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Last active December 16, 2024 08:18
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Smooth Pose Estimation Data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cv2, os
import scipy
from scipy import signal
import csv
circle_color, line_color = (255,255,0), (0,0,255)
window_length, polyorder = 13, 2
sd = "workout"
input_source = "/home/stephen/Desktop/" + sd + '.MP4'
# Get pose data - data is generated by OpenPose
df = pd.read_csv('/home/stephen/Desktop/' +sd+ '.csv')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_source)
hw = 720
out = cv2.VideoWriter('/home/stephen/Desktop/smooth_pose.avi',
cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'), 30, (hw,hw))
# There are 15 points in the skeleton
pairs = [[0,1], # head
[1,2],[1,5], # sholders
[2,3],[3,4],[5,6],[6,7], # arms
[1,14],[14,11],[14,8], # hips
[8,9],[9,10],[11,12],[12,13]] # legs
# Smooth it out
for i in range(30): df[str(i)] = signal.savgol_filter(df[str(i)], window_length, polyorder)
frame_number = 0
while True:
ret, img =
if not ret: break
#img = np.zeros_like(img)
values = np.array(df.values[frame_number], int)
points, lateral_offset = [], 18
points = list(zip(values[:15]+lateral_offset, values[15:]))
cc = 0
for point in points:
cc += 90
xy = tuple(np.array([point[0], point[1]], int)), xy, 5, (cc,cc,cc), 5)
# Draw Skeleton
for pair in pairs:
partA = pair[0]
partB = pair[1]
cv2.line(img, points[partA], points[partB], line_color, 3, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow('Output-Skeleton', img)
k = cv2.waitKey(100)
if k == 27: break
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Hello Stephen.
Congratulation for your high level of juggling ! Awsome vids and code.
I just tried your code and it gives me this error :

Can you help me with this ?
Thank you so much for your participation !

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samc24 commented Mar 27, 2019

Hey Stephen,

I have the same problem mentioned above. What do you think could be the reason for this?

Thanks for all the help so far!

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I have updated the file, and hopefully that will fix the error. It's best to open the .csv file that contains the saved pose data form the OpenPose model. Check that the data has been written correctly. The first 15 columns are the x_coordinates for the body keypoints, and the last 15 columns are the y_coordinates for the body keypoints.

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I get this error when I run the line where it applies the savgol filter.

File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 559, in polyfit
raise TypeError("expected x and y to have same length")

TypeError: expected x and y to have same length`

Anyone has an idea how to fix that? Thank you!

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@smeschke You using the points locally. How to apply it online? I mean applying filters JIT

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@jinfagang This isn't going to work JIT or realtime. Smoothing only works if the starting position and the ending position of the object are known. The path from the start to the end is smoothed. This will not work in real-time because the computer doesn't know where to smooth to.

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Is there any method that can be implemented in real-time?

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