copy) selection |
yy | yank entire line |
r | replace single character (stays in command mode) |
x | delete single character (stays in command mode) |
Shift + X | delete previous single character |
p | paste after cursor |
Shift + P | paste above (⇧) line |
d num Enter | deletes num lines from current position in line to current position (not entire line) |
y num p | copies line num times |
daw | delete (& copy) entire word with trailing space |
d3w | delete (& copy) 3 words (starting from wherever cursor is) |
" register y | yank to register (use :reg to view register) |
" register p | paste from register (use :reg to view register) |
Key | Description |
v | switch into visual mode |
Shift + V | selects line (goes into visual mode) |
Shift + Vngg | select current line up to line number n |
Shift + Vnj | select current + down n lines |
Alt + F3 | select all under cursor |
Key | Description |
u | undo |
Shift + U | undo all changes to current line |
⌘||Ctrl + r | redo |
. | repeat last action |
Key | Description |
q [a-z] | Starts recording macro (in normal mode) to the specified register (a-z) - displays recording... in the status line - Type any normal mode commands, or enter insert mode and type text |
q | Stops recording (in normal mode) |
Shift + @ [a-z] | Playback your keystrokes: - press @ followed by the letter previously chosen - [optional] Typing @@ repeats the last playback. |
Key | Description |
⌘||Ctrl + k↑ | create split pane |
⌘||Ctrl + k↓ | remove split pane |
⌘||Ctrl + ka | show all lint errors |
⌘||Ctrl + ku | uppercase |
⌘||Ctrl + kl | lowercase |
⌘||Ctrl + kt | hide (fold) all tag attributes |
⌘||Ctrl + k0 | expand all code |
⌘||Ctrl + k1 | collapse/fold all 1 tab indentations |
⌘||Ctrl + k2 | collapse/fold all 2 tab indentations |
⌘||Ctrl + kb | toggle side bar |
⌘||Ctrl + kv | paste from history |
⌘||Ctrl + kc | scroll cursor to centre |
Shift+⌘||Ctrl + K | highlight matching tags (good for swapping tag) |
Key | Description |
Ctrl + w (OS X - Make sure Vintegeous is disabled) Ctrl+Shift + G (Win) |
Wrap with abbreviation (use w/ `ul>li* |
Ctrl+Shift + W (OS X) Alt+Shift + W (Win) |
Wrap with tag (alternate to above) |