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Fix payload constructor parameters
declare module 'dialogflow-fulfillment' {
import { DialogflowConversation } from 'actions-on-google';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
export class Card extends RichResponse {
constructor(card: string | object);
public setButton(button: {
text: string,
url: string,
}): Card;
public setImage(imageUrl: string): Card;
public setText(text: string): Card;
public setTitle(title: string): Card;
private getV1ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
private getV2ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
export class Image extends RichResponse {
constructor(image: string | {
imageUrl: string,
platform: string,
public setImage(imageUrl: string): Image;
private getV1ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
private getV2ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
export class Payload extends RichResponse {
payload: any;
constructor(platform: string, payload: any, options?: { sendAsMessage?: boolean, rawPayload?: boolean });
public setPayload(payload: string): Payload;
private getPayload_(platform: string): object;
private getV1ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
private getV2ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
export class Suggestion extends RichResponse {
constructor(suggestion: string | object);
public setReply(reply: string): Suggestion;
private addReply_(reply: string): void;
private getV1ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
private getV2ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
export class Text extends RichResponse {
constructor(text: string | object);
public setSsml(ssml: string): Text;
public setText(text: string): Text;
private getV1ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
private getV2ResponseObject_(platform: string): object;
export class RichResponse {
platform: string;
public setPlatform(platform: string): RichResponse
/** Handles the communication with Dialogflow's webhook fulfillment API v1 & v2 with support for rich responses across 8 platforms and Dialogflow's simulator */
export class WebhookClient {
/** The agent version (v1 or v2) based on Dialogflow webhook request */
public readonly agentVersion: string;
/** Dialogflow intent name or null if no value */
public readonly intent: string;
/** Dialogflow action or null if no value */
public readonly action: string;
/** Dialogflow parameters included in the request or null if no value */
public readonly parameters: { [key: string]: string };
/** Dialogflow contexts included in the request or null if no value */
public readonly contexts: {
name: string,
lifespan: number,
parameters: object,
/** Dialogflow source included in the request or null if no value */
public readonly requestSource: string;
/** Dialogflow original request object from detectIntent/query or platform integration (Google Assistant, Slack, etc.) in the request or null if no value */
public readonly originalRequest: object;
/** Original user query as indicated by Dialogflow or null if no value */
public readonly query: string;
/** Original request language code or locale (i.e. "en" or "en-US") */
public readonly locale: string;
/** Conversation session identifier of the format projects/{project}/agent/sessions/{session} or projects/{project}/agent/environments/{environment}/users/{user}/sessions/{session} */
public readonly session: string;
/** List of messages defined in Dialogflow's console for the matched intent */
public readonly consoleMessages: RichResponse[];
/** List of alternative query results. Query results can be from other Dialogflow intents or Knowledge Connectors */
public readonly alternativeQueryResults: object;
* Constructor for WebhookClient object To be used in the Dialogflow fulfillment webhook logic
* @param options JSON configuration with { request: Express HTTP request object, response: Express HTTP response object }
constructor(options: { request: Request, response: Response } | object);
* Add a response or list of responses to be sent to Dialogflow
* @param responses (list) or single responses
public add(responses: RichResponse | string | RichResponse[] | string[] | DialogflowConversation): void;
* Add a response or list of responses to be sent to Dialogflow and end the conversation.
* Note: Only supported on Dialogflow v2's telephony gateway, Google Assistant and Alexa integrations
* @param responses (list) or single responses
public end(responses: RichResponse | string | RichResponse[] | string[]): void;
* Handles the incoming Dialogflow request using a handler or Map of handlers Each handler must be a function callback.
* @param handler map of Dialogflow action name to handler function or function to handle all requests (regardless of Dialogflow action).
public handleRequest(handler: Map<string, (agent: WebhookClient) => void>|((agent: WebhookClient) => void)): Promise<any>;
* Set a new Dialogflow outgoing context
* @param context name of context or an object representing a context
public setContext(context: string | object): WebhookClient;
* Clear all existing outgoing contexts
public clearOutgoingContexts(): WebhookClient;
* Clear an existing outgoing context
* @param context name of an existing outgoing context
public clearContext(context: string): WebhookClient;
* Get an context from the Dialogflow webhook request
* @param contextName name of an context present in the Dialogflow webhook request
public getContext(contextName: string): {
name: string,
lifespan: number,
parameters: object,
* Set the followup event
* @param event string with the name of the event or an event object
public setFollowupEvent(event: string | object): void;
* Get Actions on Google DialogflowConversation object
public conv(): DialogflowConversation<any>;
private existingSuggestion_(platform: string): Suggestion | null;
private addResponse_(response: RichResponse | string): void;
private existingPayload_(platform: string): Payload | null;
private send_(): void;
declare module 'dialogflow-fulfillment/src/rich-responses/rich-response' {
export const PLATFORMS: {
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