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Last active December 15, 2015 01:19
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A static-site generator, custom built for my host of subdomains (or, soon to be host of subdomains)

Make Me

Make Me is a 'supposedly' simple static site generator that I've put together to more easily play with my a bunch of subdomains.

At some point the whole project may turn into one repository (with the sources and everything!), but for right now, it's a pretty simple thing.

At its current point, it takes all posts inside of the /sites-key/posts/[any number of subdirectories /][yyyy-mm-dd[-hh-mm]-filename.[md/markdown/technically anything, but it renders markdown] and puts a generated version in /generated/sites-value/yyyy/mm/dd/title/index.html, generated using the template in the frontmatter as layout located in /sites-key/templates/.

There's nothing else right now. So you probably don't want to use it yet.

#!/usr/bin/env python2
Make Me (makeme), a custom static-site generator thingy built by
Don Kuntz <> to generate a host of sites.
While the source *is* available for other people, it'll probably
take some tinkering to get it working for your own site. Sorry.
import logging as l
import misaka as m
import re
from os import walk, mkdir, makedirs
from os.path import basename, exists, getmtime
from datetime import datetime
from yaml import load
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from shutil import copy2
# logging configuration
# sites: a dictionary of directories to be used...
sites = {
'whimsy': '',
def generate_site(path, url):
l.debug("Generating " + url)
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('makeme', path + '/templates'))
posts = []
archives = []
pages = []
if not exists('./generated/'):
l.debug('creating generated directory')
if not exists('./generated/' + url):
l.debug('creating directory for ' + path)
mkdir("./generated/" + url)
if exists("./" + path + "/posts/"):
l.debug(url + " has blog posts")
posts = expand_blog(parse_posts(path), env, path, url)
archives = make_archives(posts, path, url)
else: + " is not a blog?")
if exists("./" + path + "/pages/"):
l.debug(url + " has pages!")
pages = make_pages(parse_pages(path), env, path, url)
else: + " does not have pages?")
make_index(posts, archives, pages, env, path, url)
copy_assets(path, url)
def parse_posts(path):
posts = []
post_directory = './' + path + '/posts/'
for root, dirs, files in walk(post_directory):
for f in files:
posts.append(parse_post(root + "/" + f))
return sorted(posts, key=lambda p: p['timestamp'], reverse=True)
def parse_post(filename):
l.debug("parsing " + filename)
post = {}
f = open(filename)
contents = ""
for line in f:
contents += line
frontmatter, bodymatter ='\A---\s+^(.+?)$\s+---\s*(.*)\Z', contents, re.M | re.S).groups()
post['content'] = m.html(bodymatter)
config = load(frontmatter)
for k, v in config.items():
post[k] = v
name = basename(filename)
timestuffs = parse_timestamp(name)
post['timestamp'] = timestuffs[0]
post['filename'] = timestuffs[1]
post['changed'] = getmtime(filename)
if 'layout' not in post:
post['layout'] = 'post.html'
return post
def parse_timestamp(filename):
sp = filename.split('-')
hours = -1
mins = -1
hours = int(sp[3])
mins = int(sp[4])
except Exception:
l.debug("No hours/minutes")
num_p = 3
if hours != -1 and mins != -1:
d = datetime(int(sp[0]), int(sp[1]), int(sp[2]), hours, mins)
num_p = 5
d = datetime(int(sp[0]), int(sp[1]), int(sp[2]))
path = ""
for p in sp[num_p:]:
path += p + "-"
path = path.split(".")[0][:-1]
return (d, path)
def expand_blog(posts, env, path, url):
for p in posts:
# is the current file around, and is is newer than the last change?
outPath = './generated/' + url + p['timestamp'].strftime('/%Y/%m/%d/')
outPath += p['filename'] + '/'
outFile = outPath + "/index.html"
p['url'] = "http://" + url + outPath[len('./generated'):]
if exists(outPath):
l.debug('path is here already')
if p['changed'] < getmtime(outFile):
l.debug('no need to change file')
l.debug('no such path, making it')
writer = open(outFile, 'w')
template = env.get_template(p['layout'])
return posts
def make_archives(posts, path, url):
arc = {}
for p in posts:
if p['timestamp'].year not in arc:
arc[p['timestamp'].year] = {}
if p['timestamp'].month not in arc[p['timestamp'].year]:
arc[p['timestamp'].year][p['timestamp'].month] = []
# this is where creating archive pages *would* occur, if wanted
return arc
def parse_pages(path):
pages = []
for root, dirs, files in walk('./' + path + '/pages/'):
for f in files:
pages.append(parse_page(root + '/' + f))
return pages
def parse_page(filename):
l.debug("parsing " + filename)
page = {}
f = open(filename)
contents = ""
for line in f:
contents += line
frontmatter, bodymatter ='\A---\s+^(.+?)$\s+---\s*(.*)\Z', contents, re.M | re.S).groups()
page['content'] = m.html(bodymatter)
config = load(frontmatter)
for k, v in config.items():
page[k] = v
name = basename(filename)
nameSp = name.split('.')
path = ''
for p in nameSp[:-1]:
path += p + '.'
page['path'] = path[:-1]
page['changed'] = getmtime(filename)
if 'layout' not in page:
page['layout'] = 'page.html'
return page
def make_pages(pages, env, path, url):
for p in pages:
# is the current file around, and is is newer than the last change?
outPath = './generated/' + url + '/' + p['path'] + '/'
outFile = outPath + "/index.html"
p['url'] = "http://" + url + outPath[len('./generated'):]
if exists(outPath):
l.debug('path is here already')
if p['changed'] < getmtime(outFile):
l.debug('no need to change file')
l.debug('no such path, making it')
writer = open(outFile, 'w')
template = env.get_template(p['layout'])
return pages
def make_index(posts, archives, pages, env, path, url):
if not exists('./' + path + '/'): + " doesn't have an index")
f = open('./' + path + '/')
contents = ""
for line in f:
contents += line
frontmatter, bodymatter ='\A---\s+^(.+?)$\s+---\s*(.*)\Z', contents, re.M | re.S).groups()
config = load(frontmatter)
template = env.get_template(config['layout'])
writer = open('./generated/' + url + '/index.html', 'w')
def copy_assets(path, url):
if not exists('./' + path + '/assets'):'no assets in ' + path)
newPath = './generated/' + url
for root, dirs, files in walk('./' + path + '/assets'):
for d in dirs:
ndir = root + '/' + d
ndir = ndir.replace('./' + path, newPath)
if not exists(ndir):
for f in files:
fPath = root + '/' + f
nfPath = fPath.replace('./' + path, newPath)
if exists(nfPath):
if getmtime(nfPath) > getmtime(fPath):
copy2(fPath, nfPath)
for directory, url in sites.items():
generate_site(directory, url)
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