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Last active October 2, 2024 12:08
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Python code for fractional differencing of pandas time series
Python code for fractional differencing of pandas time series
illustrating the concepts of the article "Preserving Memory in Stationary Time Series"
by Simon Kuttruf
While this code is dedicated to the public domain for use without permission, the author disclaims any liability in connection with the use of this code.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def getWeights(d,lags):
# return the weights from the series expansion of the differencing operator
# for real orders d and up to lags coefficients
for k in range(1,lags):
return w
def plotWeights(dRange, lags, numberPlots):
weights=pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((lags, numberPlots)))
for i, diff_order in enumerate(interval):
weights.columns = [round(x,2) for x in interval]
plt.legend(title='Order of differencing')
plt.title('Lag coefficients for various orders of differencing')
plt.xlabel('lag coefficients')
def ts_differencing(series, order, lag_cutoff):
# return the time series resulting from (fractional) differencing
# for real orders order up to lag_cutoff coefficients
weights=getWeights(order, lag_cutoff)
for k in range(lag_cutoff):
res += weights[k]*series.shift(k).fillna(0)
return res[lag_cutoff:]
def plotMemoryVsCorr(result, seriesName):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax2 = ax.twinx()
color1='xkcd:deep red'; color2='xkcd:cornflower blue'
ax.plot(result.order, result['5%'], color='xkcd:slate')
ax2.plot(result.order,result['corr'], color=color2)
ax.set_xlabel('order of differencing')
ax.set_ylabel('adf', color=color1);ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color1)
ax2.set_ylabel('corr', color=color2); ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=color2)
plt.title('ADF test statistics and correlation for %s' % (seriesName))
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
def MemoryVsCorr(series, dRange, numberPlots, lag_cutoff, seriesName):
# return a data frame and plot comparing adf statistics and linear correlation
# for numberPlots orders of differencing in the interval dRange up to a lag_cutoff coefficients
interval=np.linspace(dRange[0], dRange[1],numberPlots)
result.columns = ['order','adf','corr', '5%']
for counter,order in enumerate(interval):
res=adfuller(seq_traf, maxlag=1, regression='c') #autolag='AIC'
result.loc[counter,'corr']= np.corrcoef(series[lag_cutoff:].fillna(0),seq_traf)[0,1]
plotMemoryVsCorr(result, seriesName)
return result
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Do you happen to know the inverse as well? Like discrete fractional integrating?

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ditto ^^^

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@nielsuit227 did you end up finding the solution to inverse the difference?

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EstebanRequena commented Aug 13, 2022

Hey, it is a really good work Simon, thanks a lot !

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Hey @nielsuit227, @masonmahaffey, the inverse can be obtained like this :
If ts_differencing transforms the original series X in a differenciated series Y_t = w_0 * X_t + w_1 * X_t-1 + ... (and w_0 = 1)
Then X_t = Y_t - w_1 * X_t-1 - ...

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