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Created June 6, 2012 17:10
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# lib/explore/models/location.rb
require 'controllers/action_delegate'
require 'util/argument_validator'
require 'util/text_processor'
require 'explore/models/edge'
require 'explore/parsers/location_parser'
module Explore::Models
# A Location is a node in the graph of explorable spaces. Each location has
# zero or more actions that can be performed on it directly, zero or more
# delegates that also respond to actions, and zero or more edges that connect
# to other nodes. Each location belongs to a Region.
class Location < RoundTable::Controllers::ActionDelegate
include RoundTable::Util::ArgumentValidator
def initialize(slug, params = nil, &block)
# @param slug : the name of the location. Must be a string or a symbol.
# @param params : additional initialization information. Must be a hash.
# @key :region (optional) : the region containing this location. Must
# be a Explore::Models::Region
# @key :name (optional) : the human-readable name of the location. If
# omitted, the name is automatically generated from the slug.
# @key :description (optional) : a short string displayed to the player
# when entering the location. Can be a string or a block, which will
# be evaluated in the context of the location instance and must
# return a string.
# @param &block (optional) : a block evaluated by a generated
# LocationParser (to avoid namespace collisions). Location can also be
# populated manually.
validate_argument slug, :as => "slug", :type => [String, Symbol]
validate_argument params, :as => "params", :type => Hash, :allow_nil? => true
config = { :name => nil }
config.update(params) if params.is_a? Hash
@slug = RoundTable::Util::TextProcessor.to_snake_case(slug.to_s).intern
@name = config[:name] || @slug.to_s.split("_").map { |str| str.capitalize }.join(" ")
@region = config[:region]
@edges =
self.description = config[:description] || "A rather generic-looking location. Nothing to see here."
if block_given?
parser =
parser.instance_eval &block
end # if
end # constructor
# Other Locations
attr_reader :edges
# Adds a directed (outgoing) connection to another location that the player
# can navigate, e.g. through the "go" action.
# @param location: the name of the other location.
# @param params: additional parameters; see for full details.
def add_edge(location, params = {})
if self.has_edge? location
edge = location, params
@edges[edge.location] = edge
end # if-else
end # method add_edge
def has_edge?(name)
@edges.has_key? name
end # method has_edge?
def has_direction?(name)
self.directions.include? name
end # method has_direction?
def has_location?(name)
self.locations.include? name
end # method has_location?
def directions
directions =
self.edges.each do |key, loc|
directions.update({ loc.direction => key }) unless loc.direction.nil?
end # each
return directions
end # method directions
def locations
locations =
self.edges.each do |key, loc|
locations.update({ => key }) unless
end # each
return locations
end # method locations
# Accessors and Mutators
attr_reader :name, :region, :slug
def continent
end # method continent
def description
@description.respond_to?(:call) ? self.instance_eval(&@description) : @description
end # accessor description
def description=(value)
raise "expected String or Proc, received #{value.class}" unless value.is_a?(String) or value.respond_to?(:call)
@description = value
end # mutator description=
def name=(value)
raise "expected String, received #{value.class}" unless value.is_a? String
@name = value
end # mutator name=
def region=(value)
raise "expected Explore::Models::Region, received #{value.class}" unless value.is_a? Explore::Models::Region
@region = value
end # mutator region=
end # class Location
end # module Explore::Models
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