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Last active March 25, 2020 00:02
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// Steve Lambert
// Synare simulator v0.2
// because I'm not gonna buy one on eBay.
// March 2018 and March 2020
import processing.sound.*;
SinOsc sine;
// sound variables
float sineFreq = 1440; // sound frequency
float sineFreqPast = 1440;
float sineAmp = .5; // sound amplitude
boolean button = true; // initial state for start/stop switch
// setting up variables
float locX = 0; // location X
float locY = 100; // location Y
float xSpeed = 1; // Speed on X axis
float ySpeed = 4; // Speed on Y axis
//float gravity = 0.1; // gravity!
void setup() {
println("sineAmp: " + sineAmp);
sine = new SinOsc(this);;
void draw() {
sineFreqPast = sineFreq;
fill(255,166,70); // orange!
// map the frequency to the height of the ball
// last two values are the low and high sound freq.
sineFreq = map(height-locY,0,height,0,2000);
println("locY = " + locY + "freq = " + sineFreq);
ySpeed = ySpeed; //+ gravity; // speed on y axis is affected by gravity, always pushing down
xSpeed = xSpeed *.995; // inertia
//// if object gets to the edge, go the other way.
//if ((locX > width-21) || (locX < 1)){
// xSpeed = xSpeed * -1;
//if ((locY > height-21) || (locY < 1)){
// ySpeed = ySpeed; //* -.75; // ball bounces less each time
display(); // display circle function
startstop(); // function for start and stop
locX = constrain(locX,0,width-20);
locY = constrain(locY,0,height-20);
void display() {
//draw the circle
void startstop(){
// Increment x
if (button) {
locX = locX + xSpeed;
locY = locY + ySpeed;
} else {
locX = locX;
locY = locY;
void mousePressed() {
locX = mouseX;
locY = mouseY;
xSpeed = int(random(-3,3));
ySpeed = int(map(mouseX,0,width,1,80));
void keyPressed() {
button = !button;
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