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Created September 29, 2022 05:41
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Terratest validated Cluster Name from GKE
package main
import (
test_structure ""
func TestGKEClusterName(t *testing.T) {
// expected value cluster name
expectedClusterName := "kubernetes-test"
// expected value zone name
// enable regional zonal
expectedZoneName := "asia-southeast1-a"
// copy folder terraform project to tmp
outFolder := test_structure.CopyTerraformFolderToTemp(t, "./", "test_tmp")
// website::tag::1::Configure Terraform setting path to Terraform code, bucket name, and instance name. Construct
// the terraform options with default retryable errors to handle the most common retryable errors in terraform
// testing.
planFilePath := filepath.Join(outFolder, "plan_tmp.out")
terraformOptions := terraform.WithDefaultRetryableErrors(t, &terraform.Options{
// The path to where our Terraform code is located
TerraformDir: ".",
// Variables to pass to our Terraform code using -var options
Vars: map[string]interface{}{},
PlanFilePath: planFilePath,
Logger: logger.Discard,
// output terraform plan out
planOut := terraform.InitAndPlanAndShowWithStruct(t, terraformOptions)
gkeClusterStruct := planOut.ResourcePlannedValuesMap["module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary"]
gkeResponseClusterName := gkeClusterStruct.AttributeValues["name"]
gkeResponseClusterLocation := gkeClusterStruct.AttributeValues["location"]
// expected cluster name is kubernetes-test
assert.Equal(t, expectedClusterName, gkeResponseClusterName)
// expected zonal is asia-southeast1
assert.Equal(t, expectedZoneName, gkeResponseClusterLocation)
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