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Last active October 27, 2022 12:44
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Postman OAuth signature generator (Pre-request Scripts)
* This is a Pre-request script for Postman client to remediate OAuth 1.0a issue
* where certain request fails if it has a query parameter that includes some special characters.
* NOTE: This Pre-script is only available for "GET" request.
* There's a workaround for POST request.
* See:
* In order to use this Pre-request script, you need to change your "Authorization" type to
* "No Auth" only for the target request and do not apply to the top-level object.
const oauth_consumer_key = pm.environment.get('consumer_key');
const oauth_consumer_secret = pm.environment.get('consumer_secret');
const oauth_token = pm.environment.get('access_token');
const oauth_secret = pm.environment.get('token_secret');
const oauth_signing_key = `${oauth_consumer_secret}&${oauth_secret}`;
// create random oauth_nonce string
const random_source = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var oauth_nonce = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
oauth_nonce += random_source.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * random_source.length));
const oauth_parameter_string_object = {};
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_consumer_key = oauth_consumer_key;
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_token = oauth_token;
const oauth_nonce_array = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(oauth_nonce);
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_nonce = encodeURIComponent(CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(oauth_nonce_array));
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1';
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_version = '1.0';
oauth_parameter_string_object.oauth_timestamp = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
// for Authorization request header (copy object)
const oauth_authorization_header_object = {};
for (var key in oauth_parameter_string_object) {
oauth_authorization_header_object[key] = oauth_parameter_string_object[key];
// convert query string into object (+ encode)
const url_query_string = pm.request.url.getQueryString({
ignoreDisabled: true
const url_query_string_array = url_query_string.split('&');
let url_query_string_object = {};
if (url_query_string !== "") {
url_query_string_object = JSON.parse(`{"${url_query_string.replace(/&/g, '","').replace(/=/g,'":"')}"}`, function(key, value) {return key === "" ? value : encodeURIComponent(value)});
// parse request.params
for (var key in url_query_string_object) {
oauth_parameter_string_object[key] = url_query_string_object[key];
// sort object by key
const oauth_parameter_string_object_ordered = {};
Object.keys(oauth_parameter_string_object).sort().forEach(function(key) {
oauth_parameter_string_object_ordered[key] = oauth_parameter_string_object[key];
// convert object into array
const oauth_parameter_string_array = [];
for (var key in oauth_parameter_string_object_ordered) {
// generate parameter string
const oauth_parameter_string = oauth_parameter_string_array.join('&');
// replace dynamic variables
let base_host = pm.request.url.getOAuth1BaseUrl();
let regexp = /{{(.*?)}}/g;
while (result = regexp.exec(base_host)) {
let value = pm.environment.get(result[1]);
base_host = base_host.replace(new RegExp(`{{${result[1]}}}`, 'g'), value);
// generate base string
const oauth_base_string = `${pm.request.method}&${encodeURIComponent(base_host)}&${encodeURIComponent(oauth_parameter_string)}`;
// generate signature
const oauth_signature = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(oauth_base_string, oauth_signing_key));
oauth_authorization_header_object.oauth_signature = encodeURIComponent(oauth_signature);
// convert object into array (for Authorization header string)
const oauth_authorization_header_array = [];
for (var key in oauth_authorization_header_object) {
const oauth_authorization_header = oauth_authorization_header_array.join(', ');
// generate Authorization header
key: 'Authorization',
value: 'OAuth ' + oauth_authorization_header
// Escape URI parameters using encodeURIComponent => RFC3986
if (url_query_string_array.length !== 0) {
const request_parameter_array = [];
for (var key in url_query_string_object) {
request_parameter_array.push(key + '=' + url_query_string_object[key]);
const request_parameter_string = request_parameter_array.join('&');
pm.request.url = pm.request.url.getOAuth1BaseUrl() + "?" + request_parameter_string;
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onruto commented Jul 14, 2022

ReferenceError: result is not defined

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