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Created April 19, 2017 01:32
CT Best Practices (April 2017)

CT For Server (Developers)


Similar to my advice regarding OCSP Stapling for servers/server developers, based on questions I've received about "CT best practices," I wanted to write something similar for those writing server software. That is, this isn't targeted at server operators, but for those writing software like Apache, nginx, Caddy, etc.

At the most basic level, the deployment of Certificate Transparency to date has largely tried to focus the burden on CAs, rather than on server developers. If the CA is doing everything right, the server developer and the server operator shouldn't need to bother with CT, and all is good. However, with proposals liked Expect-CT, it may be that server operators want to opt-in to CT, even without their CA's support, and so need work from the server operator.

The ranking of best to worst ways to deploy CT on a server today are:

  1. Embedded within the certificate (Requires the CA to support)
  2. Embedded within an OCSP response (Requires the CA to support, requires robust OCSP support)
  3. Served as part of the TLS extension
  4. Dynamically obtained by the server (similar to OCSP)
  5. Statically configured by a file

However, high-performance servers, the priorities look a bit like:

  1. Served as part of the TLS extension
  • SCTs dynamically obtained by the server
  • Including only enough SCTs that aren't covered by the OCSP response or certificate
  1. Served as part of the OCSP response
  2. Embedded within the certificate
  3. Served as part of the TLS extension, statically configured by a file

The difference here is that high-performance servers want to avoid sending any unnecessary data. The TLS extension allows the server to correct for any issues in either the OCSP response or certificate, streamlining the process.

So what does robust CT support look like for a server to support these use cases? Well, it's complicated, because some of the necessary bits aren't quite there yet, but here's my list of things to think about.

Support dynamically updating a list of known logs

Much like a list of root CAs, the list of logs is currently in flux. New logs are coming up, some with more reliable infrastructure and liberal acceptance policies, and older logs are going away, whether due to natural deprecation due to size or due to growing pains as log operators work out the system.

A server implementation should support dynamic reconfiguration of the logs. Ideally, this would be something that, like a Root CA list, simply automatically updates.

Google currently hosts a set of JSON files at which offers a starting point. It may be that an industry standard log schema will exist, or it may turn out that, depending on the policies of other browsers and clients, it may be better for the server developer to transform/aggregate that data into a way specific for the capabilities of the server software. For example, expressing "One Google and One non-Google" or "Independence" may turn out to be too complex for a vendor-agnostic solution.

Log Early, Log Often

Because the ecosystem is still fairly dynamic at this point, server operators shouldn't assume that once they have enough SCTs, that will be enough for the lifetime of that certificate. For example, the log may go away quickly, and so additional SCTs are needed. Instead of trying to log "just enough," a server implementation should try to obtain SCTs from as many logs as possible, and to store them for the case if/when it will need them, such as a log being disqualified.

As new logs are added (per dynamic updates), try to get SCTs from them, if the policies would permit. This probably means knowing apriori what the log will accept, whether it be the set of valid root CAs or the policies around that.

It's probably less than ideal to "try all logs all the time", since at present, there are logs that don't accept all certificates from all CAs. As a result, continually trying to log to a Log that will never accept just creates unnecessary load on the server, for no benefit to the user. This probably requires some expression of what the log will accept, or a change in policies mandating what logs should accept.

Don't Trust Logs

Since the possibility exists that a certificate for a log could be misissued, code defensively. Treat all input as hostile input, even though it's a "trusted" log, because it might be that a certificate was misissued for the log itself. Implement sanity limits on the size of the responses, and don't treat the log as any more trusted than a random HTTP server on the Internet.

Know the chain of command

In order to log, a completed certificate path to a CA trusted by the Log is necessary. As certificates can have multiple paths, this may not be as simple as taking the configured path and sending it, especially when an ideal TLS configuration would omit things like the root certificate, whereas a Log requires it be included.

This may mean some minimal path-building support is needed in server software, to try to build a path to one or more CAs trusted by the Log. This may also mean that some list of 'known' intermediates may be needed by the server software (... and all of the updating mess that would entail), so that things like authorityInfoAccess chasing isn't needed.

Police the Policies

Currently, only one browser (Chrome) has defined policies around Certificate Transparency, and that policy is that there be "one Google" and "one non-Google" SCT. So a server operator likely needs some way to filter the set of SCTs to ensure that whatever is served will be accepted. It's likely that Chrome will relax this in the future, but it's also possible that other browsers may introduce different policies, even after that. So there likely needs to be some way to distinguish whether a given "bundle of SCTs" meets that criteria, and that criteria should itself be updatable, as it may update when the browser updates.

Things a list of logs likely needs

(Scratchpad for tracking various things a log schema likely needs to include, for CAs and for server developers)

  • Log URL
  • Log public key
  • Accepted roots of the log
    • This means that the schema would need to update any time the Log's list of acceptable CAs updates
    • The logger can always fetch this data from the log, but then it means a thundering herd of loggers hitting the Log
  • "Organization" operating the log
    • Today, that means determining whether a log is Google or not
    • Tomorrow, may include more complex nexus of organizational relationships?

Things a client logging likely needs

  • Full context of the potential chains
    • For example, if a given cert has a path to Root A and a path to Root B, the client must be prepared to handle the case where they need to send Path A to one Log, and Path B to another log, in order to obtain SCTs from either.
    • This could be simplified with policies for CAs (reducing the paths that exist)
    • This could be simplified with policies for logs (accepting CAs by organization, rather than key)
  • Log's accepted roots
    • Can be obtained directly from the log, but that's dynamic
      • Support for HTTP Caching directives for that response likely necessary
        • Do today's logs provide those directives for cacheability?
        • Should that be part of operational guidance?
      • Thundering herd problem from a thousand and one log clients
    • Could be included within log metadata given to client
      • But now increases frequency of updates
        • Would differential updates be needed? JSON Patch?
  • Knowledge of log's policies
    • No point talking to a log that will never talk back
    • What policies are acceptable, and what aren't?
    • Do we need a "Log BPF" syntax to express rules about what a log will accept?
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