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Created December 22, 2019 19:27
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// size of our height maps
const mapSize = 1024;
// returns the distance of point x,y from the origin 0,0
const distance = (x, y) => Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
// init height map 1
const heightMap1 = [];
for (let u = 0; u < mapSize; u++) {
for (let v = 0; v < mapSize; v++) {
// index of coordinate in height map array
const i = u * mapSize + v;
// u,v are coordinates with origin at upper left corner
// cx and cy are coordinates with origin at the
// center of the map
const cx = u - mapSize / 2;
const cy = v - mapSize / 2;
// distance from middle of map
const d = distance(cx, cy);
// stretching so we get the desired ripple density on our map
const stretch = (3 * Math.PI) / (mapSize / 2);
// wavy height value between -1 and 1
const ripple = Math.sin(d * stretch);
// wavy height value normalized to 0..1
const normalized = (ripple + 1) / 2;
// height map value 0..128, integer
heightMap1[i] = Math.floor(normalized * 128);
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