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Created April 24, 2015 20:03
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Make a manifest file for Aspera.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Kamil Slowikowski
# Make a manifest file suitable for Aspera.
# Example
# -------
# Suppose we wish to send a folder full of files called "data". We want
# to maintain the directory structure of our files inside "data".
# tree /path/to/data
# /path/to/data
# |-- file1.txt
# |-- file2.txt
# `-- folder1
# `-- file3.txt
# 1 directory, 3 files
# The manifest file should contain the full path to each file in the first
# column. The second column should contain the partial path, omitting
# directories that are specific to the machine you are using.
# Invoke this script like so:
# ./ /path/to/data /path/to/ > manifest.txt
# The resulting manifest.txt file will look like this:
# /path/to/data/file1.txt data/file1.txt
# /path/to/data/file2.txt data/file2.txt
# /path/to/data/folder1/file3.txt data/folder1/file3.txt
# Notice that the second column does not contain the string "/path/to/".
# See Also
# --------
if [[ ! -d "$1" || "$2" == "" ]]; then
echo "usage: $0 DIR TRIM"
exit 1
find "$DIR" -type f \
| perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_\t"; s{'$TRIM'}{}; s{/[^/]+$}{}; print "$_\n"'
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