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Last active June 26, 2017 11:10
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  • Save smileyborg/cda66d542f304b14d5e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save smileyborg/cda66d542f304b14d5e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to convert textual imports to framework imports. Useful when converting static libraries to dynamic frameworks.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'set'
UMBRELLA_HEADER_PATH = ARGV[0] # The path to the umbrella header containing all the headers
SOURCE_ROOT_PATH = ARGV[1] # The path containing the source files to convert (will be recursively searched)
FRAMEWORK_NAME = File.basename(UMBRELLA_HEADER_PATH, ".*") # Assumes that the framework name is the same as the umbrella header filename (e.g. "MyFramework" for "MyFramework.h")
UMBRELLA_IMPORT_REGEX = /#import\s+<#{FRAMEWORK_NAME}\/.+\.h>/ # Matches "#import <FrameworkName/Header.h>"
FRAMEWORK_HEADER_REGEX = /(?<=<#{FRAMEWORK_NAME}\/).+\.h(?=>)/ # Matches "Header.h" in "<FrameworkName/Header.h>"
# Read all of the headers in the framework umbrella header into the umbrella_headers Set,
# which will look something like: { "HeaderOne.h", "HeaderTwo.h", "HeaderThree.h", ... }
umbrella_headers =
File.readlines(UMBRELLA_HEADER_PATH).each do |line|
header = FRAMEWORK_HEADER_REGEX.match(line)[0]
HEADER_IMPORT_REGEX = /#import\s+".+\.h"/
HEADER_REGEX = /(?<=").+\.h(?=")/
# Recurse through the source root, and for each file, look at all the #import "..." lines, then
# extract out the header file name from that and check if that header is included in the
# umbrella_headers Set. If so, replace that header's textual import with a framework style import.
Dir.glob("#{SOURCE_ROOT_PATH}/**/*.{h,m}") do |source_file|
# Read the lines of this file, replacing any textual imports for headers in the umbrella header with framework imports
modified_lines = File.readlines(source_file).map do |line|
if HEADER_IMPORT_REGEX.match(line)
header = HEADER_REGEX.match(line)[0]
if umbrella_headers.include?(header)
next "#import <#{FRAMEWORK_NAME}/#{header}>"
# Write this file back out to the filesystem, 'w') do |file|
file.puts modified_lines
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Thank you a lot!
Consider several changes

Dir.glob("#{SOURCE_ROOT_PATH}/**/*.{h,m,mm,pch}") do |source_file| # find also mm & pch

next "#import <#{FRAMEWORK_NAME}/#{header}>\n" # add newline to changed string 

file.write modified_lines.join("") # instead of puts as it add newline to the end that could lead to changes for git

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