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Created July 8, 2018 23:26
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Finding the latitude and longitude by address with the Google Maps API

Finding coordinates by address with the Google Maps API


// Google maps - Geocoding
function google_maps_search($address, $key = '')
    $url = sprintf('', urlencode($address), urlencode($key));
    $response = file_get_contents($url);
    $data = json_decode($response, 'true');
    return $data;

function map_google_search_result($geo)
    if (empty($geo['status']) || $geo['status'] != 'OK' || empty($geo['results'][0])) {
        return null;
    $data = $geo['results'][0];
    $postalcode = '';
    foreach ($data['address_components'] as $comp) {
        if (!empty($comp['types'][0]) && ($comp['types'][0] == 'postal_code')) {
            $postalcode = $comp['long_name'];
    $location = $data['geometry']['location'];
    $formatAddress = !empty($data['formated_address']) ? $data['formated_address'] : null;
    $placeId = !empty($data['place_id']) ? $data['place_id'] : null;

    $result = [
        'lat' => $location['lat'],
        'lng' => $location['lng'],
        'postal_code' => $postalcode,
        'formated_address' => $formatAddress,
        'place_id' => $placeId,
    return $result;

// Usage

// Your google API key
// 2,500 free requests per day, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries.
// 50 requests per second, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries.
$googleKey = '';

$zip = '10117';
$street = 'Friedrichstrasse 106';
$city = 'Berlin';
$country = 'DE';
$search = implode(', ', [$street, $zip, $city, $country]);

$geoData = google_maps_search($search, $googleKey);
if (!$geoData) {
    echo "Error: " . $id . "\n";

$mapData = map_google_search_result($geoData);

echo $mapData['lat']; // 52.5227797
echo "\n";
echo $mapData['lng']; // 13.3880986
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