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Last active February 2, 2021 16:26
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" OpenURL[!] [url]
" - open url in default browser (change this by g:browser_cmd)
" - when bang (!) is included, ignore g:browser_cmd
" - when url is omitted, use the current url under cursor
" - vim-plug format "Plug 'xxx'" can also be accepted.
command! -nargs=* -bang OpenURL call s:OpenURL(<q-args>, '<bang>')
function! s:OpenURL(url, bang)
let url = a:url
if url == ''
let t = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*Plug\s*''\zs\(.\{-}\)*\ze''')
if t != ''
let url = (t =~ '^\(http\|https\):\/\/')? t : ('' . t)
elseif expand('<cfile>') != ''
let url = expand('<cfile>')
if url != ''
let url = escape(url, "%|*#")
let browser = get(g:, 'browser_cmd', '')
let browser = (a:bang == '!')? '' : browser
if has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win16') || has('win95')
let browser = (browser == '')? 'start' : browser
silent exec '!start /b cmd /c ' . browser . ' ' . url
elseif has('mac') || has('macunix') || has('gui_macvim')
let browser = (browser == '')? 'open' : browser
call system(browser . ' ' . url . ' &')
let browser = (browser == '')? 'xdg-open' : browser
call system(browser . ' ' . url . ' &')
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