behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
{capabilities, 1}, % (State)
{capabilities, 2}, % (Bucket, State)
{start,2}, % (Partition, Config)
{stop,1}, % (State)
{get,3}, % (Bucket, Key, State)
{put,5}, % (Bucket, Key, IndexSpecs, Val, State)
{delete,4}, % (Bucket, Key, IndexSpecs, State)
{drop,1}, % (State)
{fold_buckets,4}, % (FoldBucketsFun, Acc, Opts, State),
% FoldBucketsFun(Bucket, Acc)
{fold_keys,4}, % (FoldKeysFun, Acc, Opts, State),
% FoldKeysFun(Bucket, Key, Acc)
{fold_objects,4}, % (FoldObjectsFun, Acc, Opts, State),
% FoldObjectsFun(Bucket, Key, Object, Acc)
{is_empty,1}, % (State)
{status,1}, % (State)
{callback,3}]; % (Ref, Msg, State) ->
behaviour_info(_Other) ->
First, look at this simple version of the 'yessir' back end.
The 'yessir' back end is only used for debugging and for performance analysis.
The 'yessir' back end does not store anything. It always lies.
The intent is to be very simple and fast.
Early version of riak_kv_yessir_backend.erl, June, 2012
- Being fast /= being short & simple code.
- Today's version of riak_kv_yessir_backend.erl is much more complicated.
- ... but it is faster and it has more features.
This code is more complicated than the 'yessir' backend. Why?
- It actually has a real memory.
- It actually supports Riak KV vnode fold operations
- fold_buckets, fold_keys, fold_objects
- syncronous fold, asyncronous fold
- The fold API looks very simple & easy to use...
- The fold API internal plumbing is ... not pretty.
- It supports Riak KV's 2I ("secondary indexes")
- It supports age limits ("time to live" or "TTL")
- It supports memory size accounting (instead of using ETS counters)
- It supports maximum memory limit:
- If limit is exceeded, then delete oldest object(s)
Here is the version of today's develop
branch of the 'memory' backend:
- Very nice, pure, and easy:
lists:foldl(fun(_X, Count) -> Count + 1 end,
[a, b, c, d, e, f, 42.0, "yo, kewl"]).
- The backend and vnode folding funcs are not pure and easy. (sadpanda)
- General pattern: filter
filter_wrapper_fun(Item, InnerFun, Acc) ->
case is_this_item_invisible(Item) of
true ->
false ->
InnerFun(Item, Acc)
- General pattern: transform
transform_wrapper_fun(Item, InnerFun, Acc) ->
RealItem = transform_somehow(Item),
InnerFun(RealItem, Acc).
- General pattern: transform from riak_kv_vnode.erl
handle_command(?FOLD_REQ{foldfun=FoldFun, acc0=Acc0,
forwardable=_Forwardable, opts=Opts}, Sender, State) ->
FoldWrapper = fun(Bucket, Key, Value, Acc) ->
FoldFun({Bucket, Key}, Value, Acc)
Now, let's look at the 'memory' backend's fold functions: buckets, keys, objects, ...
A backend "folder" is a function that implements a backend's fold.
- ... Or like
implements a lists fold. - ... Just like
implements the ETS fold.
- ... Or like
General folder pattern: stop the fold early
perhaps_stop_early_wrapper_fun(Item, InnerFun, Acc) ->
InnerFun(RealItem, Acc)
stop_fold ->
%%% ...
my_fold_function({Key, _Val}=BKey, InnerFun, Acc) ->
Key >= <<"n">> -> % Avoid keys >= "n..."
throw stop_fold;
true ->
InnerFun(BKey, Acc)
Source code:
This is the glue code between Riak KV and the Bitcask app.
Some additional things that the Bitcask backend does that the memory backend does not:
- Merge operations, to reclaim unused/"dead" disk space.
- Check for data upgrade/file format conversions
See also: the original Bitcask design summary, April 2010.
This design doc is still mostly correct ... many small details have changed in the last 4 years, though.
- Part 1: the "keydir" is stored in RAM always.
- When a bitcask is opened, the keydir is read from disk
RAM. - You must have enough RAM to store all keys.
- When a bitcask is opened, the keydir is read from disk
- Part 2: the data on disk.
- Key + value data is stored on disk
- The keydir is a key/value store
- key: same as the Bitcask key
- value: where on disk to find the Bitcask value
- file_id #, value size, value offset, timestamp
- The keydir is a hash table
- Key order is not preserved
- Key iteration is done via fold
- Severe limits on the # of simultaneous folds
- The keydir is implemented as a NIF
- NIF <-> C code
- Bitcask files are append-only.
- To delete or replace data, new records are appended to the active file.
- "Dead data" lives on disk for a period of time...
- ... until "merge" can copy "alive data" to a new data file.
- For each copied old key + value, update the RAM keydir
- When all "alive data" is copied, then delete the old data file.
- Only two files may be open at one time:
- The active file: new writes only
- (maybe) The merge file: old data copied from old files