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Forked from squaresmile/
Created December 8, 2022 21:16
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Dump images in Kindle's AZW6 (.azw.res) file (Python3 version of this script:
import argparse
import imghdr
import os
import struct
def get_image_type(imgname, imgdata=None):
imgtype = imghdr.what(imgname, imgdata)
# horrible hack since imghdr detects jxr/wdp as tiffs
if imgtype is not None and imgtype == "tiff":
imgtype = "wdp"
# imghdr only checks for JFIF or Exif JPEG files. Apparently, there are some
# with only the magic JPEG bytes out there...
# ImageMagick handles those, so, do it too.
if imgtype is None:
if imgdata[0:2] == b"\xFF\xD8":
# Get last non-null bytes
last = len(imgdata)
while imgdata[last - 1 : last] == b"\x00":
last -= 1
# Be extra safe, check the trailing bytes, too.
if imgdata[last - 2 : last] == b"\xFF\xD9":
imgtype = "jpeg"
return imgtype
def processCRES(i, data):
data = data[12:]
imgtype = get_image_type(None, data)
if imgtype == "jpeg":
imgtype = "jpg"
if imgtype is None:
" Warning: CRES Section %s does not contain a recognised resource"
% i
imgtype = "dat"
imgname = "HDimage%05d.%s" % (i, imgtype)
imgdir = os.path.join(".", "azw6_images")
if not os.path.exists(imgdir):
print(" Extracting HD image: {0:s} from section {1:d}".format(imgname, i))
imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgname)
with open(imgpath, "wb") as f:
# this is just guesswork so far, making big assumption that
# metavalue key numbers reamin the same in the CONT EXTH
def dump_contexth(codec, extheader):
# determine text encoding
if extheader == "":
return None
id_map_strings = {
1: "Drm Server Id (1)",
2: "Drm Commerce Id (2)",
3: "Drm Ebookbase Book Id(3)",
100: "Creator_(100)",
101: "Publisher_(101)",
102: "Imprint_(102)",
103: "Description_(103)",
104: "ISBN_(104)",
105: "Subject_(105)",
106: "Published_(106)",
107: "Review_(107)",
108: "Contributor_(108)",
109: "Rights_(109)",
110: "SubjectCode_(110)",
111: "Type_(111)",
112: "Source_(112)",
113: "ASIN_(113)",
114: "versionNumber_(114)",
117: "Adult_(117)",
118: "Price_(118)",
119: "Currency_(119)",
122: "fixed-layout_(122)",
123: "book-type_(123)",
124: "orientation-lock_(124)",
126: "original-resolution_(126)",
127: "zero-gutter_(127)",
128: "zero-margin_(128)",
129: "K8_Masthead/Cover_Image_(129)",
132: "RegionMagnification_(132)",
200: "DictShortName_(200)",
208: "Watermark_(208)",
501: "cdeType_(501)",
502: "last_update_time_(502)",
503: "Updated_Title_(503)",
504: "ASIN_(504)",
508: "Unknown_Title_Furigana?_(508)",
517: "Unknown_Creator_Furigana?_(517)",
522: "Unknown_Publisher_Furigana?_(522)",
524: "Language_(524)",
525: "primary-writing-mode_(525)",
526: "Unknown_(526)",
527: "page-progression-direction_(527)",
528: "override-kindle_fonts_(528)",
529: "Unknown_(529)",
534: "Input_Source_Type_(534)",
535: "Kindlegen_BuildRev_Number_(535)",
536: "Container_Info_(536)", # CONT_Header is 0, Ends with CONTAINER_BOUNDARY (or Asset_Type?)
538: "Container_Resolution_(538)",
539: "Container_Mimetype_(539)",
542: "Unknown_but_changes_with_filename_only_(542)",
544: "Unknown_(544)",
id_map_values = {
115: "sample_(115)",
116: "StartOffset_(116)",
121: "K8(121)_Boundary_Section_(121)",
125: "K8_Count_of_Resources_Fonts_Images_(125)",
131: "K8_Unidentified_Count_(131)",
201: "CoverOffset_(201)",
202: "ThumbOffset_(202)",
203: "Fake_Cover_(203)",
204: "Creator_Software_(204)",
205: "Creator_Major_Version_(205)",
206: "Creator_Minor_Version_(206)",
207: "Creator_Build_Number_(207)",
401: "Clipping_Limit_(401)",
402: "Publisher_Limit_(402)",
404: "Text_to_Speech_Disabled_(404)",
id_map_hexstrings = {
209: "Tamper_Proof_Keys_(209_in_hex)",
300: "Font_Signature_(300_in_hex)",
_length, num_items = struct.unpack(">LL", extheader[4:12])
extheader = extheader[12:]
pos = 0
for _ in range(num_items):
id_, size = struct.unpack(">LL", extheader[pos : pos + 8])
content = extheader[pos + 8 : pos + size]
if id_ in id_map_strings:
name = id_map_strings[id_]
'\n Key: "%s"\n Value: "%s"'
% (name, str(content, codec).encode("utf-8"))
elif id_ in id_map_values:
name = id_map_values[id_]
if size == 9:
(value,) = struct.unpack("B", content)
print('\n Key: "%s"\n Value: 0x%01x' % (name, value))
elif size == 10:
(value,) = struct.unpack(">H", content)
print('\n Key: "%s"\n Value: 0x%02x' % (name, value))
elif size == 12:
(value,) = struct.unpack(">L", content)
print('\n Key: "%s"\n Value: 0x%04x' % (name, value))
print("\nError: Value for %s has unexpected size of %s" % (name, size))
elif id_ in id_map_hexstrings:
name = id_map_hexstrings[id_]
'\n Key: "%s"\n Value: 0x%s' % (name, content.encode("hex"))
print("\nWarning: Unknown metadata with id %s found" % id_)
name = str(id_) + " (hex)"
print(' Key: "%s"\n Value: 0x%s' % (name, content.encode("hex")))
pos += size
def sortedHeaderKeys(mheader):
hdrkeys = sorted(list(mheader.keys()), key=lambda akey: mheader[akey][0])
return hdrkeys
class dumpHeaderException(Exception):
class PalmDB:
# important palmdb header offsets
unique_id_seed = 68
number_of_pdb_records = 76
first_pdb_record = 78
def __init__(self, palmdata): = palmdata
(self.nsec,) = struct.unpack_from(">H",, PalmDB.number_of_pdb_records)
def getsecaddr(self, secno):
(secstart,) = struct.unpack_from(
">L",, PalmDB.first_pdb_record + secno * 8
if secno == self.nsec - 1:
secend = len(
(secend,) = struct.unpack_from(
">L",, PalmDB.first_pdb_record + (secno + 1) * 8
return secstart, secend
def readsection(self, secno):
if secno < self.nsec:
secstart, secend = self.getsecaddr(secno)
return ""
def getnumsections(self):
return self.nsec
class HdrParser:
cont_header = {
"magic": (0x00, "4s", 4),
"record_size": (0x04, ">L", 4),
"type": (0x08, ">H", 2),
"count": (0x0A, ">H", 2),
"codepage": (0x0C, ">L", 4),
"unknown0": (0x10, ">L", 4),
"unknown1": (0x14, ">L", 4),
"num_resc_recs": (0x18, ">L", 4),
"num_wo_placeholders": (0x1C, ">L", 4),
"offset_to_hrefs": (0x20, ">L", 4),
"unknown2": (0x24, ">L", 4),
"title_offset": (0x28, ">L", 4),
"title_length": (0x2C, ">L", 4),
cont_header_sorted_keys = sortedHeaderKeys(cont_header)
def __init__(self, header, start):
self.header = header
self.start = start
self.hdr = {}
# set it up for the proper header version
self.header_sorted_keys = HdrParser.cont_header_sorted_keys
self.cont_header = HdrParser.cont_header
# parse the header information
for key in self.header_sorted_keys:
pos, format_str, _ = self.cont_header[key]
if pos < 48:
(val,) = struct.unpack_from(format_str, self.header, pos)
self.hdr[key] = val
self.exth = self.header[48:]
self.title_offset = self.hdr["title_offset"]
self.title_length = self.hdr["title_length"]
self.title = self.header[
self.title_offset : self.title_offset + self.title_length
self.codec = "windows-1252"
self.codec_map = {
1252: "windows-1252",
65001: "utf-8",
if self.hdr["codepage"] in self.codec_map:
self.codec = self.codec_map[self.hdr["codepage"]]
self.title = self.title.decode(self.codec).encode("utf-8")
def dumpHeaderInfo(self) -> None:
for key in self.cont_header_sorted_keys:
pos, _, tot_len = self.cont_header[key]
if pos < 48:
if key != "magic":
fmt_string = (
" Field: %20s Offset: 0x%03x Width: %d Value: 0x%0"
+ str(tot_len)
+ "x"
fmt_string = (
" Field: %20s Offset: 0x%03x Width: %d Value: %s"
print(fmt_string % (key, pos, tot_len, self.hdr[key]))
print("\nEXTH Region Length: 0x%0x" % len(self.exth))
print("EXTH MetaData: {}".format(self.title.decode("utf-8")))
dump_contexth(self.codec, self.exth)
def main(infile):
print("DumpAZW6 v01")
infileext = os.path.splitext(infile)[1].upper()
print(infile, infileext)
if infileext not in [".AZW6", ".RES"]:
"Error: first parameter must be a Kindle AZW6 HD container file with extension .azw6 or .res."
# make sure it is really an hd container file
with open(infile, "rb") as fp:
contdata =
palmheader = contdata[0:78]
ident = palmheader[0x3C : 0x3C + 8]
if ident != b"RBINCONT":
raise dumpHeaderException("invalid file format")
pp = PalmDB(contdata)
header = pp.readsection(0)
print("\nFirst Header Dump from Section %d" % 0)
hp = HdrParser(header, 0)
# now dump a basic sector map of the palmdb
n = pp.getnumsections()
dtmap = {
b"FONT": "FONT",
b"RESC": "RESC",
b"CRES": "CRES",
b"CONT": "CONT",
b"\xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0": "Empty_Image/Resource_Placeholder",
b"\xe9\x8e\r\n": "EOF_RECORD",
dtmap2 = {
"kindle:embed": "KINDLE:EMBED",
hp = None
print("\nMap of Palm DB Sections")
print(" Dec - Hex : Description")
print(" ---- - ---- -----------")
for i in range(n):
data = pp.readsection(i)
dlen = len(data)
dt = data[0:4]
dtext = data[0:12]
desc = ""
if dtext in dtmap2:
desc = data
linkhrefs = []
hreflist = desc.split("|")
for href in hreflist:
if href != "":
linkhrefs.append(" " + href)
desc = "\n" + "\n".join(linkhrefs)
elif dt in dtmap:
desc = dtmap[dt]
if dt == b"CONT":
desc = "Cont Header"
elif dt == b"CRES":
processCRES(i, data)
desc = dtext.hex() + " " + dtext.decode("windows-1252")
if desc != "CONT":
print(" %04d - %04x: %s [%d]" % (i, i, desc, dlen))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Dump the image from an AZW6 HD container file."
parser.add_argument("infile", type=str, help="azw6 file to dump the images from")
args = parser.parse_args()
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