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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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convert .dec's to .cod's
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.2
-- this must be run under 5.2 or 5.3 with 5.2 compat
-- this converter goes one way; i will not provide a way to go back to dec as that would involve discarding data
local bDebug = true
-- Really ugly constant definitions and handling of args
-- args from user
local T_USR_ARGS = {...}
-- where the .dec is
local S_DEC_LOC = T_USR_ARGS[1]
table.remove(T_USR_ARGS, 1)
-- where we will put the .cod (same as S_DEC_LOC, but ends in .cod instead of .dec)
local S_COD_LOC = S_DEC_LOC:sub( 1, #S_DEC_LOC - 3 ) .. 'cod'
-- pretty-print name of deck
local S_COD_DECKNAME = ""
for _, v in ipairs(T_USR_ARGS) do
-- header info required by .cod
local S_COD_PREFIX = string.format( [[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
automatically generated by dec-to-cod.lua
<cockatrice_deck version="1">
<comments>Converted from DEC</comments>
<zone name="main">
-- closes all open tags
local S_COD_SUFFIX = [[ </zone>
-- Function definitions
-- DEBUG: write to console if bDebug is true
local function write (sStr)
if bDebug then
io.write( sStr )
return sStr -- allow data to be passed through (kinda like a pipe)
-- Check whether file exists
local function fileExists (sPath)
assert( type( sPath ) == 'string', 'bad argument #1: expected string, got ' .. type( sPath ) )
local hFile = sPath, "r" )
if hFile == nil then
return false
return true
-- Reads a file storing each line in a table
-- We read it into memory all at once to relinquish the handle as fast as possible
local function fileToTable (sPath)
assert( fileExists( sPath ), sPath .. ' does not exist or is a directory' )
local tLines = {}
local lines = io.lines( sPath ) -- this closes itself
for line in lines do
if line ~= '' then
tLines[#tLines + 1] = line
return tLines
-- Remove all leading whitespace from a string
local function stripLeadingWhitespace (sStr)
assert( type( sStr ) == 'string', 'bad argument #1: expected string, got ' .. type( sStr ) )
if #sStr >= 1 then
while true do
if sStr:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= ' ' and sStr:sub( 1, 1 ) ~= '\t' then
sStr = sStr:sub( 2 )
return sStr
-- Break sStr into two sections, using sDelim as the delimeter
local function tokenize (sStr, sDelim, nLine)
assert( type( sStr ) == 'string', 'bad argument #1: expected string, got ' .. type( sStr ) )
assert( type( sDelim ) == 'string' or type( sDelim ) == 'nil', 'bad argument #2: expected string or nil, got ' .. type( sDelim ) )
assert( type( nLine ) == 'number' or type( nLine ) == 'nil', 'bad argument #2: expected number or nil, got ' .. type( nLine ) )
sDelim = sDelim or ' '
nLine = nLine or 'unknown'
local tTokens = {}
-- break sStr into two segments and store in table, splitting at first sDelim
nDelimLoc = sStr:find( sDelim )
assert( nDelimLoc, "malformed entry in " .. S_DEC_LOC .. " near line " .. nLine )
tTokens[1] = stripLeadingWhitespace( sStr:sub( 1, nDelimLoc - 1 ) )
tTokens[2] = stripLeadingWhitespace( sStr:sub( nDelimLoc + 1 ) )
return tTokens
-- Wraps a .dec entry in the xml required by .cod
-- We set price to 0 because we don't know the current value; cockatrice can update it later
-- We need to pass the line number within the .dec so it can be used in error messages
local function encodeEntry (sEntry, nLine)
assert( type( sEntry ) == 'string', 'bad argument #1: expected string, got' .. type( sEntry ) )
assert( type( nLine ) == 'number' or type( nLine ) == 'nil', 'bad argument #2: expected number or nil, got ' .. type( nLine ) )
nLine = nLine or 'unknown'
local tParts = tokenize( stripLeadingWhitespace( sEntry ), ' ', nLine )
assert( #tParts == 2, "malformed entry in " .. S_DEC_LOC .. " near line " .. nLine ) -- not certain this can be triggered
return string.format( " <card number=\"%s\" price=\"0\" name=\"%s\"/>\n", tParts[1], tParts[2] )
-- Write a string to a file, replacing anything already there
-- We use this to write the .cod after bulding it in memory. This minimizes the amount of time we spend with the handle open
local function writeStringToFile (sStr, sPath)
assert( type( sStr ) == 'string', 'bad argument #1: expected string, got ' .. type( sStr ) )
assert( type( sPath ) == 'string', 'bad argument #2: expected string, got ' .. type( sPath ) )
local hFile = sPath, 'w+' )
assert( hFile, 'failed to open file for write; do you have the correct permissions?' )
io.write( 'Writing to ' .. S_COD_LOC .. '...')
hFile:write( sStr )
io.write( ' Done.\n')
-- this is where the party's at
-- load the .dec into a table
local tDEC = fileToTable( S_DEC_LOC )
-- prefill sCOD with .cod header info
local sCOD = write( S_COD_PREFIX )
-- iterate over the .dec table, encoding each nonempty entry
for i, sEntry in ipairs( tDEC ) do
sCOD = sCOD .. write( encodeEntry( sEntry, i ) )
-- append closing tags
sCOD = sCOD .. write( S_COD_SUFFIX )
-- now that we've generated the .cod, we can write it to disk
writeStringToFile( sCOD, S_COD_LOC )
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