- Compiler in REPL seems broken: https://gist.github.com/slagyr/7d52ba4ba98e96172456
- Not interested in Node.js so I skipped all that
- Development Mode: Okay... this is where I'm confused.
- The wiki says include 'hello.js'.
- hello-dev.html explicitely includes goog.base.js.
- hello-dev.html also requires hello.core.
- The generated hello.js loads goog.base if it isn't already.
- out/cljs_deps.js looks like cljsbuild's :output-to file
- cljbuild doesn't generate anything like sample/hello.js
- maybe I'll learn about all these difference later in the guide
- It seems that "Development Mode" requires a modest but significant change in the way the js is included in the page. This is not obvious in the guide. It would be nice if no change was needed.
- At the end of the Quick Start page... where do I go from here? Would be nice if there was a recomendation.
- The 'lein cljsbuild' page doesn't address the confusion mentioned above
- "Source maps" mentions :source-map-path... Am I supposed to add this to [:cljsbuild :builds :name :compiler]? Doesn't seem to do anything.
In the end, I have better picture of the ClojureScript landscape. I see where my assumptions failed me, and huzzah(!), got source maps working.