Adding automatic theme updates from a GitHub repository is actually pretty simple. The following function will hook into WordPress's native update system and grab the latest release from the repo of your choosing (if the version number has increased).
Place the following in your functions.php
// Automatic theme updates from the GitHub repository
add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_themes', 'automatic_GitHub_updates', 100, 1);
function automatic_GitHub_updates($data) {
// Theme information
$theme = get_stylesheet(); // Folder name of the current theme
$current = wp_get_theme()->get('Version'); // Get the version of the current theme
// GitHub information
$user = 'YOUR USERNAME'; // The GitHub username hosting the repository
$repo = 'YOUR-REPO-NAME'; // Repository name as it appears in the URL
// Get the latest release tag from the repository. The User-Agent header must be sent, as per
// GitHub's API documentation:
$file = @json_decode(@file_get_contents(''.$user.'/'.$repo.'/releases/latest', false,
stream_context_create(['http' => ['header' => "User-Agent: ".$user."\r\n"]])
if($file) {
$update = filter_var($file->tag_name, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT, FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION);
// Only return a response if the new version number is higher than the current version
if($update > $current) {
$data->response[$theme] = array(
'theme' => $theme,
// Strip the version number of any non-alpha characters (excluding the period)
// This way you can still use tags like v1.1 or ver1.1 if desired
'new_version' => $update,
'url' => ''.$user.'/'.$repo,
'package' => $file->assets[0]->browser_download_url,
return $data;
This is a pretty standard disclaimer, but make sure your releases don't contain any .git files. You'd hate for that to muck up someone's WordPress installation. If you're on a Mac you can use my Automator script to exclude .git files automagically.
Tested with WordPress 4.3
Hopefully I can help you with this, I've come up with a solution however it's a tad backwards but it's functional which helps.
What this does is pull the zip from the zipball, which will have a name pattern like
- which isn't the best. But that zip has all the content we need. So we pull that zip, and we rename the folder so that we can replace the content of our outdated theme with our current theme. Hopefully this helps you as it managed to help us!