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Created August 22, 2022 12:43
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Migrate Ids to Udis for Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
using Umbraco.Web;
namespace Sniper.Umbraco
public static class MultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator
private class Row
public int id { get; set; }
public int contentNodeId { get; set; }
public string alias { get; set; }
public string dataNvarchar { get; set; }
public string dataNtext { get; set; }
public int? dataInt { get; set; }
public string preValue { get; set; }
public static void MigrateIdsToUdis(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
var database = applicationContext.DatabaseContext.Database;
string sql = @"SELECT, cmsPropertyData.contentNodeId, cmsPropertyType.alias, dataNvarchar, dataNtext, dataInt, preValue=cmsDataTypePreValues.value, dbo.cmsDocument.*
FROM dbo.cmsPropertyData
JOIN dbo.cmsPropertyType ON = cmsPropertyData.propertytypeid
JOIN dbo.cmsDataType ON cmsDataType.nodeId = cmsPropertyType.dataTypeId
JOIN dbo.cmsDataTypePreValues ON cmsDataTypePreValues.datatypeNodeId = cmsDataType.nodeId AND cmsDataTypePreValues.alias = 'startNode'
JOIN dbo.cmsContentVersion ON cmsContentVersion.VersionId = cmsPropertyData.versionId
JOIN dbo.umbracoNode ON = dbo.cmsContentVersion.ContentId
JOIN dbo.cmsDocument ON cmsDocument.nodeId =
WHERE cmsDataType.propertyEditorAlias IN ('Umbraco.MultiNodeTreePicker2')
AND (dataNvarchar IS NOT NULL OR dataInt IS NOT NULL)
AND (dbo.cmsDocument.published=1 OR dbo.cmsDocument.newest=1 OR dbo.cmsDocument.updateDate > (SELECT updateDate FROM dbo.cmsDocument innerDoc WHERE innerDoc.nodeId = dbo.cmsDocument.nodeId AND innerDoc.published=1 AND newest=1))
ORDER BY contentNodeId, dbo.cmsDataType.propertyEditorAlias";
var treePickerDataToMigrate = database.Query<Row>(sql).ToList();
if (treePickerDataToMigrate.Any())
foreach (var propertyData in treePickerDataToMigrate)
int[] ids;
if (propertyData.dataInt != null)
ids = new[] { propertyData.dataInt.Value };
else if (propertyData.dataNvarchar != null)
ids = propertyData.dataNvarchar.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
LogHelper.Info(typeof(MultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator), () => $"MigrateIdsToUdis (node id: {propertyData.contentNodeId}) skipping property {propertyData.alias} - null dataInt and null dataNvarchar");
string csv = string.Join(",", ids);
var type = propertyData.preValue.Contains("\"type\": \"content\"") ? "document" : "media";
Guid[] uniqueIds = null;
string uniqueIdsCsv = string.Empty;
if (ids.Any())
uniqueIds = database.Query<Guid>($"SELECT uniqueId FROM umbracoNode WHERE id IN ({csv})").ToArray();
uniqueIdsCsv = string.Join(",", uniqueIds.Select(id => $"umb://{type}/{id:N}"));
LogHelper.Info(typeof(MultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator), () => $"MigrateIdsToUdis (node id: {propertyData.contentNodeId}) converting property {propertyData.alias} from {csv} to {uniqueIdsCsv}");
database.Execute("UPDATE cmsPropertyData SET dataInt=NULL, dataNvarchar=NULL, dataNtext=@0 WHERE id=@1", uniqueIdsCsv,;
LogHelper.Info(typeof(MultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator), () => $"MigrateIdsToUdis: republishing all nodes to update xml cache (equivalent to /umbraco/dialogs/republish.aspx?xml=true)");
var contentService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ContentService;
LogHelper.Info(typeof(MultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator), () => $"MigrateIdsToUdis: republishing complete");
using System.Configuration;
using Umbraco.Core;
namespace Sniper.Umbraco
internal class StartupHandler : ApplicationEventHandler
protected override void ApplicationStarted(UmbracoApplicationBase umbracoApplication, ApplicationContext applicationContext)
// migrate ids to udis
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Sniper.Umbraco.EnableMultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator"]) && bool.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Sniper.Umbraco.EnableMultiNodeTreePickerIdToUdiMigrator"], out bool enabled) && enabled)
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