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Created December 27, 2023 15:15
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Testing Kubernetes Environments via k3s and k3sup on Hetzner Cloud via the hcloud CLI
############################## DEV_SCRIPT_MARKER ##############################
# This script is used to document and run recurring tasks in development. #
# #
# You can run your tasks using the script `./dev some-task`. #
# You can install the Sandstorm Dev Script Runner and run your tasks from any #
# nested folder using `dev run some-task`. #
set -e
export hetznerSshKeysToUse=tmp-key
export CONTEXT=playground-k3s-2023-12
######### TASKS #########
function setup() {
_log_warning "Installing tools"
brew install hcloud
brew install gomplate
# brew install ansible
brew install gum
# brew install bitwarden-cli
_log_success "Successfully installed hcloud CLI and gomplate (for templating)"
_log_warning "Go to and create a new project playground-k3s-2023-12."
_log_warning "Then, inside the project, in the left-hand menu, choose 'Security' -> 'API Tokens' and generate a RW API token."
_log_warning "Insert the API token here:"
hcloud context create $CONTEXT
function create_hcloud_ssh_key() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa -N "" -q
hcloud ssh-key create --name tmp-key --public-key-from-file || _log_success "SSH Key already configured"
_log_success "Uploaded SSH keys to Hetzner Cloud"
hcloud network create --ip-range --name priv-net || _log_success "Network already created"
hcloud network add-subnet priv-net --ip-range --network-zone eu-central --type cloud || _log_success "IP Range already created"
_log_success "Created private network for inter-node communication"
hcloud primary-ip create --type ipv4 --datacenter nbg1-dc3 --name k3s1-ip || _log_success "IP k3s1 already created"
hcloud primary-ip create --type ipv4 --datacenter nbg1-dc3 --name k3s2-ip || _log_success "IP k3s2 already created"
hcloud primary-ip create --type ipv4 --datacenter nbg1-dc3 --name k3s3-ip || _log_success "IP k3s3 already created"
function create_hcloud_servers() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
_log_warning "This will create servers in hetzner cloud"
hcloud server create --image ubuntu-22.04 --type cx31 --location=nbg1 --ssh-key $hetznerSshKeysToUse --name demo-k3s1 --without-ipv6 --primary-ipv4 k3s1-ip || true
hcloud server create --image ubuntu-22.04 --type cx31 --location=nbg1 --ssh-key $hetznerSshKeysToUse --name demo-k3s2 --without-ipv6 --primary-ipv4 k3s2-ip || true
hcloud server create --image ubuntu-22.04 --type cx31 --location=nbg1 --ssh-key $hetznerSshKeysToUse --name demo-k3s3 --without-ipv6 --primary-ipv4 k3s3-ip || true
hcloud server create --image ubuntu-22.04 --type cx31 --location=nbg1 --ssh-key $hetznerSshKeysToUse --name demo-k3s4 --without-ipv4 || true
_log_success "Created all servers"
hcloud server attach-to-network --network priv-net --ip demo-k3s1 || true
hcloud server attach-to-network --network priv-net --ip demo-k3s2 || true
hcloud server attach-to-network --network priv-net --ip demo-k3s3 || true
hcloud server attach-to-network --network priv-net --ip demo-k3s4 || true
function setup_k3s_with_k3sup_on_k3s1_2_3() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
export K3S1_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s1 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S2_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s2 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S3_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s3 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
if [ -f ~/.kube/config ]; then
echo "!!! Moving ~/.kube/config to ~/.kube/config-REAL to prevent you from accidentally installing dev stuff into your prod clusters."
mv ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config-REAL
# --cluster: ...using embedded etcd (embedded HA) (like our current infra)
# --k3s-version v1.23.17+k3s1 (matching current infra)
k3sup install \
--ip $K3S1_IP \
--user root \
--ssh-key id_rsa \
--cluster \
--k3s-version v1.23.17+k3s1 \
--k3s-extra-args '--disable=traefik --disable=local-storage --disable-network-policy --flannel-backend=none'
k3sup join \
--ip $K3S2_IP \
--user root \
--ssh-key id_rsa \
--server-user root \
--server-ip $K3S1_IP \
--server \
--k3s-version v1.23.17+k3s1 \
--k3s-extra-args '--disable=traefik --disable=local-storage --disable-network-policy --flannel-backend=none'
k3sup join \
--ip $K3S3_IP \
--user root \
--ssh-key id_rsa \
--server-user root \
--server-ip $K3S1_IP \
--server \
--k3s-version v1.23.17+k3s1 \
--k3s-extra-args '--disable=traefik --disable=local-storage --disable-network-policy --flannel-backend=none'
function setup_cilium() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
helm repo add cilium
helm repo update cilium
helm install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.14.0 \
--namespace kube-system --set operator.replicas=2 \
--set kubeProxyReplacement=strict --set ipam.mode=kubernetes
function deploy_demo_apps() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
export K3S1_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s1 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S2_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s2 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S3_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s3 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
mkdir -p tmp/
gomplate -f manifests/stateful-demo-apps.yml.tpl > tmp/stateful-demo-apps.yml
kubectl apply -f tmp/stateful-demo-apps.yml
function demo_apps_setup_persistent_data() {
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app exec deploy/stateful-demo-app-deployment -- ls -lisah /usr/share/nginx/html/
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app exec deploy/stateful-demo-app-deployment -- touch /usr/share/nginx/html/k3s1_$(date +%s)
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app exec deploy/stateful-demo-app-deployment -- /bin/bash -c 'echo k3s1_$(date +%s) > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html'
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app2 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app2-deployment -- ls -lisah /usr/share/nginx/html/
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app2 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app2-deployment -- touch /usr/share/nginx/html/k3s2_$(date +%s)
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app2 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app2-deployment -- /bin/bash -c 'echo k3s2_$(date +%s) > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html'
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app3 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app3-deployment -- ls -lisah /usr/share/nginx/html/
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app3 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app3-deployment -- touch /usr/share/nginx/html/k3s3_$(date +%s)
kubectl -n stateful-demo-app3 exec deploy/stateful-demo-app3-deployment -- /bin/bash -c 'echo k3s3_$(date +%s) > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html'
function create_server_snapshots() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
_log_warning "Creating snapshots $snapshotName"
hcloud server create-image --type snapshot --description $snapshotName-k3s1 demo-k3s1 &
hcloud server create-image --type snapshot --description $snapshotName-k3s2 demo-k3s2 &
hcloud server create-image --type snapshot --description $snapshotName-k3s3 demo-k3s3 &
function demo_apps_connection_infos() {
hcloud context use $CONTEXT
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig
export K3S1_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s1 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S2_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s2 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
export K3S3_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s3 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
echo "### Demo App on K3S1 ###"
echo " k3s1-over-k3s1.$ []"
echo " k3s1-over-k3s2.$ []"
echo " k3s1-over-k3s3.$ []"
echo ""
echo "### Demo App on K3S2 ###"
echo " k3s2-over-k3s1.$ []"
echo " k3s2-over-k3s2.$ []"
echo " k3s2-over-k3s3.$ []"
echo ""
echo "### Demo App on K3S3 ###"
echo " k3s3-over-k3s1.$ []"
echo " k3s3-over-k3s2.$ []"
echo " k3s3-over-k3s3.$ []"
function ssh-k3s1() {
export K3S1_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s1 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
ssh -i id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$K3S1_IP
function ssh-k3s2() {
export K3S2_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s2 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
ssh -i id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$K3S2_IP
function ssh-k3s3() {
export K3S3_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s3 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
ssh -i id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$K3S3_IP
function ssh-k3s4() {
export K3S4_IP=$(hcloud server describe demo-k3s4 -o format={{.PublicNet.IPv4.IP}})
ssh -i id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$K3S4_IP
####### Utilities #######
_log_success() {
printf "\033[0;32m${1}\033[0m\n"
_log_warning() {
printf "\033[1;33m%s\033[0m\n" "${1}"
_log_error() {
printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "${1}"
# this will run your tasks
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