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  • Save slimcdk/b2499c44b04792580310f088a90e6f6a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save slimcdk/b2499c44b04792580310f088a90e6f6a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ toit serial reinstall --firmware v1.6.0-pre.32+621224922 -p model.cellular.enabled=1 -p model.cellular.tx=5 -p model.cellular.rx=23 -p model.cellular.rts=19 -p model.cellular.cts=18 -p model.cellular.pwr=27 -p model.cellular.monarch=1 -p --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --debug
Detecting chip type. This can take up to 10s.
Reinstalling hardware with firmware: v1.6.0-pre.32+621224922 (using model: esp32-4mb) on port /dev/ttyUSB0
$ toit serial info --output table
| | esp32-4mb | 4c2a0869-49c3-4fe7-834e-ce3a6a9e2b7c |
$ toit serial monitor
allocation fai�ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
entry 0x400805c8
clearing RTC memory: RTC memory is in inconsistent state
[flash reg] address 0x3f46c000, size 0x00134000
(0.015330) [toit] INFO: booting toit {sdk: v1.6.0-pre.25+c8ae5eaa0, model: esp32-4mb}
(0.021534) [toit.scheduler] INFO: set initial run_level {run_level: 4}
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (20480 >= 18432)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | byte array allocation failed, length = 16 (heap)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 20kb -> 8kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 93kb | free: 9kb->149kb (largest 108kb) 1.170ms]
(0.090487) [toit.state] INFO: starting new session {session_id: 3, session_time: 0.097916}
(0.110050) [toit.kernel] INFO: using model parameters {cellular.cts: 18, cellular.enabled: 1, cellular.monarch: 1, cellular.pwr: 27, cellular.rts: 19, cellular.rx: 23, cellular.tx: 5}
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (24576 >= 24576)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | byte array allocation failed, length = 511 (heap)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 24kb -> 12kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 102kb | free: 9kb->141kb (largest 108kb) 1.541ms]
(0.151542) [toit] ERROR: boot-report: unable to report, out of event queue space
(0.172902) [toit.console_sync] INFO: loaded last console sync {time: null}
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (32768 >= 30720)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 32kb -> 16kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 118kb | free: 8kb->124kb (largest 108kb) 1.907ms]
(0.198732) [toit.scheduler] INFO: running job {job: console_sync}
(0.201560) [toit.scheduler] INFO: running job {job: flush_metrics}
(0.203448) [toit.scheduler] INFO: running job {job: poll_metric_flash_usage}
(0.209759) [toit.scheduler] INFO: running job {job: poll_metric_memory_profile}
(0.219430) [toit.console] INFO: waiting for console connection to be established
(0.224063) [] DEBUG: connecting {network: Cellular (}
(0.231726) [toit.metrics] INFO: persisting metrics
(0.234937) [toit.metrics] INFO: flushing metrics
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (36892 >= 36864)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | byte array allocation failed, length = 74 (heap)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 36kb -> 24kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 126kb | free: 12kb->116kb (largest 104kb) 2.198ms]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (53276 >= 49194)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 52kb -> 24kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 159kb | free: 12kb->84kb (largest 72kb) 2.382ms]
(0.470229) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(0.731572) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(0.992038) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(1.252714) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(1.513491) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(1.773862) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(2.034478) [toit] INFO: -> AT
(2.214765) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.319922) [toit] INFO: -> ATE0
(2.327523) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.353037) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CMEE=2
(2.358702) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.380866) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CGMM
(2.386320) [toit] INFO: <- FiPy
(2.388951) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.410814) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CGMR
(2.431803) [toit] INFO: <- UE5.4.0.2
(2.434345) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.456374) [toit] INFO: -> AT+SQNCCID?
(2.461757) [toit] INFO: <- +SQNCCID: "",""
(2.464136) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.466604) [toit.cellular] DEBUG: initialized {model: FiPy, version: UE5.4.0.2, iccid: }
(2.486317) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CFUN=4
(2.553200) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(2.575493) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CPIN?
(2.581141) [toit] INFO: <- +CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | soft limit reached (53276 >= 49194)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | byte array allocation failed, length = 618 (heap)]
[gc @ 0x3ffcf9f0* | heap: 52kb -> 24kb | external: 0kb -> 0kb | used: 165kb | free: 10kb->78kb (largest 68kb) 2.534ms]
(2.850084) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CPIN?
(2.855890) [toit] INFO: <- +CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
(3.110527) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CPIN?
(3.204604) [toit] INFO: <- +CPIN: READY
(3.206967) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.229198) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CPSMS=0
(3.236485) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.259136) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CEDRXS=0
(3.266274) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.288701) [toit] INFO: -> AT+SQNIBRCFG=0
(3.308236) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.330825) [toit] INFO: -> AT+SQNIPSCFG=1,100
(3.347980) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.370640) [toit] INFO: -> AT+SQNBANDSEL=0,"standard","20"
(3.440162) [toit] INFO: <- +SQNBANDSEL: <custom>
(3.442602) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.464944) [toit] INFO: -> AT+SQNBANDSEL=1,"standard","20"
(3.472710) [toit] INFO: <- +CME ERROR: operation not supported
(3.494706) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CGDCONT?
(3.500897) [toit] INFO: <- +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","",,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0
(3.503664) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.526353) [toit] INFO: -> AT+CFUN=1,1
(3.585695) [toit] INFO: <- OK
(3.641369) [toit] INFO: <- *ignored* [URC] +SHUTDOWN []
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