Reformatted from original source:
Define a short to be a little-endian two byte integer. The file header is then described in the following table.
Component | Offset | End | Length | Type | Description |
Checksum | 0x00 | 0x01 | 0x2 | short | overall file checksum |
File Magic | 0x02 | 0x0D | 0xC | string | NUL-terminated constant string: 4143 524f 5353 2644 4f57 4e00 ("ACROSS&DOWN" ) |
The following checksums are described in more detail in a separate section below.
Component | Offset | End | Length | Type | Description |
CIB Checksum | 0x0E | 0x0F | 0x2 | short | (defined later) |
Masked Low Checksums | 0x10 | 0x13 | 0x4 | A set of checksums, XOR-masked against a magic string. | |
Masked High Checksums | 0x14 | 0x17 | 0x4 | A set of checksums, XOR-masked against a magic string. |
Component | Offset | End | Length | Type | Description |
Version String(?) | 0x18 | 0x1B | 0x4 | string | e.g. "1.2\0" |
Reserved1C(?) | 0x1C | 0x1D | 0x2 | ? | In many files, this is uninitialized memory |
Scrambled Checksum | 0x1E | 0x1F | 0x2 | short | In scrambled puzzles, a checksum of the real solution (details below). Otherwise, 0x0000. |
Width | 0x2C | 0x2C | 0x1 | byte | The width of the board |
Height | 0x2D | 0x2D | 0x1 | byte | The height of the board |
# of Clues | 0x2E | 0x2F | 0x2 | short | The number of clues for this board |
Unknown Bitmask | 0x30 | 0x31 | 0x2 | short | A bitmask. Operations unknown. |
Scrambled Tag | 0x32 | 0x33 | 0x2 | short | 0 for unscrambled puzzles. Nonzero (often 4) for scrambled puzzles. |
Next come the board solution and player state. (If a player works on a puzzle and then saves their game, the cells they've filled are stored in the state. Otherwise the state is all blank cells and contains a subset of the information in the solution.)
Boards are stored as a single string of ASCII, with one character per cell of the board beginning at the top-left and scanning in reading order, left to right then top to bottom. We'll use this board as a running example (where # represents a black cell, and the letters are the filled-in solution).
# # A
# # R
At the end of the header (offset 0x34
) comes the solution to the puzzle. Non-playable (ie: black) cells are denoted by .
So for this example, the board is stored as nine bytes: CAT..A..R
Next comes the player state, stored similarly. Empty cells are stored as -
, so the example board before any cells had been filled in is stored as: ---..-..-
Immediately following the boards comes the strings. All strings are encoded in ISO-8859-1 and end with a NUL. Even if a string is empty, its trailing NUL still appears in the file. In order, the strings are:
Description | Example |
Title | Theme: .PUZ format |
Author | J. Puz / W. Shortz |
Copyright | (c) 2007 J. Puz |
Clue#1 | Cued, in pool |
... | ...more clues... |
Clue#n | Quiet |
Notes | http://mywebsite |
These first three example strings would appear in the file as the following, where \0
represents a NUL: Theme: .PUZ format\0J. Puz / W. Shortz\0(c) 2007 J. Puz\0
In some NYT puzzles, a "Note" has been included in the title instead of using the designated notes field. In all the examples we've seen, the note has been separated from the title by a space (ASCII 0x20
) and begins with the string "NOTE:" or "Note:". It's not known if this is flagged anywhere else in the file. It doesn't seem that Across Lite handles these notes - they are just included with the title (which looks ugly).
The clues are arranged numerically. When two clues have the same number, the Across clue comes before the Down clue.
Nowhere in the file does it specify which cells get numbers or which clues correspond to which numbers. These are instead derived from the shape of the puzzle.
Here's a sketch of one way to assign numbers and clues to cells. First, some helper functions:
# Returns true if the cell at (x, y) gets an "across" clue number.
def cell_needs_across_number(x, y):
# Check that there is no blank to the left of us
if x == 0 or is_black_cell(x-1, y):
# Check that there is space (at least two cells) for a word here
if x+1 < width and is_black_cell(x+1):
return True
return False
def cell_needs_down_number(x, y):
# above, but on the y axis
And then the actual assignment code:
# An array mapping across clues to the "clue number".
# So across_numbers[2] = 7 means that the 3rd across clue number points at cell number 7.
across_numbers = []
cur_cell_number = 1
# Iterate through th
for y in 0..height:
for x in 0..width:
if is_black_cell(x, y):
assigned_number = False
if cell_needs_across_number(x, y):
cell_numbers[x][y] = cell_number
assigned_number = True
if cell_needs_down_number(x, y):
# above, with "down" instead
if assigned_number:
cell_number += 1
The file format uses a variety of checksums.
The checksumming routine used in PUZ is a variant of CRC-16. To checksum a region of memory, the following is used:
unsigned short cksum_region(unsigned char *base, int len, unsigned short cksum) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (cksum & 0x0001)
cksum = (cksum >> 1) + 0x8000;
cksum = cksum >> 1;
cksum += *(base+i);
return cksum;
The CIB checksum (which appears as its own field in the header as well as elsewhere) is a checksum over eight bytes of the header starting at the board width:
c_cib = cksum_region(data + 0x2C, 8, 0);
The primary board checksum uses the CIB checksum and other data:
cksum = c_cib;
cksum = cksum_region(solution, w*h, cksum);
cksum = cksum_region(grid, w*h, cksum);
if (strlen(title) > 0)
cksum = cksum_region(title, strlen(title)+1, cksum);
if (strlen(author) > 0)
cksum = cksum_region(author, strlen(author)+1, cksum);
if (strlen(copyright) > 0)
cksum = cksum_region(copyright, strlen(copyright)+1, cksum);
for (i = 0; i < num_of_clues; i++)
cksum = cksum_region(clue[i], strlen(clue[i]), cksum);
if (strlen(notes) > 0)
cksum = cksum_region(notes, strlen(notes)+1, cksum);
The values from 0x10
are a real pain to generate. They are the result of masking off and XORing four checksums; 0x10
are the low bytes, while 0x14
are the high bytes.
To calculate these bytes, we must first calculate four checksums:
CIB Checksum:
c_cib = cksum_region(CIB, 0x08, 0x0000);
Solution Checksum:
c_sol = cksum_region(solution, w*h, 0x0000);
Grid Checksum:
c_grid = cksum_region(grid, w*h, 0x0000);
A partial board checksum:
c_part = 0x0000; if (strlen(title) > 0) c_part = cksum_region(title, strlen(title)+1, c_part); if (strlen(author) > 0) c_part = cksum_region(author, strlen(author)+1, c_part); if (strlen(copyright) > 0) c_part = cksum_region(copyright, strlen(copyright)+1, c_part); for (int i = 0; i < n_clues; i++) c_part = cksum_region(clue[i], strlen(clue[i]), c_part); if (strlen(notes) > 0) c_part = cksum_region(notes, strlen(notes)+1, c_part);
Once these four checksums are obtained, they're stuffed into the file thusly:
file[0x10] = 0x49 ^ (c_cib & 0xFF);
file[0x11] = 0x43 ^ (c_sol & 0xFF);
file[0x12] = 0x48 ^ (c_grid & 0xFF);
file[0x13] = 0x45 ^ (c_part & 0xFF);
file[0x14] = 0x41 ^ ((c_cib & 0xFF00) >> 8);
file[0x15] = 0x54 ^ ((c_sol & 0xFF00) >> 8);
file[0x16] = 0x45 ^ ((c_grid & 0xFF00) >> 8);
file[0x17] = 0x44 ^ ((c_part & 0xFF00) >> 8);
Note that these hex values in ASCII are the string "ICHEATED".

I need to write an import method to get the Word and Clue from several .puz files I made when I was a teacher. I know you have broken it down above but I am not use to working with binary files (mainly just text) how do I get just the word and clues out of the file?