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A simple starter for Lets Encrypt using Powershell and IIS Central Certificates Store
* You have Password Safe Software with an API that is accessible from a Powershell module
* You have IIS already configured with the Central Certificate Store
* You use GoDaddy for DNS
# 1. Install Posh-ACME (
Install-Module Posh-ACME
#Import-Module Posh-ACME
# These are some useful commands to get started with Posh-ACME
# get-command -module Posh-ACME
# get-command -module Posh-ACME *cert*
# 2. Setup your hostname. This host should be registered with GoDaddy.
$hostname = ""
# 3. Create an account with ACME.
$accountId = New-PAAccount -Contact [email protected] -KeyLength 4096 -AcceptTOS
Set-PAAccount -ID $accountId # You should store your accountId in a password safe
# 4. Import your Password Safe module
Import-Module SecretServer
# 5. Get GoDaddy API Keys
$goDaddySecret = Get-SecretServerSecret -Filter "Posh-ACME"
$pArgs = @{
GDKey = $goDaddySecret.Username
GDSecret = $goDaddySecret.Password
# 6. Create a new Let's Encrypt Certificate with ownership verification using GoDaddy DNS
New-PACertificate -Domain $hostname -AcceptTOS -DnsPlugin GoDaddy -PluginArgs $pArgs
# 7. Retrieve the certificate
$cert = Get-PACertificate -MainDomain $hostname
# 8. Import the certificate into the local machines Certificate Manager
# Import-PfxCertification:
Import-Module CertificatesModule
Import-PfxCertificate -CertPath $cert.PfxFullChain -PfxPass $cert.PfxPass
# 9. Pull the certificate password used in the Central Certificate Store from the Password Safe
$sharedSslSecret = Get-SecretServerSecret -Filter "Shared SSL PFX"
$securedSslPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $sharedSslSecret.Password -AsPlainText -Force
# 10. Export the certificate to the Central Certificate Store's shared directory
$sharedPfxFilePath = "D:\AllContent\SharedSSL\Local\$hostname.pfx"
$certPath = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$($cert.Thumbprint)"
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certPath -ChainOption BuildChain -FilePath $sharedPfxFilePath -Password $securedSslPassword -Force
If the Central Certificate Store in IIS is unable to read certificates generated by Let's Encrypt the
problem is most likely that the account which it runs under doesn't have access
to the Let's Encrypt Authority X3 certificate in the mmc.exe's Certificate Registry. (this is middle
certificate in the chain)
Full Description: (look for Steven Maglio's response)
You will need to open up mmc.exe as the user account that the Central Certificate Store run unders
and import any Let's Encrypt generated certificate into the CurrentUser\My store. This will import
the missing certificate and things should then work.
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