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FUSE + Monorepo is the next k8s

Son Luong Ngoc sluongng

FUSE + Monorepo is the next k8s
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robinp /
Last active December 5, 2020 07:14
Indexing Kythe Go parts
bazel build kythe/go/languageserver/... --experimental_action_listener kythe/go/extractors/cmd/bazel:extract_kzip_go
./bazel-bin/kythe/go/indexer/cmd/go_indexer/go_indexer $(find bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/extra_actions -name '*.go.kzip') > go.ents
./bazel-bin/kythe/go/serving/tools/write_tables/write_tables --experimental_beam_pipeline --entries go.ents --out /data/kythe/beamed
# To serve it:
# Note: public_resources set to /tmp since not needed when only API is used.
./bazel-bin/kythe/go/serving/tools/http_server/http_server --serving_table /data/kythe/beamed --listen --public_resources /tmp

Turning Off Github Issues

My friend Michael Jackson turned off github issues on one of his smaller projects. It got me thinking...

Maintainers getting burned out is a problem. Not just for the users of a project but the mental health of the maintainer. It's a big deal for both parties. Consumers want great tools, maintainers want to create them, but maintainers don't want to be L1 tech support, that's why they

staltz /
Last active March 3, 2025 08:27
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing